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I wouldn't mind it taking place in New York, you could have an all out war between a number of factions;


The Commonwealth could have Staten Island as a lab and a huge portion of New Jersey as territory, using their android armies to both defend their base and land and to combat the Slaver factions, and Street gangs.

The BOS at the citadel back in old DC could send you on a mission to assist an embattled Outpost of theirs holed up in the Bronx.

And the only way to get there is by contacting Victoria Watts of the Railroad faction.

And because you helped Harkness\A321 back in Rivet City, the Railroad faction manages to sneak you onboard a Commonwealth transport and into New York.

Here you battle against crazed scientists, slavers, ruthless gangs in massive block wars, androids, mutations of the botched experiments by the commonwealth, trogs, and a large Chinese contingent that inhabits Nassau



And so on ... my 2 cents worth.

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@ warkiller75

I think that it would be nice to have the Midwestern Brotherhood appear as well. They were mentioned in Fallout 3 in a passing remark by Sarah Lyons, so I think that they can still be considered to be canon. They may not be the same as they were originally depicted, much like how the flag of the NCR has been changed over time from various releases of the games and also books. A Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel would be interesting to follow, especially if a game had them as one of the factions coming in contact with others, such as the factions in New Vegas and others shown in Fallout 3, all moving to the central US and being confronted with one another.

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I think New York City would be great. Just think about a ruined Manhattan Island where you can climb the ruined "Top of the Rocks" at the Rockefeller Center just to savor the look-around-view over Manhattan.

And fighting between / in skyscrapers would be marvellous.


Otherwise, Montreal / whole Canade would be a good place to play, because the game could play at more natural sides (e.g forests; like mentioned before).


Why Montreal?

I think it would be a perfect city for both playing over- and underground because the city has the well-known Underground City / Ville Souterraine so combining over- and underground playing would be very simple.

Furthermore Beth's designer can create a really creepy feeling in the underground with ghoul enclaves and so on.... :ohdear:

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The New York setting has been done to death, in my own personal opinion. Honestly, I think England, or London more specifically would be very interesting. Since the UK is an ally of the USA, it wouldn't be surprising if they got a few bombs as well from China. Plus, for all we know, Vault Tech could have extended their experiments there as well.
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well i hate to say it because i think detroit is a s*it hole, but it would make a great FO locations. Just imagine this. 30 years after New vegas, the NCR has pushed out towards Detroit, the Enclave have been forced to only control a small region of northern America ( detroit, the great lakes, bits and peices of other states), The Citadel has convinced the rest of there dying orginazation to join them in protecting the eastern states and have also pushed there territory to the detroit area. There it is, you have a three way battle for control ofthe detroit area. The most orginizzed of them the NCR has the advantage with more land, more soldiers, less uprise. While on the other side the BOS is way more High Tech with better combat training. and the enclave with there struggling group barley hanging on to anything to stay alive. You are a civilian forced to join one of the factions and help take control of detroit (or unite the groups to creat a united nation one again). I feel this would be great kina like a futuristic civil war in a way because you have two sides fighting for the same thing, whats best for America. Obviously the enclave would in the end be destroyed (because noone likes them). But this would make me curious on how the series would continue after this game. plus i love the BOS and the NCR so having a story where they unite would be awsome. All while this is happening you have a constant nag from the canadians still angry from pre war activities. idk i think it sounds great what do you think...


Also i would like to see a Rocky Mountain FO, where you can explore the mountains then wander down into old denver ruins, a lot like DC. I live here so i know the mountains would be awsome plus we have a lot of airforce bases here like 5 i think.


And lastley i would like to see a florida FO the swampy/ vacationy/beachy feeling all mixed would be cool, plus the could add on from the DLC, make it better i guess.


oh and one more thing New York is Retarded. There are tooooooooo many new york based games, its used up. plus it would be destroyed by the bombs, it is one of our most populated places, plus 9/11 proved it likes to be attacked by terrorists, and it has the world trade center. if i were bombing America New york would be first on my list.


Anything outside North America is stupid because the FO series has already set upa plot in America with the NCR, the BOS, the Enclave, and everything alse. If they were to just leave now i would wonder what exectly happened in America now, there would be too many unanswered questions if that were to happen.

Edited by broncofan1516
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I like the idea of a vacation spot. It could return the 50s pre-war world feeling that Fallout 3 had but New Vegas kind of lacked.

Perhaps thjey forgot to nuke Florida and all the oldie retirees are somehow still living forever under some wonder drug or as Ghouls and everything really is still like the 50's :)

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I'm going to kick one out there that hasn't been mentioned that makes a lot of sense to me - Oak Ridge TN. It was here that materials for the bomb were made. I can imagine that in the divergent timeline of the Fallout universe the US government never admits to the very existence of Oak Ridge, which to this day is nicknamed "The Secret City." The Chinese would definitely make it a prime target, and what secrets would lie within the ruins of a city that isn't even supposed to exist? Or the persistent local rumors of a second Secret City beneath the ground in Oak Ridge - a real life vault to end all vaults - what if that survived?
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