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White screen issue revisited


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I have a couple of games that produce the white screen effect right after the Solas talk and right before the journey to Skyhold. I've tried several fixes to correct this with limited success but the problem resurfaces after a day or two. I wanted to document what I tried for posterity in case anyone else has the same issues.


-Did a complete repair on my game
-Downloaded a new copy of DAI Mod Manager
-Installed mods using the current Patch 5 method, running MM as an administrator
Results: Games at a save point past the Skyhold journey load but those made before won't load due to version error. Changing the version number in the package file does not work

-Repaired game again
-removed all mods from the equation and just created a merge with the vanilla patch
Results: No games will load. Version number error present, changing number won't work.

In addition to all this, I've tried running the game windowed, with Origin offline, with all security disabled, using the lowest possible graphics settings and all of the above at the same time. I made sure that all drivers for everything are updated. None of these solutions work.

I've spent the better part of two weeks on this and that's enough. I'll check back here from time to time to see if any one responds but I'm switching to a vanilla game and starting over. They've made the game too hard to mod and the fixes are going too far above my comfort level as a computer user. There just seem to be more and more people having the same issues so I hope someone's happy for all our troubles. I'm certainly not.

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I tried that about 6 times now, Osben. It doesn't work. The games still won't load. This is where I get the "newer version" pop up warning.


I have come to the conclusion after all the time I've put into fixing this problem, (about 20 hours now), that mods that affect the appearance of the Inquisitor/Herald are the cause of my issues. If I remove any mods that alter apearance, the game will progress. I did manange to get a game past the Solas talk before the Skyhold journey by doing just that. Perhaps there's just too much to render with the aesthetics so my game just stops. I plan on discovering which mods are the culprits in the future but I'm burned out on this as you can tell.

Thanks for the advice!

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It must work. I had the same problem, even the same thing with the "newer version" message. But for some reason it worked out anyway. Follow those steps (maybe you missed something)


1. Start your Origin Program

2. Delete your Patch folder

3. Use the repair function of Origin

4. Create a "Merged" folder inside your Update folder

5. Go inside your Mod Manager folder and delete "Patch.daimod"

6. Start Mod Manager 0.48 and choose under options "Force rescan of Patch"

7. Make sure only the official Patch is selected in the list. If so, then merge it into your Merged folder

8. After the merging is complete, copy and paste your Patch folder somewhere else for safekeeping. Then delete the Patch folder inside your Game directory

9. Rename the "Merged" folder to Patch


If you follow every step exactly, i can't imagine why it shouldn't work

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Something else: if it still won't work, you can upload your save file/files anywhere (filedropper for example) and i can try to reach Skyhold for you.

If you do that, please make sure you have saved at the last campfire in front of the snow camp. Just a offer

Edited by Osben
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I had the same problem. For me it was the HD eyes mod that made the trouble. Made the game run with Vanilla patch6 from the snow part to skyhold. After reaching Skyhold i put the modded patch in the game again, and it worked fine with mods.

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  • 5 months later...
I know it's been awhile since this was shown how to be fixed, but I'm wondering how exactly you put in your other mods once the problem has been fixed and gotten past. Since the official patch is in the patch folder, do we just put the other mods in there with it or create a new folder?
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  • 3 months later...

I had HD eyes as well. Got the stuck White screen after talking to Solas on the snowy hill. I did a force close of the game and could see my Inquisitor still standing by the torch as the game closed but of course it's too late to pop back in there. I had other mods as well, and deactivated them one-by-one until I finally dragged my merged mod folder to my desktop and deleted my Patch_ModManager Merge folder (only the Official patch was left in the Mod Manager. I forced a rescan of the Official Patch so no mods would register in the manager. I restarted my game and the cutscene played showing everyone walking to Skyhold, saved, closed the game, put my merged mod folder back in the update folder, re-scanned my mods back in the game through the manager (without a forced scan of the Official Patch this time) and everything works fine now.


Only one thing has me confused though. I seem to recall, on a previous playthrough, that I got to talk to Roderick one last time before he died while in that camp. Did I imagine that? I went straight from the Dawn will Come song, to Solas, to the cutscene to Skyhold. There was one scene where Dorian is sitting by Roderick's side and he appears to have died, but other than that, no interaction with anyone but Mother Gizelle and Solas.

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I'm not entirely sure how I fixed it, but I had HD eyes also, I did multiple things at once, so I am still confused what was the actual thing that solved it. I disabled all of my mods, I then re-scanned the mods, I merged the official patch (and rescan that also). I then turn origin offline. I also am unsure if setting my textures etc to "low" worked, I did that right at the beginning and it didn't work completely. Either way, it's shocking how this is still an issue... What is the actual problem? Is it modding that does it? Would be helpful if someone could tell me, thought I understand if I do not get an answer as this is an old thread now. Thanks any ways, especially to Osben for posting an easy list to follow. :dance:

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  • 4 years later...

Not to resurrect a very old thread capriciously, but it's now October, 2020, and it's happening to me. Has anyone found a fix for this yet? Does anyone know if the Steam version of DAI has fixed it? Tried a mod to skip the whole routine, but unfortunately it didn't work for me.

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