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Creation Kit (Skyrim) Source Scripts Missing

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After the New Patch for the Creation Kit I found all the Scripts for the base Game was Deleted (Source & Object).


I have tried to re-install the Creation Kit but to no Avail, the Scripts are still missing.


Anybody Else having this issue, I cant Compile my Current Scripts, (Source Folder went from +-11000 Scripts to 400 (The 400 is from installed mods)).


Bethesda just keep saying they don't support the Creation Kit.


Anyone Know Where I can get a Copy of the Base Source Scrips.


The Objects Version I can get from the .bsa files.



Hi Eben,



Thank you for coming to us with this information ! :smile:


Please note that no official support for Creation Kit is available from Bethesda Technical support, these tools are released as is for users to use. Please visit the forums http://forums.bethsoft.com/forum/184-the-creation-kit/ for more information or fixes.


We apologize for the inconvenience and feel free to reply to this email, if you have any further questions.


Thank you in advance !

Best Regards,
The Bethesda Softworks Team


They don't seem to understand that they removed a Integral part of the Creation Kit and without that Most of the modding possibility in the Creation Kit is now NULL and VOID.

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Might seem strange, but in the event of future CK updates they won't wipe out your vanilla scripts you may have edited anymore. Having them wiped out silently during an update used to be a regular source of pain for a lot of us before they stopped updating.

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