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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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I prefer to let my wallet do the talking as it is the only language spoken universally. Unless steam makes amends and notices how bad this thing actually is, I'll think twice before buying things I would have bought for sure otherwise.


Of course, such a statement would mean little from a member with a few posts, thus I bought premium to back up my point to help this sites existence and hopefully a bright future for modding.

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To be fair to the mod authors, who created those mods i was using in Skyrim, i erased my Skyrim, filled with mods from Workshop and Nexus, and installed just the bare Skyrim and DLCs only. I don't want to feel like, i'm using all those hard worked mods for free.


I was using Skyrim long enough since 2011 ... so it's time to move on ... Witcher 3 for instance - without mods certainly.


Anyway, thx for the great mods created.

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Firstly I understand Nexus is trying to maintain some semblance of neutrality in this, I don't necessarily agree with that but I do understand it.


However has any thought been given to the double standard of allowing Mod authors to collect from both their workshop pay wall and the newly prominent Donate system at the same time?


If a mod author is so short-sighted as to think the workshop pay wall a good idea that is their business and I don't see much hope of changing such a staggering level of ignorance but for them to be allowed to profit of the generosity of others here at the Nexus does give me some concern.


The introduction of paid mods has split the community, wether or not it destroys it will in large part depend on keeping that split clean. Personally I would like to see all mods by authors on the paid mods side of the fence removed from Nexus, that is not going to happen, but allowing them to take donations is no different than allowing a corporate entity to accept donations which is both legally a very muddy issue and certainly morally corrupt.


At the very least it should be prominently displayed on the authors and their mods pages that they also charge for mods at the workshop so that any downloaders, endorsers or donators can proceed in an informed fashion.

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After having followed this controversy for most of the day, after having heard about it last night, I must say that I'm of two minds on the matter.


First, I should probably stress that I'm not against modders being compensated for the work they put into quality mods. I could name a few off the top of my head that I'd definitely be willing to pay a few bucks for to have - Interesting NPCs, Moonpath to Elsweyr, Falskaar are a few that comes to mind. However, this is not where the crux of my concerns with the new Steam Workshop lies, but in the long-term effects and consequences this might have for the modding community.


Humour me and ask yourselves this: How many mods in your load order would still be there, if you had to pay for them? In my case, I'm fairly sure that a majority would be gone, regardless if I liked them/found them useful or not. As selfish as it might seem, I just couldn't justify paying for a lot of them, as nice or useful that they may be. I'd save my money for the more essential mods that I know I'd be guaranteed to use. While I can't speak for anyone but myself, I'm fairly certain I'm not alone thinking this. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Humour me some more and imagine if "Paid Mods" became the norm and making money the main driving force behind modding, which it might very well become if the community allows this to continue unchecked (which it doesn't seem like it is doing, thankfully). Judging from the reactions We'd most likely end up with a lot less people bothering with a lot less mods, leaving modders with a lot less people enjoying their works, and leaving them with a lot less income. This could in turn lead to a lot of modders, especially smaller ones, leave the community when their mods don't turn a profit. And in the end, leaving us with a stale competitive market where only the biggest names survive, rather than the thriving, diverse community it once was. And this isn't even mentioning the massive amount of people that would just jump onto the modding bandwagon to try and make a quick buck.


Of course, this all speculations, and these predictions could turn out to be completely wrong. However, I haven't really seen anything about the way Valve's implemented this that's left me with any positive impressions. Frankly, the new workshop has left me far more worried than hopeful for the future of this modding community, which up until now hasn't been about making money (and hopefully still isn't). While I can't speak for the modders here, I'd like to believe that most of them didn't get into this scene expecting to make a profit (After all, why would they've expected that at the time? Other than through donations), but because it was a game they were passionate about and enjoyed modding. After all, it's that attitude that's made the Bethesda modding community thrive for so long and become as large as it has.

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ten10, on 25 Apr 2015 - 5:24 PM, said:

To be fair to the mod authors, who created those mods i was using in Skyrim, i erased my Skyrim, filled with mods from Workshop and Nexus, and installed just the bare Skyrim and DLCs only. I don't want to feel like, i'm using all those hard worked mods for free.


I was using Skyrim long enough since 2011 ... so it's time to move on ... Witcher 3 for instance - without mods certainly.


Anyway, thx for the great mods created.


Nothing to feel guilty about I say as a mod author. I cannot speak for all but for myself I think the majority of us release mods not for money or any kind of fame but to share in our art. If you deleted any of my mods because you feel guilty about not paying that hurts me more than not being paid. It hurts because I released so you and everyone else has a little more pleasure from the game and that I was the one that provided that little extra enjoyment, you are no longer getting the enjoyment that I wanted you to have.

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I support Free mods because not all mods are compatible with each other and if you buy 100 mods for $1.00 each and they aren't compatible with each other you just wasted $100.00 that could have been spent on other things such as food, bills or games or even DLC. $1 doesn't seem like a waste but it adds up quickly and everyone that plays Skyrim on the PC and mods their skyrim uses atleast 100+ mods so you get the picture.

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However has any thought been given to the double standard of allowing Mod authors to collect from both their workshop pay wall and the newly prominent Donate system at the same time?


If a mod author has a mod that I use that has increased the quality of my gameplay experience enough that I want to give them money, I prefer that they have the donate button available for me to use so that they get all of my money instead of just a small fraction.


Whether their mod is on the workshop or not does not change if I will donate to them or not. The quality of an author's mod is not diminished simply because they also have it on the workshop, and I hold no ill will towards any mod author who choses to host their mod on the workshop.



For mod authors who only have their mod on the workshop, they will not be getting my money- not out of ill will, but for other reasons.

Edited by FishBiter
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Firstly I understand Nexus is trying to maintain some semblance of neutrality in this, I don't necessarily agree with that but I do understand it.


However has any thought been given to the double standard of allowing Mod authors to collect from both their workshop pay wall and the newly prominent Donate system at the same time?


If a mod author is so short-sighted as to think the workshop pay wall a good idea that is their business and I don't see much hope of changing such a staggering level of ignorance but for them to be allowed to profit of the generosity of others here at the Nexus does give me some concern.


The introduction of paid mods has split the community, wether or not it destroys it will in large part depend on keeping that split clean. Personally I would like to see all mods by authors on the paid mods side of the fence removed from Nexus, that is not going to happen, but allowing them to take donations is no different than allowing a corporate entity to accept donations which is both legally a very muddy issue and certainly morally corrupt.


At the very least it should be prominently displayed on the authors and their mods pages that they also charge for mods at the workshop so that any downloaders, endorsers or donators can proceed in an informed fashion.

but who says we are going to donate to those authers

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Wow. So I just learned of this yesterday. Not that I play skyrim a lot, but I just can't believe steam. I never liked steam. I only use steam for the few games that force me to use it.


Although this issue effects the skyrim modding community a lot, I am wondering what effects this will have further down the line. When they come out with fallout 4, or or the next TES, will it be wholy designed around this? Will there even be a free modding community around as it exists today? Or will they /force/ mod developers to use the steam crap? That was my biggest concern.


Just my 2 cents.

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