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Post your ideas for possible Parodies for the Special Encounters Mod


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Why not a family? after all he did have a family,just have to somehow make an eyepatch for him.


Heres a couple ideas


Dad is the one who shot his own eye on accident and his son is trying to talk him into giving him a bb gun and he keeps saying no,thus dad is wearing patch and you can talk to him about it and possibly sneak one to the kid for a karma gain or loss?


Kid gets a bb gun shoots self in eye and says he fell into a cactus.


I had a 3rd one but I cant remember it


*EDIT* I wasnt clear on the first one


You talk to his dad and he says those lines you mentioned,and if you talk to the kid,hell ask you to get him one and you can get some sort of reward karma or not,but his dad will be upset with you

Edited by Azrael120782
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Maybe we can feature a grown-up ralph with an eyepatch, but I'd like to include characters from other holiday movies, however this is limited to what can be made in the vanilla game or mods that are already out, as the project is large enough without adding in its own outfits and weapons, we simply re-use others mods and things (with permisson or if its a resource) to make unique and humorous encounters.


Maybe if there is a good skeleton looking ghoul rexture out there we could include "Jack Skellington"


I can't really think of any other Christmas movies at the moment, as I finding out with the mods, how far I can push that non-copyright rule envelope. Since some encounters would benifit greatly if I could include thier original voices in clips from their various movies and games.

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Maybe we can feature a grown-up ralph with an eyepatch, but I'd like to include characters from other holiday movies, however this is limited to what can be made in the vanilla game or mods that are already out, as the project is large enough without adding in its own outfits and weapons, we simply re-use others mods and things (with permisson or if its a resource) to make unique and humorous encounters.


Maybe if there is a good skeleton looking ghoul rexture out there we could include "Jack Skellington"


I can't really think of any other Christmas movies at the moment, as I finding out with the mods, how far I can push that non-copyright rule envelope. Since some encounters would benifit greatly if I could include thier original voices in clips from their various movies and games.


Using voices sure would be hard to do,dont need those copyright freaks on you. And the adult Ralph would need an adult voice lol a kid voiced adult sure would be funny.And arent most audio clips from that movie not in the best quality?


Theres always Scrooge,could make him a ghoul all grouchy and grumpy. and hes a vendor who sells things insanely prices?


*EDIT* seeing as this is the Gambryo engine,can we just port mods over from FO3? With permission of course,

Edited by Azrael120782
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why not Mythbusters? have a pair of guys who like blowing stuff up and are really really good at it and have either be dead or when you find them they accidentally blow themselves up?


That I love! One of the most popular shows and easily recognized!

Great Idea! Kudos To you!


I can piture it now, we'd do a large area and have them talking absolute non-sense so to the courier they seem crazy then one pulls out a denotor and off in the distance we see a megaton bomb sized explosion or two!


All this as they laugh or something. Oh thats such a good idea. I absolutely love it, but it will be awhile before we can do big scripting ones like that, but I'll work for this one, most likely in will be in an expansion of the mod, after we release a good beta and get more capable scripters then we can try to pull off big showy fun ones like that, Oh it'll be so good.


I can imagine Jaime and Adam wearing the goggles and glasses from the bobs headwear mod and lab coats, maybe make a joke that Tory will be the one activating the bomb, then we could script a burnt skeleton spawning above but near the PC so it looks like he was blown away to them and cooked in the process.


Becuase Tory is so gun hoe he'd totally try to light an atomic candle.

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why not Mythbusters? have a pair of guys who like blowing stuff up and are really really good at it and have either be dead or when you find them they accidentally blow themselves up?


That I love! One of the most popular shows and easily recognized!

Great Idea! Kudos To you!


I can piture it now, we'd do a large area and have them talking absolute non-sense so to the courier they seem crazy then one pulls out a denotor and off in the distance we see a megaton bomb sized explosion or two!


All this as they laugh or something. Oh thats such a good idea. I absolutely love it, but it will be awhile before we can do big scripting ones like that, but I'll work for this one, most likely in will be in an expansion of the mod, after we release a good beta and get more capable scripters then we can try to pull off big showy fun ones like that, Oh it'll be so good.


I can imagine Jaime and Adam wearing the goggles and glasses from the bobs headwear mod and lab coats, maybe make a joke that Tory will be the one activating the bomb, then we could script a burnt skeleton spawning above but near the PC so it looks like he was blown away to them and cooked in the process.


Becuase Tory is so gun hoe he'd totally try to light an atomic candle.



Heres a bit of a mod.Seeing as adam is sort of nuts anyways, have him dancing around like he does and have one of them wearing their Heat suits.THEN use the big one bomb thats in the Wild Wasteland perk,have them start talking and rambling about explosions and random stuff about them and how "Jamie wants big boom" and then have them set it off,and then a skeleton comes flying into the screen taking out one of them and the other yells "Hey Tory! youre ok!"



Borat meets Bruno:D

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