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Your Favorite What If? Question.


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I'd like to lead this off with a few old ones....


What if:


Rosa Parks had owned a car?

Michael Jackson was an only child?

Vampires were real, but only five inches tall?

Aliens really DID build the pyramids?

Cotton Candy came in 56 flavors?

Michael Jordan liked football instead of basketball?

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She'd never hire a chauffeur.

It'd have been just The Jackson.

They already do exist!

They wouldn't let us find out.

There would be a lot more Cotton Candy Collectors around the globe.

He'd have to learn how to jump horizontally.

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What if the world was really flat and Columbus had sailed off the edge?

What if cows came in different flavours of milk?

What if the moon was really made of green cheese?

What if the Leaning Tower of Pisa is straight and the rest of the world is tilted?

What if TV commercials and politicians told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

What if donut holes were entrance ways into other dimensional realms?

What if pigeons were three metres tall?

What if Niagara Falls flowed upwards?

What if Pamela Anderson was famous for her large eyes?

What if aliens built the Great Pyramid but only the one in Los Vegas?

What if .....?

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"What if cows came in different flavours of milk?"

What a brilliant idea!


What if guinea pigs had the ability of mind control?

What if outer space is a lie?

What if citrus fruits were sentient?

What if TV watches us?


That last one has freaked me out, gonna run away and hide now...

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What if bacon grew on trees?

What if tacos grew on vines?

What if burgers came from the ground?

What if pizza came off bushes?

What if black holes existed under every car's passenger seat?

What if people on TV can see us?

What if my roommate could get his chair back?

What if Los Vegas were actually a place?

What if the cake was a lie?

What if the cake wasn't a lie?

What if the cake?

What if we are all just living in an elaborate purgatory?

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What if TV watches us?


That last one has freaked me out, gonna run away and hide now...


Oh no, no, no. Wow I'm freaked out. So the person on the news is watching us 24/7?


What if you could feed a cow anything and its milk was that flavour?

What if music didn't exist?

What if we were cats, wolves, eagles etc.?

What if we all were in stone age?

What if the next poster would post tomorrow?

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What if murderers are psychics who were killing people that will turn bad later?

What if the TSA is really just trying to get into your pants?

What if the above poster was an alien?

What if the above poster was actually trying to shut down these forums?

What if the above poster was actually an alien trying to shut down the Nexus Forums?

What if OP actually posted some more questions?

What if grass were blue?

What if rain really was just some big dude up there taking a leak?

What if the Cookie Monster ate vegetables? Like forever?

What if I dropped a lightsaber upside down?

What if there is no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

What if I had bubblegum eyeballs?

What if I could arbitrarily breed any two animals (ie: Donkey + Lobster = Donkster)?

What if everyone just switched to Google Chrome?

What if I ate myself?

What if someone actually answered my questions?

What if I stopped asking so many questions?

What if I didn't?

What if?

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What if I dropped a lightsaber upside down?

That one is easy. Nearly all lightsabers have a pressure sensor. So, it would only turn on when there is pressure applied on the handle, not possible to turn it on without holding it. It would turn off when you let go of it.


However there are rare lightsabers without it. So I guess if you drop it on the metal floor it would cut through it, quite a bit, then when the hilt itself hits the floor, it would bounce up and land on its side.




What if no one on Earth was the same? I mean everyone is unique, but what if there are no people that shared same interests?

Edited by Omeletter
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what if I wasn't here

what if Alias was sane

what if Blue was not crazy

what if everybody had nuke's

what if someone put laxatives in all the food?

what if you are allergic to honey buns?

what if windows doesn't exist

what if I'm a conspiracy theorist

what if I'm a G-man

what if I'm from the IRS (would you be afraid very afraid)

what if I was chuck norris?

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