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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24575764. #24575884, #24576014, #24576019, #24576029, #24576179, #24576534, #24577229, #24578084 are all replies on the same post.

dinofinder wrote:
CaedesAposis wrote: So what prevented you from using the donate button on this website previously? Hmmm?
Explosive196 wrote: Then feel free to donate to the author. Nobody should be forced to pay for a mod.
freedom613 wrote: I must agree with Caedes. We as a community share the same amount of blame as Valve and Bethesda. If we donated more often, then the modders would not risk being ostracised by the community and would keep their mods free.
Reaper0021 wrote: Seriously there has been a "donate" button here for ages. I've given. You set yourself up for that question.
belenbelen wrote: ignorance at its best. you know how to mod skyrim in the most complicated ways but not heard of donate button? i hate humans.
dinofinder wrote: Well to be honest before I didn't have a job to be able to afford to (Still am living at home with the family), and I hadn't really given much thought into it after I recently just finally got one, guess I haven't endorsed much either like I should have been, there are tons of great mods here on the nexus that deserve to be.

edit: I know, I pretty much failed on the donate button front and I've always seen it.
marthgun wrote: so you're saying you aren't going to pay, but want other people to?

in theory, this isn't a bad idea. In theory, marxism isn't a bad idea.

How many proverbial dead bodies are going to need be piled up before we decide it wasn't so great?

And at that point, is there any way to go backwards once pandora's box is open? The mad wizard has the key to the box, lets kill him before he sticks it in. Then we can have a conversation about how to proceed with mod authors getting paid. .25 cents for an armor mod is everything wrong with this model.
dinofinder wrote: @ marthgun - I'm not saying that I'm not going to donate, in fact I didn't even say that others should while I have not yet. What I was trying to say is that despite the whole Valve thing going on. I support the decisions that the people who are creating the mods are making because I do appreciate what they have been doing for us thus far. Even if my actions here are not showing it, I do appreciate the hard work they have done. If I didn't, then what point would there in me being here at this website right now trying to argue as such? Or even in downloading their mods and enjoying the game even more so because of them?

@Explosive196 This x1000 Edited by subwayexpress
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In response to post #24578069. #24578114 is also a reply to the same post.

WightMage wrote:
Salzber wrote: Doesn't change him agreeing and joining to begin with.

He may of had a choice and his own choice to put his mod there and such, but there is no excuse for what he did. I'm sorry but I won't use his mods anymore and I will tell others to not support it as well. In terms of business, all it takes is bad reputation to outweigh the good ones.
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In response to post #24578069. #24578114, #24578164 are all replies on the same post.

WightMage wrote:
Salzber wrote: Doesn't change him agreeing and joining to begin with.
Arendella wrote: He may of had a choice and his own choice to put his mod there and such, but there is no excuse for what he did. I'm sorry but I won't use his mods anymore and I will tell others to not support it as well. In terms of business, all it takes is bad reputation to outweigh the good ones.

I'm not saying that I support his decision, just been spending the past hour getting scoops and posting them here for others to read.

In other news, there's a rumor that some of the mod authors have taken to changing their Steam handles due to the sheer amount of hate they're getting.
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OK, here is my 2 cents.


So if this works out and its going well, how long is it until Bethesda decides to patch the Steam Version of Skyrim so that it will not run sanctioned mods. Meaning Skyrim would not load any mod that was not installed via Steam Workshop and locking out all other free mods. Of course many of us with DVD's can simply not allow the update, or, I am going to get it this, use pirated executable files to launch their game and keep Steam out of the picture. But if they can see they are getting a good cut of the of the incoming money, what is going to stop them from doing this to Skyrim and any and all of their future games. Sure, technically they will still be open to modding, but they get to pick and choose the mods you get and how much you are going to pay for them. They will see locking out the free third party mod scene as a plus as it means the mods will work and they will be safe from any instability. They will play on the fears of the new users to grab a foothold this way.


You wait and see, that's going to be their next line of thought. They will start to advertise that modding your game only using Steam Workshop is the only safe way to do it and hence we have decided to lock out all content that is not from the Workshop for your safety. I may be looking through some very dark glasses here, but this is how these things happen and with Valve whispering in Bethesda ears about how much money they can grab, steal. from the modding scene it the way they are going to go. All we can do is sit back and wait and see what the next move is. But if Skyrim gets an update all of a sudden all your mods from Nexus stop working, well I get to tell you, I TOLD YOU SO!.

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In response to post #24577829. #24577934, #24577944 are all replies on the same post.

Brasscatcher wrote:
knightspk2 wrote: You still definitely can. Just don't upload to the workshop. I never will again.
WightMage wrote: Please don't leave! In a time like this, we need people like you more than ever!

Yeah, don't let this crap stop you from making the mods you want to make. If nothing else its a great learning experience that will keep you busy for countless hours.
Besides, this is most likely just a trial balloon their floating to see how profitable it will be and if its worth implementing for real in Fallout 4.
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spread tb's video about the topic

Further solidifying my fairly abysmal opinion of TotalBiscuit.


That guy is a f*#@ing idiot!. I know he has a reputation to uphold and that he likes to approach things in a mature manor, but he NEVER actually speaks out on these things upright no matter how wrong it is.

Hell he even supported half of evolves plans for DLC...he's a twat and i lost respect for him awhile ago.

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In response to post #24577829. #24577934, #24577944, #24578249 are all replies on the same post.

Brasscatcher wrote:
knightspk2 wrote: You still definitely can. Just don't upload to the workshop. I never will again.
WightMage wrote: Please don't leave! In a time like this, we need people like you more than ever!
popcorn71 wrote: Yeah, don't let this crap stop you from making the mods you want to make. If nothing else its a great learning experience that will keep you busy for countless hours.
Besides, this is most likely just a trial balloon their floating to see how profitable it will be and if its worth implementing for real in Fallout 4.

Oh, I'm not leaving, wight. I'm just going to have to wait a bit to see how the legal/political side of things plays out before I decide what (if anything) I'm willing to create and put on display for everyone else to play with. This is a real pain in the ass! I've been all over web-based and youtube tutorials, skulking through message boards where people share advice on mod making (f*ckin papyrus! shite!), and learning the CK, not to mention how much broader the horizons became with SKSE and SkyUI! It really chafes to think I was getting all stoked only to have this fustercluck happen. Yeah, I'm gonna have to wait and see.

@knightspk: I tried the workshop once. Then I took an arrow to my save file.
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