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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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You may want to think on this.....I've seen things that come on the Nexus site..."new today"......theres a name....you go to it and there is absolutly NO description...no images...NOTHING to tell you anything but the name. Would you BUY that mod..at any price?

I have seen mods that are really good enough to pay for....BUT...should it be ME that pays for it? Lets say I'm a "professional modder" ...I get $25 an hour....I make a mod that takes 10 hours to make...should I get $250 for the mod?...should EVERYONE that downloads it pay $250 each?

Just HOW do you implement a "pay for" system? How do you "weed out" the garbage mods? How do you determine what mods deserve being paid for and up to how much you could expect to pay? No matter HOW you look at it its a logistical nightmare. The simple way is...its all FREE...if you're a modder (Professional or otherwise) and you EXPECT to get paid, SELL your services to a company that can AFFORD your work, and can wait to recoup their expenses over a longer period of time. Most of the people download mods that are appealing to them many have 50 or more mods now of they were charged...say...$5.99 each mod, that would be $299.50 that would also be about 6 TIMES what the whole game costs! One would have to be DA## sure he/she really wanted that mod! Obviously this would cut back mod downloads. This also cuts back on creativity. If EVERYONE thought they should get paid for everything they do there would be no charity, no one to help you (unless you could afford it) Then too, there is a rub...as we can see many "mods" use resources from other modders, If THOSE resources have to be "paid for" , many potential mods would go by the wayside. Obviously a modder who has a great idea for a mod but has to pay 8-10-12 different modders for use of their "mod" as a resource, would HAVE to charge for their mod...or...not do it at all. It would in effect kill off the modding community

I'm not saying good work Shouldn't be rewarded ..it should! But I'll bet many have been "stung" with crap! If its FREE, you just dump the crap and think twice about take something made from that person. I DON'T use PayPal, I've been stung too often!

Edited by georgejbps
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One thing is sure if bethesda tries this with their next game ... lets say fallout 4.

This is what will happen:


Not as many people use mods because they cost money > Shorter lifespan for the game > game probably forgotten after like a year > almost no money anymore for bethesda


If bethesda gets that or not. The free mods are what kept their games going for years after their release.

Erecting paywalls will just shorten their lifespan and destroy this beautiful concept.


Buying mods is basically like buying a bunch of early access games.

It's a horrible concept.


If bethesda and valve want to get in on the party and earn money with OUR mods then they need to do something too like quality control in the workshop and stuff like that.

Review the mods and check if the price is reasonable.

Some bethesda employees need to review the scripts and check for errors and problematic parts ( but then again their own games have bugs too so this probably won't change anything XD ).


Of course there are mods that are known to work as intended. So those would be a save purchase.

But this still doesn't change the fact that bethesdas games would have a much shorter lifespan.


I'm convinced the best concept is an ad based reward system.

Put ads on the website and share the revenue among the mod creators based on the endorsements or download counts.


However you can't just half-ace a paid mod system through your anus out into the world with little to no warning and expect it to be the hit.

Edited by Grasmann
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