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In response to post #24595494. #24595669 is also a reply to the same post.

LtRhapthorne wrote:
Reaper0021 wrote: This is what I'm talking about. Mods have already been posted on STEAM that have been stolen from other sites/modder's and taken down. This is a mess.

Really sad read this happening because the greed of Valve and Bethesda, and probably more modders will begin doing this making the mods of community going down... damn it.

Thanks for the time to make mods, I know that take a huge time and is frustrating see other people stealing your work for money...

But know it other people still appreciate the work you and all other modders done, even if you remove your mods from nexus.

Hope one day you re-upload them :)
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In response to post #24595124. #24595439, #24595614, #24595784 are all replies on the same post.

Reaper0021 wrote:
Brasscatcher wrote: That's part of what's dragged me into this conversation. I'm really not that chatty online. I'm kind of an e-hermit, for the most part, lol.

There are so many ways this system could be exploited if it worked *well*. Considering how they've chosen to implement pay2mod, it can only end badly.
Reaper0021 wrote: Yeah I don't get involved in forums talk much. I come here and use Dark0ne's site(s) for all the great mods. I just look at this....and get worried about the direction things are going. I'm truly scared. There have already been mods posted on STEAM this morning that have been stolen and taken down. This isn't going to bode well I think.
Azarakos wrote: "You may sell presets, shaders, bitmaps, documentation and any other components for ENBSeries, except binary files (dll, exe) created by author of ENBSeries." - The licence agreement and distribution rules from his site. (http://enbdev.com/license_en.htm)

Despite this, I do share your concern.

Respect to you Azarakos. I just see potential problems from all kinds of areas that will crop up. Kudos your way. Edited by Reaper0021
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We, users and supporters of Nexus, are mostly aware of that matters and what should be done to protect and acknowledge mod authors. However, some people do not use the Nexus for modding Skyrim...'They' only use the Steam Workshop I'm afraid so. In that case, those people are blinded by what's really happening under the hood.


I don't know if Valve/Bethesda would consider this "method" to be rethink, but for the moment it should be at least stopped for now. A donation button would be the greatest idea like the one actually implemented on the Nexus.


We should do a petition and send it both to Valve and Bethesda. Not only for thieves, but I don't want to end up paying hundred if not thousands of money to keep my 300 active mods because mod authors on Nexus shuts down their work temporarily and I would have to get them from Steam...


I'm also a creator on Youtube. I showcase Skyrim mods as a hobby and to give them tribute to their work. But if they are 'all' gonna hide their work (and I do understand them) this community will lose their spirit.


We should all be considered and stand against that impulsive idea (implementation) from Valve.


For the Nords, for Skyrim and for Tamriel...for what they have become with modding! :D


I'm 100% with you Dark0ne!

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I was kind of wondering how one would deal with stolen assets, or even ones with permissions that were then uploaded to make a quick buck. Simply put, this is a big step back for everyone in my opinion. The only ones that will make a dime are the devs.


It's kind of a shame how some some people change when money is involved. Paying for mods is a nice idea; compensating the mod makers, but for most mods using others assets, I feel it will only hurt the community overall. All the same, thank you for your well-written words over the last few weeks, Dark0ne! This must be a pretty stressful time.

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So once you've bought that mod, that money will always be Valve's from that point on. Refund or not. That, I'm sorry to say, is batshit. Freaking. Crazy.


Jesus, thats not even... Wow!


The more i read the more it sucks. :(

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I think this is all a test to see if people are willing to pay for mods. If they see this test as a success, future games will probably support only mods that are bought from the workshop.

I don't think Beth/Valve really cares about the modding community, as long the average customer keeps buying.

Face it guys, we are the minority here, people gives their money away for no reason. Take Twitch for example. It was a place to watch people playing games and chat with other people with more or less the same interests as you, but today it's all about subscriptions, donations etc. Why a person should get money for casually playing a game?

Soon the dust will settle down, and Steam will still be selling mods. And there is very little we can do.

Edited by SolidusEkans
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Nexus and Nexus ONLY for life!!! I refuse to use the "Workshop" as I am not fond of A) Their policies and B) Methods. I don't like Steam 'Auto-Updating' my Mods nor having access to my files in that way. No. I am Pro-Nexus.
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In response to post #24596124.

SolidusEkans wrote:

We aren't the minority: the petition on Change.org has thirty thousand signatures after 24 hours. The announcement page is full of negative comments, the mods themselves are full of negative comments, the Skyrim reviews are full of negative comments. It's a PR disaster already, at least.
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