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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24571814. #24571869, #24571909, #24572144, #24572409, #24573479, #24573564, #24575199, #24575369 are all replies on the same post.

Marco9625 wrote:
Laxe wrote: It is just beginning, when more third parties come into play, theres IRS and European vat etc. this will turn into Just another Music industry where if you buy 20$ CD the artists doesn't even get full one dollar bill.
boulegue wrote: valve provides the platform and bethesda created the game and the CK/G.E.C.K to even make modding in the manner we know it today possible.... if you think people at valve and bethesda aren't working hard for their money you never seen any game developer office ever.... 70week hours are no strangers in those offices.... 25% is a rather generous cut compared to other industries (music, books, newspapers, tv........)
Marco9625 wrote: The GECK/CK haven't been touched for years. It doesn't warrant Bethesda a reward. The monetary cost of maintaining Steam is rock bottom low so it doesn't warrant Valve such a high amount. This is a raw deal for modders who are doing the real work. I implore modders everywhere to give the Steam Workshop the cold shoulder here on out, its starting to become bad for consumers and modders alike. And I agree with Laxe fully.
boulegue wrote: both valve and bethesda have a lot of developers that needs to be paid, the CK just got an update (maybe just to ease the upload to steam but w/e)
youre free to buy or not buy the mods on the workshop as mod authors are free to charge or put them up for free now the cost of maintaining steam is in the millions every month just to maintain steam... valve consists of more then just steam
shaithlis wrote: No disrespect intended Boulegue, but is valve paying you to come here and totally defend them, almost every post has you defending them. Just curious
boulegue wrote: 90% of the people posting here have not read anything not even the FAQ linked in darkones article.... im just trying to be realistic rather then cry out of fear that tomorrow the world might end.... i survived soooo many world ending events i learned how to handle them
Teria23 wrote:
boulegue 0 kudos 83 posts
valve provides the platform and bethesda created the game and the CK/G.E.C.K to even make modding in the manner we know it today possible.... if you think people at valve and bethesda aren't working hard for their money you never seen any game developer office ever.... 70week hours are no strangers in those offices.... 25% is a rather generous cut compared to other industries (music, books, newspapers, tv........)

The fact that artists all over the world are being paid less than nothing for their work does not justify yet another industry to jump in on the practise. Bethesda was paid for their work when we bought the game. Why should we pay them AGAIN?
boulegue wrote: thats the beauty.... you dont have to if you dont want to

I don't have a problem with Valve/Bethesda taking a cut but they should split the 25% between them and the modder should get the 75% Other than bandwidth costs and transaction fees, they are not providing any service whatsoever for their cut.

I fear they are going to make this like a play for free and pay to succeed model of MMO and I fear they did this because of ESO tanking so hard, they had to diversify their income platform. Just kinda sucks that it affects us all so much
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In response to post #24574214. #24574274, #24575204, #24575519 are all replies on the same post.

nathanj wrote:
marthgun wrote: lol sure he will.

hey guise pay for it nao it will be FREE laterz kek.

if that happens even once i'll be surprised.
Gribbleshnibit8 wrote: Wouldn't it make more sense to charge for the complete non-buggy version instead?
drwebs wrote: So he is charging for bugged out junk content? Right, that was his mater plan all along.

He is just like the rest, he is just using his words to cleverly disguise it.

What's "complete" Gribble ? A mod such as those Chesko makes is not "complete", it's a patchwork made with/using a lot of stuff from other mods. If even one of the authors of said mod disagree with the paid bull like fore did not even 10 hours ago, the mod is even less complete than before. Nothing in this whole stuff makes any sense.
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In response to post #24566989. #24567159, #24567334, #24567369, #24568009, #24568119, #24568139, #24568164, #24568744, #24568794, #24569069 are all replies on the same post.

sojourner22 wrote:
Uranium - 235 wrote: Unfortunately people - even modders - are greedy and dumb. See also Wet and Cold being sold for FIVE FREAKING DOLLARS.

Hoping it will all work itself out with altruism isn't going to cut it. Furthermore, we're only talking about the current generation of modders. There are almost no people who were modding games for Morrowind who are still modding Skyrim. The torch gets passed and new modders take it up. Yeah, we might have some modders who believe in the old ways and will offer it for free, but with time, they will move on with their lives, and a new generation will take over, a generation that's been raised on microtransactions, DLC, greed, and selfishness.

And that's the end of free modding forever.
sojourner22 wrote: Wet and Cold is set default at $5, but if you select the drop down arrow it allows you to pay as little as $1 for it.... a lot of these mods are listed as pay what you want. It just requires a little bit of extra searching.

That said, the Midas Magic gold minimum price is $3 for like... 10 extra spells. No.
AmeerMahmood wrote: Very pessimistic outlook but a possibility.
Dark0ne wrote: The horrible thing about doing that is that 75% of that donation goes to Valve and Bethesda. Butter my arse, that's crazy. We'll be working to make donations more prominent here without trying to make it too in your face annoying for users still. That way, 100% of the donations will go to the user.
Reaper0021 wrote: Dark I hope you do something ASAP. If ever there was a time we needed your experience it's now. Do something to save this situation. OR make it better.
Thaiauxn wrote: This is why I love Dark0ne. Wading into the trenches of a hot topic, replying to users, taking time away from life, implementing smart solutions.

*wipes away tear* Makes me so proud...
Brumbek wrote: @Dark0ne: thanks again for being awesome and making this site. I don't thank you enough. My current internal debate is...SMIM will always be free on Skyrim Nexus. But if Steam lets me charge a small fee, should I not let Steam users pay me? Steam users seem to love giving money for cosmetics...and SMIM is like the best cosmetic upgrade to Skyrim IMO, hehehe...anyway, I will never, EVER remove my mods from your site. Ever.
Dark0ne wrote: I've had lots of mod authors contact me on Skype about it, they seem to feel like they need to apologise to me or that they owe me an explanation. You don't! The modding industry (excluding the aforementioned F2P Steam games, where it's already happened) is about to go from a $0 a year industry to a multi-million dollar industry in the space of a year. Obviously it makes sense that the mod authors are compensated for their work accordingly, if they so wish.

The only thing that annoys me in all this is that there's no way for a competitor to come in and undercut that batcrap crazy 25/75 revenue share. And that's not me lamenting the fact that I can't do it, oh god no, that's far too much drama and stress for me to bother with, but the fact no one else can come along and do better due to Valve's lock-down, that's the thing that really annoys me in all of this. Used to be that people used the best platform for the job. And if you wanted to be that platform you had to analyse all the other platforms and try and come up with something better, something people really wanted to use. That's out the window, now.

25/75...my god.
mcguffin wrote: 75% cut is really high.
I understand if Bethesda want a share, because, you know, most mods are using their assets in first place, but Valve... this feel wrong.
Even Apple doesnt take that much in Itunes.
SvarogNL wrote: Its the 75% that smells, Brum.

I have no doubt people want to pay for SMIM, just not thru Steam Workshop because of the 75%.

Dark0ne, please make the Donate button bigger and more easier to see. most of folk here dont even kbow such an option exist
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In response to post #24572884. #24573039, #24574344, #24574469 are all replies on the same post.




marthgun wrote:
DarkWarrior90 wrote: Agreed.
CaedesAposis wrote: I agree. They should be banned, and their content should be completely purged. We built them up in this community, and they have the gall to spit in our faces with this s***? Nah, purge 'em. Every last one of these authors.


We should seriously consider beginning a NexusMods Authors Blacklist and keep it posted in public.

boulegue wrote: someone provided you with a lot of fun FOR FREE and now decided to make money off of it? you didnt make them big them gave you fun cheesko made $0 off of his mods so far youre spitting in his face not the other way around

@ boulegue


Here's my problem. If Chesko wants to shill for shekels here and Nexus allows it, thats perfectly ok with me, he should get donations for his work. But what if steam / bethesda copywrite these mods?


What is nexus going to do? they may get DMCA to take down any mod that looks moderately similar? What effect is this going to have in the long rum? We could be looking at people taking mods from here, signing the agreement, then steam turning around and issuing take down notices all over the internet. And what about all the mods steam workshop users have stolen from here? This is a huge cluster@#%@



DMCA only amply to american sites ,isn't nexus a british site?


Edited by Linkdarkside
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In response to post #24575464.

Krazeecain wrote:

The problem is, Valve is offering so little and taking so much that it's clearly nothing more than an invitation to let them use you. You do all the work and they get almost all the credit, and buying into this system just lets them think they can get away with that.

Oh, and while I can't confirm this, I hear modders are only paid in Steam wallet credit. Edited by CaptainGame
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In response to post #24571614. #24572234, #24572374, #24572469, #24572589, #24572669, #24572829, #24572854, #24572864, #24572984, #24572994, #24573004, #24573029, #24573229, #24573324, #24573399, #24573439, #24573784, #24573939, #24574029, #24574129, #24574984, #24575109 are all replies on the same post.

KaiserDeathIV wrote:
speash wrote: Signed
ShwayNorris wrote: Signed
Kerros wrote: Signed, thank you for the link
zzjay wrote: Will do tomorrow..cant open from phone :(.

I doubt it'll help...we can simply not buy em.
groupthinker1984 wrote: Way too soon for this kind of knee jerk reaction.

I agree that this COULD be absolutely disastrous. Or it could be wonderful. Or somehow both at the same time.
MrSpanky wrote: signed. passed the 7500 mark
Rigmor wrote: Signed
Ultrametal wrote: This means nothing to Valve, they just gonna discourage people from making mods, since anyone can steal the idea and sell it with a different color.
softail4life wrote: Signed...thank you
Mindprobe24 wrote: Signed (8305)
shaithlis wrote: Signed
jradik wrote: signed
popcorn71 wrote: Sites not loading. Too many people trying to sing?
BFNord wrote: and signed. and forwarded the link to a few others. f*#@ that noise.
StackEmHigh wrote: Signed.
akkalat85 wrote: Signing...
popcorn71 wrote: Signed.
danjal wrote: Frankly, I'm not deadset against paid mods.

What I would demand is that Valve gets its ass in gear and does some quality control/assurance...
Not to mention, if I'd pay for a mod, then I would want the mod to work - which means that Steam Workshop needs to start providing adequate tools and support there aswell.

Untill such a time as that starts happening - they do not deserve this financial split.
Mindprobe24 wrote: 8,741 supporters, comme on people! SPREAD!
bloodwolf13 wrote: Signed and deleted all mods from the Valve, I was going to buy Farcry4 from there but now No way are they going to get another Dime from me.
derek6688 wrote: Signed. (9,584)
deadblood01 wrote: signed and shared

10,000 signature milestone
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In response to post #24571929. #24572044, #24572064, #24572299, #24573824, #24573909, #24574109, #24574289, #24574414, #24574694, #24574724, #24574819, #24574964, #24575344 are all replies on the same post.

swiftfoxmark2 wrote:
boulegue wrote: bethesda decided to legalize it
Azarakos wrote: Valve and Bethesda get 75% of the mod income, the modder himself/herself get 25%. More money to the companies.

Welcome to capitalism, brother.
boulegue wrote: a musician gets much less for their music, a developer gets much less for their work on the game, a writer gets much less for their books.....

valve is being very generous in that department
swiftfoxmark2 wrote: Yes, I know that. But I'm referring to the Nexus policy.
boulegue wrote: the nexus is probably not able to give bethesda a share or bethesda is simply not interested in it and partnered with valve
WightMage wrote: And this why self publishing books and indie record labels are all the rage now. So too should it be with mods, IMO.
boulegue wrote: in the top 15 combined print & e-book fiction bestseller list of march 2015 all are published by established publishers to lazy to look up the music charts but i could bet its similar.... selfpublished and indie labels remain a minority because they cant afford the advertising big publishers can.... just as with games.... theres a few exceptions like minecraft but even that has now a big publisher behind it now
Reaper0021 wrote: This statement is 100% wrong. I work in the "Entertainment Industry" in the 'literature' side of things. Author's don't "Get" less for their books in that capacity. Nor is it "Much Less". You claim to work in the 'industry' and if so cool. But please don't step where you have no knowledge.
boulegue wrote: the industry standart for royalties for books is 10% correct?
Reaper0021 wrote: Wrong. Dependent on several factors but not limited to: Authors previous works, legal, notoriety, part of a series/contractual, etc. Too many things to list. No, 10% is not even worth the ink.
Reaper0021 wrote: Writers i.e. Script Writers might get away with that. Think someone like "S. King, R.A. Salvatore or numerous other well known authors would settle for that? No. The amount fluctuates and is dependent on many factors.
boulegue wrote: okay none of our modders here no matter how good they are are world renown they are literally starting the business today
Reaper0021 wrote: Very true. But your statement is still wrong. You've gone from 21 posts today to your current 87. Obviously this is a subject you care about. So, let me just say this once more for your own benefit: I'm NOT against modder's making money. Hell, Bethesda should have paid some of these people out of their own pockets months ago for taking their game and breathing a whole new life into it. I'm looking at/worried about the bigger picture. I'm just that way....far thinking. What I'm afraid of is this will add fire to the current trend of "Pay to Win". An example for you: The Total War Games. Rome II, Attila....all of them have factions. Many in fact. What CA/SEGA does is cuts out the blood, gore, factions, etc. and offers them up as "DLC". Pricey in the long run. This trend needs to stop.

its actually 4am and im just unable to sleep i really dont care either way i wont buy mods on steam workshop myself i started by telling people that they could file DMCA complaints if something of their work got stolen.... and i believe i started with 2 comments yesterday just a coincedent i couldnt sleep and came here at the right/wrong time

and i 100% agree you that the pay to win & microtransaction crap has to end.... but starting a whitch hunt at the modders that are trying to make money off of it (not you but others) and others crying for the worlds end just makes it kinda entertaining i could also argue against the valve system but theres already 9000 people signing the petition and another couple hundred here and on steam being against it... very few people defending people like cheesko, isoku and blacklake that do nothing wrong
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In response to post #24574214. #24574274, #24575204, #24575519, #24575539 are all replies on the same post.

nathanj wrote:
marthgun wrote: lol sure he will.

hey guise pay for it nao it will be FREE laterz kek.

if that happens even once i'll be surprised.
Gribbleshnibit8 wrote: Wouldn't it make more sense to charge for the complete non-buggy version instead?
drwebs wrote: So he is charging for bugged out junk content? Right, that was his mater plan all along.

He is just like the rest, he is just using his words to cleverly disguise it.
Blueflyingbanana wrote: What's "complete" Gribble ? A mod such as those Chesko makes is not "complete", it's a patchwork made with/using a lot of stuff from other mods. If even one of the authors of said mod disagree with the paid bull like fore did not even 10 hours ago, the mod is even less complete than before. Nothing in this whole stuff makes any sense.

but what about compatibility? what about beth updates that routinely break games?

thats alot of work for 99 dollars. alot of work minus a community that will point this out. They will point them here. and i would be pissed if I were the nexus. I don't think this thing has been thought through at all, they just saw dollar signs and baited some people over to their side. Chesko said he signed some non-disclosure about this. God knows what else we don't know about.
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