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Shadowrun total converison?


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so having put over 100 hours into fallout new vegas and probably about the same in fallout 3, and with the new implants in nv with things like bone augmentation and neural implants and cybernetic dogs and such it got me to thinking about shadowrun.


so anyone familiar with SR and just people familiar with major tcs in general how realistic or practical would it be to convert nv into a full blow shadowrun world maybe based off seattle or london, seems like all the base things are in there for the games systems, body augmentations, visual augmentations, skill implants, seems like you could make maybe modular limbs or retexes for cybernetic limbs etc.


not even talking about making quests and junk but recreating a city like the SR seattle and the surrounding areas, creating dwarves, trolls, implementing a matrix for the city and a astral plane for shamans etc.


totally crazy or maybe remotely doable given enough time and effort?

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lol i been waiting for a good sr rpg game or mmo for well since the nes and no sign of any being made these days yet. ms had the rights and sat on them for about 10 years till smith and tinker, the former head of fasa, optioned the digital rights away form them a year or two ago.


so be another 4 to 10 years if ever we see a sr game in this day n age.


so i was just curious and yea it sounds like a massive undertaking just recreating the world nm adding quests ai etc etc, i was throwing the idea out there.

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Probably can't recreate Shadowrun per se in FONV because of copyright, but could certainly create a cyberpunk setting.


yea tho it might be easier to do now that microsoft does not own the digital rights anymore, and i dunno the laws are pretty lax if it is a free thing, probably would need to inquire some if it ever got rolling or change the names etc. was some guys working on a free sr mmo but last i checked after a few years seems they not gotten a whole heck of a lot done. but they did get it cleared from MS since they held the rights when they started the project.


a lot could depend on what exactly S&T has planned with SR, atm their main focus seems to be resurrecting mechwarrior form the limbo ms kept it in, but if they have big plans that might make them less inclined to let some people do something like this, on the other hand tho a free tc of their ip for a popular game might get their brand a bit more exposure if it turned out well and hell if it ever got finished, some of these tcs take years and years of work see black mesa for hl2, but if it blew up that might make them more inclined to put more work in digitizing shadowrun down the line.

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There's a reason you don't see TCs around. They're MASSIVE efforts. I mean, New Vegas is basically just a TC of Fallout 3, and look how long THAT took.



But you did give me an idea. I have some checking to do when I get home from work.

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There's a reason you don't see TCs around. They're MASSIVE efforts. I mean, New Vegas is basically just a TC of Fallout 3, and look how long THAT took.



But you did give me an idea. I have some checking to do when I get home from work.


well glad some people like the idea and yea maybe other spin offs from it, if it ever did get rolling and we got enough people hell i would not mind trying to help do textures and some hacking here and there.

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