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Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow


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In response to post #24577829. #24577934, #24577944, #24578249, #24578304 are all replies on the same post.

Brasscatcher wrote:
knightspk2 wrote: You still definitely can. Just don't upload to the workshop. I never will again.
WightMage wrote: Please don't leave! In a time like this, we need people like you more than ever!
popcorn71 wrote: Yeah, don't let this crap stop you from making the mods you want to make. If nothing else its a great learning experience that will keep you busy for countless hours.
Besides, this is most likely just a trial balloon their floating to see how profitable it will be and if its worth implementing for real in Fallout 4.
Brasscatcher wrote: Oh, I'm not leaving, wight. I'm just going to have to wait a bit to see how the legal/political side of things plays out before I decide what (if anything) I'm willing to create and put on display for everyone else to play with. This is a real pain in the ass! I've been all over web-based and youtube tutorials, skulking through message boards where people share advice on mod making (f*ckin papyrus! shite!), and learning the CK, not to mention how much broader the horizons became with SKSE and SkyUI! It really chafes to think I was getting all stoked only to have this fustercluck happen. Yeah, I'm gonna have to wait and see.

@knightspk: I tried the workshop once. Then I took an arrow to my save file.

+1 kudos
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Well this is going to suck, the amount of stealing that will occur if Valve's experiment succeeds and people start paying for those mods will probably drive modders on free sites like this one to move behind the paywall on Steam. But then Valve taking 75% of the money will mean modders will barely get anything from the awful deal. So you'd have to choose between only getting 25% of the money or get it stolen by someone else who posts your mod on Steam without your knowledge.


Now, it it meant better support for mods it would be decent for consumers, but we all know how good Valve is at costumer support so that's a dead end.


Hopefully this will implode as I expect and then people will be able to look for a better way to reward modders for their work. Otherwise this may as well kill serious modding for good.

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In response to post #24578009.




Erinaea wrote:

"TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit 6 hours ago

Somehow I suspect those clicking the dislike button did not bother to listen to the whole video. I dont think this is a good idea, at least not in the way they are implementing it :blink:"


Oh I listened..and he supported the idea of making people pay for mods, in the format Steam is using. He just didn't support their method due to legal considerations and the like. :down:

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anyone know how this will effect mods that you already have downloaded?? will steam scan every mod that you are running and pick the ones that you didn't buy out of your data files and make you pay use them again?? im not against supporting the mod designers for there hard work and time but i believe that valve is doing it all wrong. i have donated to mod designers before . Edited by aimlesswander
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I am not crazy about the idea of being forced to pay for mods. However there are people here that could be game designers or programmers. Yet they sit here and make amazing quality downloads for free. I don't know Chesko personally, but I do know that any time I have had a question about one of his mods or a concern. He unlike many uploaders has always gotten back to me in the post section or PM and been extremely polite and helpful. If he needs money or wants money for his work, he deserves it. Just because I am to broke to buy them... Which really sucks because I am... doesn't mean that he is a traitor etc.. etc.. I hope he will stay loyal to the community here, which I must say is incredible. The comradery here is unmatched in any site on the web including, hell especially with steam! I hope he and others will not get greedy and offer their work on both sites. Making money on one site and sticking with their brothers and sisters here on the nexus. Really Bethesda and Steam couldn't claim any rights on most mods. Mainly because of SKSE and ENB series and others that don't use Bethesda's material only use their imagination and talent to enhance what Bethesda has only half ass offered us to begin with. I hope they don't stoop that low at least. If that is the case I won't be boycotting Chesko for god sakes! I will be boycotting Bethesda and Steam!
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In response to post #24577829. #24577934, #24577944, #24578249, #24578304, #24578419 are all replies on the same post.

Brasscatcher wrote:
knightspk2 wrote: You still definitely can. Just don't upload to the workshop. I never will again.
WightMage wrote: Please don't leave! In a time like this, we need people like you more than ever!
popcorn71 wrote: Yeah, don't let this crap stop you from making the mods you want to make. If nothing else its a great learning experience that will keep you busy for countless hours.
Besides, this is most likely just a trial balloon their floating to see how profitable it will be and if its worth implementing for real in Fallout 4.
Brasscatcher wrote: Oh, I'm not leaving, wight. I'm just going to have to wait a bit to see how the legal/political side of things plays out before I decide what (if anything) I'm willing to create and put on display for everyone else to play with. This is a real pain in the ass! I've been all over web-based and youtube tutorials, skulking through message boards where people share advice on mod making (f*ckin papyrus! shite!), and learning the CK, not to mention how much broader the horizons became with SKSE and SkyUI! It really chafes to think I was getting all stoked only to have this fustercluck happen. Yeah, I'm gonna have to wait and see.

@knightspk: I tried the workshop once. Then I took an arrow to my save file.
WightMage wrote: +1 kudos

@popcorn Oh, that's exactly what they're doing. Testing the waters with something beyond primary profitability, but not yet beyond relevance to see if the model is feasible when they roll out the new hotness. Hell, I was certain TESO was a deathcall for the TES franchise; If I had only known this was going to show up...

I was already a bit bothered by Steam exclusivity when I bought Skyrim. I got over it when things seemed to be running ok. This is not suggesting a promising trajectory for the future of the franchise however.
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In response to post #24577779. #24578409 is also a reply to the same post.

Jsmorris14 wrote:
Brasscatcher wrote: *never* comment via steam(or a steam-related service) about steam (or a steam-related service). It's the only time and place valve will actively moderate. lol.

Haha, as if... I was banned for quoting someone who said Nvidia was better than AMD. But whatever, be careful when posting things against Steam on Steam, but definitely still do it. Valve needs to see.
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