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Nexus hacking


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Spam filters FTW!


I hadn't actually noticed until today that something was amiss in my email. I would normally accumulate about 5 spams per day in my free account, but I noticed today that there were 232 messages in my junk folder. Granted, I haven't cleaned it out in over a week, but that is still upwards of 34 spams a day. I only had a handful of semi-legite emails that made it past my spam filters to my inbox, and even then I could tell the "spamminess" of them. :)


Like most others, I'm thankful for your response time in fixing the vulnerability, reverse tracking the douche to his IP, and the lack of any serious malicious acts towards the Nexus in general.


PW changed to protect my lifetime access levels. Keep up the good work all!



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Thanks for the heads up. Personally I would inform the local Law Enforcement of this hack. Especially if this is a kid. They got learn young that your actions even on the interwebz have consequences. I say this because once you turn 18 everything sticks, there are no second chances. Lean the hard lessons young.
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I especially recommend all Premium users to change, especially lifetime owners (like me :) ).

I changed mine right after LHammonds' post 12/9. Highly prudent advice. :thumbsup:

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I'm certain around this time, the 9th, day of this thread, that my gf got an email from me with 'no subject' in the title. It was a link to viagra stuff. Now this has gone to all my contacts address book via my hotmail account so I was rather p/o and responded immediately to not click on it just incase etc. Thankfully it was an old address list and most of those old contacts got bounced back as failed to send. I can assure you I have not done anything shady, pron stuff or anything of that nature and I'm careful to who I give my email address to so I couldn't figure out the 'whys', aside from a recent signing up with a company that makes business cards etc, which was around that time that I can recall.


Related? Thoughts?


That email account is no stranger to spam as I do get it frequently from earlier less knowledgeable times as it's a 10+ years account.


A SIDE NOTE: I didn't find a thread on it yet but I noticed everyone's kudos and AP is gone!?!

Edit: Okay I'm finding some threads on this now ^

Edited by Boone of the Wasteland
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Same here on that last, I cant see kudos or AP.


Still, changed my password and a few othetr details just to be sure, after I had repeat trouble getting Nexus to display at all for a few days running.

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how long is this script storing user passwords and e-mail adresses ?

is it over a month or just recently... otherwise this could be the reason my Facebook told me there was activity from philadelphia... and why my steam tells me it came online somewhere else then europe.

But I already changed most of my passwords... at least for the sites I care about ;)

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Personally I hope you pursue this as far as possible. Kid or not, it is unacceptable to purposefully break into someone's systems and do intentional harm. He deserves to have his computer taken away, and I'll bet he thinks twice about it if he has to deal with the results of his mums reaction to her internet connection being disabled. he can sit in the library to do his homework from now on :-p
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Well everyone being worried about losing their accounts, the hacker of course won't take some random persons account. They'll most likely aim for an admin as a high priority target...
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