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I Will Be Going To Bethesda Studios To Meet The Developers


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What I really want is some adventures of true exploration. Too many things are marked on the map, you are always just discovering something that someone else already drew on a map... I want a large unmapped forest which you can truly get lost in, encourage people to stay on the paths and inside your hand made content not through invisible walls but by creating large high risk wilderness areas. Maybe I plunge into the forest and for hours I find nothing and get lost and fight off wolves and beasts just to survive, but maybe just maybe I follow the right markings on trees or stones and find an ancient tower in the middle of the forest, filled with treasure or a very powerful wizard with a special spell etc.. These could make the game world huge without needing to be full of totally unique content. A massive forest with randomly generated wolves, but with some awesome unique content buried in it will encourage us to go digging. Take all the space from Oblivion that they shoved underground and in Oblivion gates and put that into horizontal real estate. It'd be the same amount of content, but make it feel like we have to really hike it to get from one end of the world to another, that there was a whole world for us to explore. Imagine Just Cause 2 with only horse riding and walking, and with Elder Scrolls gameplay, you'd feel like there was always more space for you to explore. A hike to Leyawiin from the Imperial city should have felt like an accomplishment and a long journey, instead everything felt like a suburb with random forest in between.



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Steam is actually a very good software for this.


1. You never lose your Game copy, and you won't have to worry about getting scratches on your disk.

2. Achievements - this is a nice feature, which adds some more to the games apart from Questing and such. (Room for improvements on that part though.)

3. Saved Games can be accessed from different computers with a simple click.

4. No Internet Connection required to play the game, just to download and patch it. You can play in Offline mode forever. (There are actually people complaining about the requirements for internet to update the game... duh! How should you get the update otherwise?!)

5. Chat with friends while in-game by clicking shift+tab.



Great Software! :D

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A better thought out magic/enchantments system...not that laughable crap that we had to go througt with Oblivion...


Stunning looking spells and effects.


USEFULL spells...


A bit more then juste a dungeon and caves crawling game.


A true exploit of the 3 dimensional environment,like climbing on walls with the rigth gear/physical feats/spells,really amazinf jump when using specila ability's like jumping from tree's to tree's if you a magical creature type character.


More easely and swift character controls while moving,figthing and stuff,not that stiff cardboard looks that we have gone through.

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I have only one request:


1-- NO STEAM, or any other online requirement to play whatsoever. REALLY stress this one. New Vegas made a lot of people very angry.

I agree! I hated that NV was on steam! I bought the special edition just to find out that only one steam account could use the disc. So my whole family has to use my account to play the game.

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Yeah, only pirates complain about not wanting to have an internet connection requirement.

Why? Eventually they're the only ones who actually don't need to bother with it.


But Steam is okay, it's nothing like Ubisoft's DRM.

Edited by Povuholo
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Why? Eventually they're the only ones who actually don't need to bother with it.


ehm... They're the only ones who eventually doesn't have to bother with requiring Internet Connection?

Where would they download from then? The Seven Seas?

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