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Ok, let's see...


New Orleans could be a GREAT idea. Point Lookout wasn't too amazing, but it was mostly abandoned. What if we started on a steamboat coming in from elsewhere in the wastes? Or a sunken Vault? Imagine a post-apocalypic Mardi-Gras, or roving bands of gypsies and voodoo cultists! It has promise!


New York would be very interesting, but I'm wondering about logistics. Picking through the DC ruins was fun, but when you had to wind your way through miles of subway, it could become annoying. It's interesting, but difficult to do.


Chicago I believe may be more likely. ED-E mentioned the Enclave there, and they could be like the Brotherhood in New Vegas, on the run, but still a force to be reckoned with.


Detroit also shows major promise, as does the entire southeast coast, as it really hasn't been touched upon.

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I think St. Louis would be an awesome location. Partially because of the jazz culture forming off the mississippi river and some of the landmarks(Brewery). Also, we've seen the west coast and caught a glimpse of the east coast, why not the midwest? It would be an interesting thing you could put quite a spin on, if you do it correctly.
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I would love to see it set in New York, I really miss the urban feel of FO3 particularly the famous landmarks. It want to have Oblivion style arena fights in Madison Square Garden or in a ruined stadium turned gladiator colosseum. I want to explore whats left of massive skyscrapers such as the Empire State building above and the New York subway system complete with graffiti and creepy crawlies below. I want explore Grand Central Station, Times Square, Ellis Island, Chinatown, Harlem, Central Park, Stock Exchange, museums and library. I want to see a ruined Wall Street and Broadway littered with wrecked 50s vintage checkered cabs. I would like to see the rewarding mixture of excitement and atmospheric exploration where the setting is the star brought back again.
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I have browsed things here and found one location mentioned more then a few times that I was actually thinking would be interesting to explore.




In the "Broken Steel" DLC the mobile base for the Enclave looks very similar to the crawler used by NASA to transport the rockets and space shuttles used for space exploration. It would only stand to reason that the Enclave must have salvaged one or both of the crawlers to be used as mobile bases, with one going to the Capital Wasteland. The other crawler could still be located in Florida, with the Enclave still maintaining control of the area, or rather what is left of it following the events of Fallout 3. An area controlled by the Enclave would also be interesting to play through, since following the story so far in Fallout 3 the Brotherhood of Steel made its way through Chicago and then the Pitt before stopping in DC, meaning that they had not ventured further south. Any Vault Dweller that makes it out of a normal Vault in Florida would encounter the Enclave first, and it would be interesting to see how those that survived may have changed since the end of Fallout 3. It also opens the door for other groups that were planned and abandoned in the earlier planned games, or even new ones that could pose a challenge. Such as maybe Soviet Russian's that were in Cuba and survived to form their own new government, or going with canon Communist Chinese forces, that aren't mutated into ghouls.


Florida would also present a great deal of weather challenges for the player as well, and also would serve for an explanation for the destruction of some landmarks such as Disney World and Epcot Center. Tobar mentions that he use to take his ferry out further along the coast, but the age of the ship made it difficult to avoid all the "spouts" and waves. The "spouts" that he is referring to are water spouts, which are tornado's born over water for those that don't know, and some that survive moving onto land can cause damage. There are also the massive storms that can be seen over the oceans of the planet while looking at it on "Mothership Zeta", meaning that a lot of hurricanes and tropical storms would have devastated Florida in the time since the war. Those living in such an area would be in a similar condition to those living in the Capital Wasteland, however there could be even greater hazards due to the mutations that could or would have occurred. In New Vegas we saw that gecko's can turn from small cute lizards to dangerous fire spouting killers, so why can't the same happen to the wildlife in Florida? Mutated alligators, toads, insects, rodents, and of course people.


With it being located in Florida it also opens up the possibility of additional locations being available through DLC, such as what has already been mentioned, New Orleans. There could even be a possibility of traveling over the open waters to islands such as the Florida Keys or even further to Cuba. One other possibility is to travel to The Banks, which is a location mentioned in Fallout 3 as well, which I believe he means The Outer Banks, which is a string of barrier islands along the East Coast.

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one of the creators hinted it to be the mojave again when in an interview he said: "im not going to be the one to give out secrets, but the mojave was a fun place to explore wasnt it?"



@core florida is heavy BoS area as the canceled FO: TACTICS 2 indicates (heavy meaning no other factions have presented themselves in the region), an Enclave presence is highly unlikely, but possible. you might mot be implying that there would be though. the BoS that passed through chicago diddnt pass, they stayed, they're there in the first place because of a airship crash. as for the rest of your story, very detailed. i like it.


i also presume there will be a few new major factions. (unless fallout returns to the mojave)


personally i think it should be up north, near maine/vermont, because the chicago & some of california have been the farthest north so far.






Edited by warkiller75
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Just because Tactics 2 said that something supposedly was does not mean it's Fallout cannon. Tactics is like... how do I put this.


It's not canon. It's only based on Fallout, not specifically a part of the historical continuity. It's Earth 2 to Fallout's Earth Prime (comics reference). The same can be said for Brotherhood of Steel (the game, not Broken Steel, the DLC), or Fallout: Warfare, the PnP/Miniatures Fallout RPG. Even Van Buren is non-canon because it was never released, which makes Tactics 2 even more suspect, since it is an unreleased game derived from a game which itself is not considered to be canon.


So no, Florida is not specifically occupied by the BoS exclusively unless one of the holders of the Intellectual Property say it is. Until then anything that you did not get from Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, or New Vegas is absolutely speculative - and in fact no more Canon than a good mod would be.

Edited by Jeoshua
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my main argument was that there wouldn't be an enclave presence, and that is most likely not possible because all major enlave bases have been destroyed. unless theres some secret base somewhere, which seems like something the Fallout writers would do. i would enjoy there being an Enclave resurgence, them being my favorite faction, but i dont think its going to happen.



and while every fallout game other than 1, 2, 3, and NV being non-canon and just odd(such as the cover of fallout: BOS2 which takes place in texas, having the power armor from Fallout: Tactics on the cover which takes place in chicago, and since the only known reason for this advanced pre-war PA was that there was a secret research station in chicago) they still retain some canon sources.


as for van buren, the story in that is just fallout NV with elements of fallout 3, mostly.

Edited by warkiller75
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