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Skyrim modding in 2015 still not as good as oblivion modding in 2010?


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Skyrim is FAR better.


From my perspective as player the land feels so alive. Rivers flow, insects or birds fly etc. MAgic is far better. It has fire and forget spells and concentration spells. In addition shouts or lesser powers. You can reanimate dead. And you can dual wield. The only thing Im lacking is water combat.


From my perspective as modder ..... papyrus is so much better. More commands. There is no ridicolous length cap for scrpits. I had to split one script for Oblivion in half to achieve my goal.


When we come to the CK ..... this is the best part. Be aware that we have for the first time the opportunity to create AI packages! And you can apply them dynamically via quest aliases. This has allowed me to create minion system to control other actors. They can do almost evrything now: attack take pointed position, scout forward, loot, open or bash doors, pull levers, mine, chop wood, craft. Whatever you want. Possibilities are almost limitless.


Quest aliases allow me to detect everything which improves my smell. You can smell tomato in barrel in distant village if you have the right wind. They also allow to make other things like for example black hole effect that devours everything nearby.


I can also manipulate image space modifier which allowed me to make dynamic or passive night eye. Its no longer binary. Its strenght depends on level of light.


I could go like this for a long time. And it has nothing to do with making graphic resources. Hell, I cant make any graphic resources!


When I compare my current mod for Skyrim with its equivalent for Oblivion the old mod looks like bad joke.

Edited by gulogulo
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Lofgren, have you ever even played FCOM before? The sheer amount of content it adds to the game is mind boggling. The combination of OOO, MMM, Frans and WarCry adds more content than i have ever been able to muster with skyrim mods. You seem to be viewing FCOM as a compatibility patch on a technical level and comparing it to skyrim compatiblity patches or the lack of need for them in comparison, i'm talking about FCOM as in those 4 mods and what it does to the game experience.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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gulogulo what does it matter that you can dual wield of none of the weapons feel different? the only difference between weapons in skyrim is how much damage they do. i have not seen a single skyrim mod yet give unique speed and reach values to every weapon like it is so common-place to have in oblivion modding. Except maybe duke patricks combat mod for skyrim, but i think i remember it not being as full fledged as the oblivion version was due to engine limitations compared to oblivion.



For people who have never experienced what i'm talking about, MOBS does it, OMOBS does it, and Duke Patricks mod does it for oblivion, using Display Stats http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31855/? to actually be able to view those stats ingame. Quite awesome being able to fine a one handed longsword that has a speed of .80 and a reach of .80, then finding another one handed longsword that has a speed of .44 and a reach of 1.32, because yes the actual sword model is longer. Maybe this is coming from me being a chivalry player where these are the kind of differences that weapons have stat wise. If you put an Iron Claymore and a Steel Claymore next to eachother in the gameworld of Skyrim, you can quite CLEARLY see that the iron claymore is a longer weapon, yet ingame the damage reaches the same length on both.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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probably the same people that want flip jump animations, and sexy girl characters. thats not roleplaying, thats just eyecandy!

Christ. You had a perfectly good point and the f*** it up by bringing up something COMPLETELY UNRELATED


Those things have literally nothing to do with each other.


Can we attempt to have a conversation about modding that doesn't come back around to "but boobie armors are bad!"?





Nephenee13, all im going to say is you people have a website dedicated to your type of modding, loverslab.com where people can go and expect to see those kinds of mods. I find it annoying as a mod user that dressup mods get on hot files when something that could really improve the gameplay could be there instead and i might miss it and never know about it. That's all.

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Lofgren, have you ever even played FCOM before? The sheer amount of content it adds to the game is mind boggling. The combination of OOO, MMM, Frans and WarCry adds more content than i have ever been able to muster with skyrim mods. You seem to be viewing FCOM as a compatibility patch on a technical level and comparing it to skyrim compatiblity patches or the lack of need for them in comparison, i'm talking about FCOM as in those 4 mods and what it does to the game experience.

Then you are being disingenuous in addition to ignorant.

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gulogulo what does it matter that you can dual wield of none of the weapons feel different? the only difference between weapons in skyrim is how much damage they do. i have not seen a single skyrim mod yet give unique speed and reach values to every weapon like it is so common-place to have in oblivion modding.


Well other than weight, speed, stagger, and reach you're absolutely correct.


Yet another feature available on day 1 that wasn't in Oblivion.


But you keep telling yourself that.

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Perhaps a different approach here. What exactly do you feel is missing from your Skyrim experience? FCOM is a compatibility patch for four mods that each have equivalents in Skyrim, so it's not remotely clear to me what features you feel are inadequate.
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probably the same people that want flip jump animations, and sexy girl characters. thats not roleplaying, thats just eyecandy!

Christ. You had a perfectly good point and the f*** it up by bringing up something COMPLETELY UNRELATED


Those things have literally nothing to do with each other.


Can we attempt to have a conversation about modding that doesn't come back around to "but boobie armors are bad!"?





Nephenee13, all im going to say is you people have a website dedicated to your type of modding, *site not allowed* where people can go and expect to see those kinds of mods. I find it annoying as a mod user that dressup mods get on hot files when something that could really improve the gameplay could be there instead and i might miss it and never know about it. That's all.



AH yes, the "you're modding the game wrong. How dare you mod the game in ways I don't agree with!" argument.


Thats always a winner.


I mean, its sure is good that Oblivion didn't have any boobie armor mods. If it had, then you never would have had OOO, Frans, OMOBS, etc.


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There is nothing in skyrim that comes close to what OOO alone does, and if i'm wrong please tell me what comes close.


Also, lofgren in skyrim there are only speed and reach differences between weapon TYPES. sure a 2handed swords, 2handed axes, 2handed hammers, 1 handed swords, 1 handed axes, 1 handed hammers, and daggers all have a different reach and speed, but they are all the SAME reach and speed within each weapon class. booooring. in my oblivion, there are many different types of 2 handed sword for example that have a different speed and reach even though they are both 2 handed swords.


- Not crashing every 15-30 mins


- Not having bugs


- Guilds that don't suck


- More advanced combat system


- Much more variety in enemies


- More weapons and armor integrated into levelled lists, found on human npc's as well as say a skeleton or undead enemy that uses weapons and wears armor, and drops that make sense, like in FCOM with the black sun order knights and whatnot, they drop order greatswords and longswords that are massive and slow, and play unlike any other kind of sword in the game because of it, and a unique shield that only they have. unlike mods in skyrim that add new armor and weapons that just gives it to everybody and nothing really feels unique.


-Way more quests, like way WAY more, in my 70 hour level 27 oblivion save right now i have 73 active quests, only 34 of which are vanilla quests, 44 completed quests, only 26 of them vanilla quests, and none of them are the crappy fetch quests that take up half of the skyrim quest roster.


- More dungeons


- More NPC's, maybe ones that give quests, though some of the coolest mod added quests in oblivion are given by vanilla npc's, to expand the NPC's and give them more purpose, skyrim definitely needs some of that too.


- Underwater combat


- Attacking while jumping


- Spellmaking


- More areas to go to, areas going into other provinces perhaps, like the northern part of cyrodiil or the eastern part of hammerfell or whatever, like it has been said skyrim is a bit cramped


- Richer lore, skyrim seems to care about being an action and people game than a game about its worlds history, like a lot of oblivion felt like, being able to go near other provinces and having it feel a little bit like those provinces it borders, aylieds and all that


- Birthsigns


- Better villages and cities


- Huge emphasis on everything being lore correct and in my opinion its much more interesting if the mod or quests have large relations with elder scrolls lore, though it doesn't have to, it can be about a bandit faction or necromancer faction or something for example like a lot of OOO's quests are about, or a powerful individual in a dungeon etc. Though a really cool quest which i think was from the mod Fighters Guild Quests, had you battling against and army of valenwood rebels alongside imperial soldiers, near the valenwood border. stuff like that is just awesome.


-More interesting wilderness. One of the worst parts of oblivion that people criticize it for is the bland wilderness, well Unique Landscapes fixes that and goes the extra mile making it even better than skyrims.


- Better Civil war


- Make Dragons feel more like boss fights instead of potion chugging simulators


- NO CRAFTING. Or just nerf it considerably. Crafting makes the game way, way too easy in my opinion.


- Traveling merchants


- Tree areas being more forest-like (i do love oblivions lush forests, would be nice to have a bit of that feel in skyrim)


- can't think of anything else right now/don't feel like having this tab open anymore, if i do i will edit this post and add it below this line


And i'm well aware that for some of these things, there already are mods for skyrim that do it, such as the civil war overhaul, etc, but every time i mod skyrim to my tastes, i get in the game, play it for a few hours, then suddenly the game wants to crash every 15 minutes. Mods that accomplish less mainstream things tend to be more buggy.

Edited by YngvieMalmsteen
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