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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24685929. #24686389, #24686629 are all replies on the same post.

harhar1011 wrote:
sunshinenbrick wrote: That smells of PR and I do not believe they will chnage unless its bad for THEM too.

However there is hope in the fact that they are even bothering to talk to us, unlike some game developers I could mention.

harhar1011 wrote: You're right, it does smell of PR, but here's the thing-if it's bad for us, it is bad for them, because then we just say "screw you" and take our business elsewhere.

And can I just say that I feel this has the makings for a movie where a brave group of modders resist corporations and risk their lives to distribute their creations?

Like Pirate Radio, but with mods.

Anyway, companies always get nervous about bad press. We give them enough bad press, they'll back off.

Let it never be said that we don't know how to raise a ruckus.

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As someone who's lurked in and used Nexus for a good number of years now, I just want to say, thank you!!!!!! for the great work you've done and please don't let the poisonous atmosphere get you down.


Unfortunately in addition to all the short term problems this new workshop scheme raises, I'm worried it will kill the modding scene in the long term with things like mod drm, drm blocking non-workshop mods from being used, publishers charging for mod tools, big IP holders forcing star wars, LOTR etc themed mods to charge and give up their cut. as someone who's done some modding for a non-nexus game, I know I never would have gotten involved if I had to worry about lawyers and paying other modders to borrow their assets for my free or even private mods. yuck. boycott steam

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In response to post #24679789. #24680359, #24680884, #24680909, #24681594, #24683019, #24683494, #24686649, #24686714 are all replies on the same post.

GhostAgent wrote:
Welewa wrote: Personally, I like this idea. I would endorse it :D and I would donate to my favorite modders as a show of support and appreciation.
bigdeano89 wrote: A "would you like to donate?" popup has already came up on my download page on a few mods today, that made me think about donating, which I did! If you put the idea into peoples heads they will do it.
TKHBMVP wrote: I like this and I'm happy Dark0ne has already implemented the popup note to notice users about the donation feature here on Nexus.
mALX1 wrote:
These are some fantastic ideas. I would also like to see a donate button on that row of buttons for the Endorsements and Votes - so the person who comes back to endorse sees the donate option then; while they are endorsing and commenting the mod.

(To me, it is a better option than the one popping up on download before you even know if you like the mod or if it works).

secondmoto381 wrote: This idea is the key, it would help bring some modders who have already stated that they are moving to the Workshop for the money back to the Nexus. Not to mention that tons more people would donate on the "merit system".
SjoertJansen wrote: @mALX1

The donate button is already there, next to the vote button.

And I generally like the ideas, Good ideas. The popup is already there as well. Just activate the feature in your edit attributes.
Elta1 wrote: Wow... I think that is very cool. Trying to make a system more on promoting donation by not requiring it. I think he is on to something.
sunshinenbrick wrote: @ GhostAgent

Your intellectual property has been Endorsed!

This is a great idea if Nexus was a primary distributor but this has potential political ramifications with Valve and Bethesda considering they now stand to make money off of this. Rolling out a system to endorse donations on this site means Nexus would be pressuring mod authors to create content here (which is good, don't get me wrong) instead of on the Steam Workshop to get their income which can be seen as attempting to strong arm Bethesda and Valve. Doing that any time soon could damage relations considering how much public opinion would be swayed.

It's like a pendulum that's been lifted by with a string that represents change. If he enrolls a new system of income it cuts the string granting immediate relief of pressure but causes the public opinion to sway heavily and without direction. So in effect, cutting the string create a much more volatile situation.
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Just wanted to let you all know that the petition to remove paid mods from the workshop has already reached 67000 signatures...two days ago. :)


I'd be willing to bet it's over 100000 by now. People are responding to this. People are saying "We do not like this." And as is the case with a company, they will make money where they can, but bad PR will make them back off.


We are being heard. We shall overcome.


*Play any rebellious them music of your choosing*

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Thank you, Robin, for continuing to be a sane and sensible person in spite of all the crap floating around. I appreciate the time and energy you've devoted to the modding community; we would all be immeasurably poorer without you.


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I believe that from this point forward modders should be able to make money from their work now that we all know the rules, and be ready to accept the consequences of their decision.


When you add money to something that people have freely worked at for years to build you also add a lot of other things. Greed, suspicion, distrust, fear, etc, etc.


So go ahead and charge, just make sure that what you are charging for is entirely your own. Not one eyelash, texture, brick, or ray of light should come from someone else s' work.


As far as corporations, they are what they are. This attempt at one more draw from the teat of a fading cash cow known as Skyrim i find quite pathetic. They have already stuffed billions into their pockets from said cow. Billions that they made on the backs of modders who have taken it upon themselves to fix this buggy, glitchy, game so that even years after it's release it is still popular.


If this works I see hundreds of dollars in the future to play games. The initial outlay, DLC's that should have been in the initial release, mods to fix all the glitches, then mods to customize you game. there's too much money out thereto pass up.

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In my opinion the only way to fight this is to stop ALL modding and pull all mod files of the market. If the game companies want to see their games being long time used and in the focus of the public, is to have the modders come back with their work under the modders and modder community conditions, not theirs.


If a modder starts to work on a mod, is their free will decision, to do that, not the game companies nor the sellers/resellers platforms. With their work they keep games alive for a long time and that way make free advertising for the game companies and others.

What i don't understand now, is, that there are enough modders coming forward, saying it's all that hard work and time consuming and they should be supported by some payment. No one asked someone to do anything ...


If someone creates a mod, then it's their idea and their decision. If they want to be paid, for what they do, they should go to Valve or Bethesda or whoever and offer their work for a product to sell. But then they are no more modders to me, they are payed developers with all the responsibilites of to take care of their product and satisfy their customers with a working product, not with experiments.


This clean split i would like to see, Mods and Developer Addons - not this muddle and huddle, like it seems to be in right now.


And like someone mentioned before - i've tried at least 300 mods the last 2 years, if if would pay for each one, it wouldn't be worth anymore, to do that, because for all that money i could get me plenty of other full games, new games to play, not to joke around with ONE game. So if you own maybe 10 games with a lot of modding possibilities and mods available - you would be paying thousands in a short time. Who can do that, afford that ???


And - some of those Mods were working, some were not, some crashed my game and savegames, some collided with other mods, some mod problems only showed up in certain situations and not right after game start (so 24 hous like Valves return policy is to me a joke) and so on ...


But since all those Mods i've tried, were basicly free mods to try or use, i didn't care and didn't get mad, when my savegames or game crashed, because it was MY decision to try all that stuff for it's good or bad.


So if someone says "you don't have to donate to each modder, just the ones you think it's worth" - well, how should i decide, which modder i give money and which modder i don't give money, even i still use both modders mods, but only donate to one of them (because maybe in can't afford to pay all of them...). I guess the only way would be to only use maybe 4 or 5 or mostly 10 mods to pay something and don't use the rest, but for one, if just use those few mods, i don't even have to start at all and because it would be unfair to the others.


So my simple decision in this case is simply that i don't use NO Mods anymore, to stay fair and clean to the best of my belief. I can't afford to pay them ALL, so the best for me is, not to use ANY of them ...


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