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how do you hide text?


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Hello :biggrin:

I support a few mods, and have posted some "spoilers" with in caps at the top "SPOILER" I have seen some old posts and just recently some new ones where people have posted spoilers and you have to drag your curser across the lines to see the text.


My question is, How do you do this? do I need to be a Premium Member? is there special code I need to put around the text of my posts? is there supposed to be options to"hide" the text?


so if I type


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the lines will hide the text, and you drag your curser across it to show it, or is there a new and better way to do this, and if there is a batter way, can you give me the info I would need to put around my text?


thank you


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You need to use the spoiler tags


[spoiler]Your text here[/spoiler]

which will appear in the forums as



Your text here



and on the Nexus sites as SPOILER   


(line wouldn't go as far as it should have, sorry) The lines don't hide the text, the tags do.

Have fun :thumbsup:

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thank you, I just edited a post that had a big spoiler :thumbsup:


so here it will look like this


something like this



and posting a reply on mods it will look like this _____________________________________________________ with the text hidden by the line



thank you very much :biggrin: :thumbsup:

Kudos to you my friend :)

Edited by MiloHunts
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Something else to consider is this....the spoiler BBCode will only work when viewing on the forums. If you are looking at the comments on a Nexus mod page, the spoiler tag does not hide the text. In that scenario, it would be best to use a combination of a font color change and the spoiler tag.


On the Nexus comments, if you set the font to the same color used by the background, it will be hidden but you can use your mouse to highlight the text to reveal it.


On the forums, you will see the spoiler button and when clicked, you will see the colored text (the color is not the same as the background on the forums).



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The [ spoiler ] ... [ /spoiler ] tags work fine in the FORUMS. But do NOT work in the game sites ( mod Descriptions, etc.)


Unlike here, where they work like this:

See? Hidden until the user clicks "Show".



If you use them on the SITES the result is:

SPOILER: Text you wanted to hide.


Not quite what was intended! :laugh:


I know Dark0ne is aware of the issue, but am not sure where it is on his priority list. :huh:

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