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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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Beards! Tell them to bring back beards! And to make civilian hats :thumbsup:



beards are already in, its skyrim and fallout has them! it would be a crime to not have beads (mind you, they are hopefully more baddass)




i hope men can wear dresses without them turning into a pair of shorts

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-Easy to mod just like Morrowind and Oblivion

-Large numbers of NPCs in cities (at least 100+) and towns (at least 30+)

-Large cities and sizable towns

-NO online activation required

-Non-clipping hair

-As few bugs as possible

-Multiple types of Argonian and Khajiit, both human-like ones and beast race ones (TES lore actually says there is multiple types)

-Quick Waiting

-Morrowind-style fast travel

Edited by DeathWarrior
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You are both lucky and unlucky...

Sorry to hear that you have cancer... But you got one good thing out of it, a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the devs of TES!


All I would want is an improved Oblivion (more features etc.) which I know they would already provide.

So I guess I'm saying:



Construction Set


Thank you.

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My grandpa had cancer. He died at age 98 lol He had since he was I think 43 I believe he said. Can't ask him though lol Wishing you best of luck to get that far :thumbsup:


What I would like you to ask them would be to have them make walls climbable, like in Assassin's Creed. And also ask if they can make arrows have effects like Knock Out or Loud Noise, such as in Thieves Arsenal :D

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My grandfather had cancer as well, so as that takes precedence, I can only wish you the very best of luck with treatment and your overall health.


I hate to take advantage of such a situation, but since you seem to want ideas over sympathy (although that is inevitable as it should be) let me offer a couple of my ideas:


-Better NPC's. Better is entirely generic for an entire overhaul of the NPC base. Not only would it be better if quite a few less of the NPC's looked as if they got slapped with the ugly stick, It would be much nicer if they had much less generic dialouge, both for you and when conversing with other NPC's. Commands and relationships (without making it similar to fable) based on dispositions would be nice (although if they neglect to do such, you are sure to find brilliant modders who can work something up). Ultimately, in both morrowind and oblivion, there were too few and plainly stupid NPC's. Large cities should have more than 30 residents


-More customizable character. I almost hesitate to expound on this seeing as the title really says it all. However, let me hit some high points- more customizable faces, once again that didnt get slapped with the ugly stick no matter how hard you try otherwise. A customizable/adaptive body type/build - last time i checked when you get stronger your body doesnt look the same as it did when you were a scrawny little prisoner, oblivion based, of course.


-Prison CHAINS. I know this topic is really only for looks and is much less important but i was always bothered by the fact that the "wrist irons" were possibly the lousiest prisoner "accessory" there was included in oblivion. At least make them look as if they could restrain someone and that you cant take them off at will and vise versa. I would say especially if, like 3 and 4 there is a prisoner start, please, please make it more convincing. Perhaps a mod job, but who knows



I would say the next few go without explanation

- mounted combat

- mod ready (although i highly doubt this should be a problem)

- less static hair

- new and old, revamped armor

- MUCH better crime and punishment system, especially more realistic jail time/ experience (not wierdly, just if you get in jail you actually have to do work and earn your way out).

- more attractive and diverse weapontry

- better creature leveling

- non-omnipotent guards


I think that about covers it, apologies for the length.

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