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Glacier Home mod


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Yea. The concept is sort of a mess. I didn't load the screen shot but, there is drop shaft under that middle section. I was trying to do an ice cave with a sink hole in it. It's nuts though lol. I tried to use ice walls for the ceiling. I'm not sure how it's going to hold up. I want it to look like it's all solid ice, except the floor and drop shaft. Might have to change the entrance though. It looks too convenient.


How did you come up with your design? I can't even figure out what pieces you used lol. It's so much cleaner than mine is.

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Normally I have an ide of what I want to do, and I know Skyrim better than I know my own neighbourhood (sad, I know), so I'll look through the cells that I know have a similar look or concept to what I'm going for.

I will admit, when it comes to clutter I'm lazy as sh*t and copy and paste stuff in from other cells. :sweat:

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I'm starting my project over entirely lol. I stretched the intended use of the kit pieces beyond their means in some places. I turns out using cliffs as balconies can cause some problems with clipping from the underside. Reshaping it all would have been a pain so I just decided to start over.


Is there a limit on how often you can change, upload or update a file? I'm sure you can go back an change it cant you? I only looked over the processes of posting a file once the other day and I didn't get all the way through it.

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Nice to see you finally uploaded it! I downloaded it and checked it out. I didn't even know some of the kit pieces you used existed lol. Only thing I couldn't figure out was how to COC into the interior cell. I was able to COC to the exterior though and find the entrance from there.


On that note where is the guy who requested this? lol.

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You forgot to add a map marker. They are very easy to setup.


All you have to do is look up map marker in the statics menu. Then place it outside. Click at it and then link it to the location. You can name it whatever you want so it handy.

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@Boombro: I did add a marker. The house is very far north, you have to tilt the camera a bit to see the marker. It's actually near the Chill. On the mod's page there's a picture with the marker on it. I'd add the picture here, but for whatever reason I can't add photos to posts.

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