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Paid mods for skyrim workshop on steam


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On a related note, I saw the use of some free mods in the workshop screenshots of those paid mods. I wonder if the authors of the former can hold the latter liable for using their creation in advertising without permission.

I questioned this as well on the Bethesda forums.


False advertisements, anyone?

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On a related note, I saw the use of some free mods in the workshop screenshots of those paid mods. I wonder if the authors of the former can hold the latter liable for using their creation in advertising without permission.

I questioned this as well on the Bethesda forums.


False advertisements, anyone?



The SS is easily removable, but for mod requirements its an interesting question... things like animations, custon skeleton and body types. Even SKSE and SkyUI.

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What worries me more is that future Bethesda Games will have modding tools that lock all mods to Steam Workshop. Sure "Free" will still be an option, but when you know for a fact that no one can use the mod unless they get it from the Workshop ... well now why not click that "paid" button right? Bleak days ahead!

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I absolutely 100% refuse to pay for ANY mod WHATSOEVER. This is not what modding is supposed to be.


Valve is turning mods into no-quality-guaranteed DLC.


What an age when we're forced to pay for MODS for Christ's sake.



I sincerely hope the SKSE team comes out against this "pay4mod" garbage. If they get a GNU License then that will stop these scumbags from profiting off their hard work.

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The easiest way for them to turn this TERRIBLE idea into a good one is just make every "paid" mod REQUIRE a $0 option. Because if you could choose to get every single mod for free then it's no big deal to have a suggested price that people can pay if the mod is good.

They say this pay system will encourage better mods, but it will just do the opposite. It will encourage garbage that people can make a quick buck off of by having a mod "appear" awesome and then be terrible. As long as they can get past the 24 hours it's profit for them.

The $0 option I mentioned above WOULD actually encourage better mods because your mod could be acquired and used for free, but if you made a really good qulaity mod people could pay by simply clicking a button in steam. Hell they could even pay you with their left over money from selling cards on the marketplace :P. As it stands forcing payment is sleazy.

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