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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24589929. #24589979 is also a reply to the same post.

uriki101 wrote:
Tyranis101 wrote: agreed plus the small fact that valve are taking 75% of the profits for them selves the greedy scumbags

What happens when here isn't an option? When the next game Bethesda releases allows for mods only on Steam. This is about setting a precedent.
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In response to post #24589289.

webhead91 wrote:

They do that and they get boycotted from everyone who ever bought their games and Bethesda would be ruined within a year.

U get greedy u get shut down.Microsoft thried to implement a DRM system for the XboxOne and look what that did to them.PS4 destroyed them in business sales and Xbox has be limping ever since so if they do that with Skyrim specifically they are(pardon my next work but its the most frank one i can think of) FCKED.
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In response to post #24589329. #24589589, #24589619, #24589869, #24589984, #24590034 are all replies on the same post.

Maverick11 wrote:
DiaSin wrote: The modders get a maximum of 25% of the profit. How is this them getting what they deserve?
Arendella wrote: Everyone has even said they should of done this years ago.
Back in 2012-2013 when the modding scene was booming and Skyrim's modding community was huge.

A lot of them left nexus, and they could of easily made more money and if they polished it better instead of this really dumbass way of 75% of your proceeds which is Absolutely nothing I might add for the modder themselves, it probably wouldn't of been as a big deal.
Daiyus wrote: I don't think anyone is condemning mod authors for wanting a bit of commercial recompense. Anyone who's made a mod knows how labour intensive it can be.

I think the big complaint is how Valve/Bethesda are handling that business model; they're stripping 75% of that profit away for something that they were happy being distributed for nothing?

That and it completely changes the way the community works. I don't think anyone would complain about having a more prevalent donations system with recommended donations. That at least would be keeping with the ethos of the community.

I personally don't have a problem with paying authors for good work, but let me try it first, don't put it behind a paywall.
salvador33 wrote: If it was about some other method of supporting the modders, everything would be fine. They SHOULD get some money via an alternate system. But how is it not GREED when modders get only 25%?

1)How many mods are based on other people's work and assets? I am sure nobody will be greedy and they will share the profits equally.

2)Why do people complain about DLC? It TAKES TIME for the company to create that product. I think we have all seen where that thinking has led.

3) What happens when Bethesda decides that they will allow mods for their games to only be hosted on Steam? If everyone follows suit, say goodbye to the Nexus. But I am sure that monopolistic practices never hurt any consumers before.

4)If you're being paid, it's not a mod but a DLC. Your work better be stellar since you're now selling me a product and if it breaks I am expecting you to fix it or else. See how this changes the relationships in the community?

I am not against modders being paid for their work, I am against the method implemented.
Maverick11 wrote: 25% is very fair. The platform for modders to begin work is available and ready. That platform cost Bethesda and steam a great deal of money to prepare. It is very easy to for a modder to begin work and entirely hassle free when preparing their next project. 25% is better then nothing which has been the case since the dawn of modding.

In all fairness a mod author would make more money making mods on Twitch or YouTube than they'll ever make from the SWS program....because even Youtube and Twitch have better profit splitting policies than this.

I get a 60/40 split from YouTube...and I'm literally nobody, I'm sure far more popular people get 90% or even 100% of what they generate in ad revenue. I have friends that make more in one night on Twitch, just playing games, than a mod author is likely to make from the SWS program in the span of a year.

I'm not sure where Bethesda thinks 25/75 is even a fair split, and I'm not sure why a mod author would think it was either.

There are far more effective ways to monetize content than this.
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And to people that wonder why guys that gone to sell they mods from nexus to steam are so charrased? Because many of them used the work of other people that shared their work for free, plenty of times, more than one people worked over one mod, and now they'r just gone, bored to death from replaying the same game, or they just aren't here anymore, or don't even know about it and maybe they don't want to give their work to greedy valve? With commercialism, always thing go into how to get as much money, without big effort, and don't say it's otherwise, just look at every other thing that turned into commercialism, music, games, food etc etc., even if there are plenty of indie authors that make their food/music for passions,but always the first fiddle play big industries, looking for money, and not paying attention to quality. Now it's calm, but you will mark my words, s*** will happen very soon, if something won't be done about it, it's just the way it is. Also what about a people that donated to the mods already, and now they'r left with some out-dated work, meh. Bad things happens, and don't understimate the power of donations, just look at kickstarter, plenty of people backed plenty of products even without the knowing what exactly they will get as ending product, and without way to try out full product for free first. Nexus was always superior over steam workshop and i hope that will stay that way. Edited by Qamyk
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In response to post #24587484. #24590039 is also a reply to the same post.

Le3Derio wrote:
IgnacyOrder wrote: I say 90% would be only fair since they do 100% of the work on mod. Materials provided by Bethesda were already paid for when yuo did buy DLC and game tiself

Not to mention the fact that A TOOL IS USELESS IF U DONT KNOW HOW TO USE IT so the Bethesda can talk about providing tools all they want its still a fact
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In response to post #24588269. #24588304, #24588364, #24588424, #24588514, #24588519, #24588644, #24588724, #24589624, #24589729, #24589934 are all replies on the same post.

Ventry wrote:
badiyee85 wrote: how would piracy even happen?

let's take for example "purity", or god forbid those "sange and Yasha" or "butterfly" items that were inspired from DoTA.

You pay for it, then have your money refunded, managed to get the items pirated, but sites like Nexus won't host it because of the rules set in the first place (no stealing)

So where?
sc0608023 wrote: Some underground places on the internet. The nexus is not the only place you can download mods from...
badiyee85 wrote: well, let's just say, okay, its pirated.

now you've found a place.

But how about other modders? it won't stop them from having the mindset "hey let me milk the money out of these suckers".

There has to be a better way that both sides win, but in these cases we users are at the ransom of these mods..

heck, you know what? LET'S CALL THEM RANSOMMODS! :D

we'll buy NO RANSONMODS!
boulegue wrote: what if the modder would never have the oppurtunity to create a mod because he can't afford the free time?
jonman122 wrote: It still needs to go in to the data files, so you download the mod, copy the files, refund, voila. That or torrent sites, whatever you want to do really.
badiyee85 wrote: @boulegue:

if he doesn't have a free time, he has to make his own free time.

He's not "ENTITLED" to think "let me sacrifice my time here because I know I'll be compensated in monetary terms".

This is a mindset that should not even exist.
boulegue wrote: and we're not entitled to think we deserve something for free
sc0608023 wrote: Indeed we're not entitled to anything. All I'm worried about is, this is likely to change the modding community once and for all.

As long as the whole paid mods thing keep being small-scale, non-influential, and the modding community as we all know it remain its current state, I'm fine by that. However, we all know this is never gonna be the case.

It will change everything. It will hurt the modding community and the modding itself. Modding, will lose its energy and wither away eventually. This is the last thing I want to see!
boulegue wrote: the problem is none of us knows what will happen we're all just speculating to me it seems more that it's a test run for valve and bethesda if its an option for future games but thats just speculation i don't think bethesda would ever take away free mods because it's not hurting them they're just winning off of free mods if they make a hybrid model where authors choose if they want to monetize their mods or give them out for free wouldnt that be great for almost everyone? almost..
JazBlade wrote:
He's not "ENTITLED" to think "let me sacrifice my time here because I know I'll be compensated in monetary terms".

Erm... this is exactly how anyone who is employed operates. How is this any different?

You give up some free time to do something that earns money to pay for the free time you are left with. Unless you're of course a sponging career benefits fraudster in which case the concept of earning a living will be lost on you (please don't read into that comment that i think you are one just that someone who is would think that way).

It just should come down to whether or not you think it's worth the money and if it's not, well, don't buy it. I know I certainly wont partake in buying any mods I don't think are worth it but I certainly won't object to someone who spends time creating something thinking he could actually make a little money out of it.

I'm more ill at ease with valve taking 75% having done absolutely nothing other than provide a platform in which to sell them. In my opinion the ratio should be the other way round.

@badiyee, well said.
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In response to post #24589329. #24589589, #24589619, #24589869, #24589984, #24590034, #24590139 are all replies on the same post.

Maverick11 wrote:
DiaSin wrote: The modders get a maximum of 25% of the profit. How is this them getting what they deserve?
Arendella wrote: Everyone has even said they should of done this years ago.
Back in 2012-2013 when the modding scene was booming and Skyrim's modding community was huge.

A lot of them left nexus, and they could of easily made more money and if they polished it better instead of this really dumbass way of 75% of your proceeds which is Absolutely nothing I might add for the modder themselves, it probably wouldn't of been as a big deal.
Daiyus wrote: I don't think anyone is condemning mod authors for wanting a bit of commercial recompense. Anyone who's made a mod knows how labour intensive it can be.

I think the big complaint is how Valve/Bethesda are handling that business model; they're stripping 75% of that profit away for something that they were happy being distributed for nothing?

That and it completely changes the way the community works. I don't think anyone would complain about having a more prevalent donations system with recommended donations. That at least would be keeping with the ethos of the community.

I personally don't have a problem with paying authors for good work, but let me try it first, don't put it behind a paywall.
salvador33 wrote: If it was about some other method of supporting the modders, everything would be fine. They SHOULD get some money via an alternate system. But how is it not GREED when modders get only 25%?

1)How many mods are based on other people's work and assets? I am sure nobody will be greedy and they will share the profits equally.

2)Why do people complain about DLC? It TAKES TIME for the company to create that product. I think we have all seen where that thinking has led.

3) What happens when Bethesda decides that they will allow mods for their games to only be hosted on Steam? If everyone follows suit, say goodbye to the Nexus. But I am sure that monopolistic practices never hurt any consumers before.

4)If you're being paid, it's not a mod but a DLC. Your work better be stellar since you're now selling me a product and if it breaks I am expecting you to fix it or else. See how this changes the relationships in the community?

I am not against modders being paid for their work, I am against the method implemented.
Maverick11 wrote: 25% is very fair. The platform for modders to begin work is available and ready. That platform cost Bethesda and steam a great deal of money to prepare. It is very easy to for a modder to begin work and entirely hassle free when preparing their next project. 25% is better then nothing which has been the case since the dawn of modding.
pr0 wrote: In all fairness a mod author would make more money making mods on Twitch or YouTube than they'll ever make from the SWS program....because even Youtube and Twitch have better profit splitting policies than this.

I get a 60/40 split from YouTube...and I'm literally nobody, I'm sure far more popular people get 90% or even 100% of what they generate in ad revenue. I have friends that make more in one night on Twitch, just playing games, than a mod author is likely to make from the SWS program in the span of a year.

I'm not sure where Bethesda thinks 25/75 is even a fair split, and I'm not sure why a mod author would think it was either.

There are far more effective ways to monetize content than this.

this is a good thing guys...now modder will take full attention for their mod....so we wont see any paid mod get abandoned right?
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