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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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@Dark0ne: I admire your efforts, but at times there are only so much that a single individual can do, let alone a community with so little understanding of the given situation, (as evidenced as I read through the majority of these posts).


@everyone, the critics: The Nexus has been around for years, but the nexus community wants to overlook that and hang a man because he was approached by Bethesda and Valve. Perhaps they have an association, but I hardly consider that to be anything deeper than business acquaintance.

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"The worry is with the introduction of Curated Workshops that free and open modding will be removed entirely, as in, it just won't be possible to do."


That isn't my worry, at least for right now. That is something that will take years.


What will NOT take years is that this community will stop sharing freely. It will not collaborate as much.


And it wont.


Once a modder decides to sell a mod, he will not share any of that mods resources and that will cut down on the amount of mods, not only that, but it will become that mod creators best interest to CUT competition to try to maximize his own chances for profit...he will work AGAINST the modding community.


And history has proven this. This happened with The Sims 2 outside of the mod the sims site where there were actual LAWSUITS placed by modders against other modders! and it downright destroyed Spores chance at being a decent game where they were flagging content that looked similar!


Nexus should pull out of this Providers list, protect THIS community and open up the donations available HERE.


Place a donation button on ALL mods, make donations possible at all levels, the lowest you can get while also allowing for high donation amounts. Free it all, make it universal...have all modders place at the top of their discriptions and donation reminder for everyone to support the community.


Anything to keep this greatest modding community in history from being split...and it WILL split if we don't take steps now.

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I was digging a flower bed earlier and while covered in filth I immediately thought of Valve, thieves and Bethesda......But seriously, has anyone suggested that mod authors that are keeping mods up put their Steam ID number on their mod page so we know if people are actually buying from the real author or not? What someone does with their IP is out of my hands but at least make sure they're getting credit and the financial reward they are asking for.
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In response to post #24640949. #24641209, #24641459, #24641589, #24641639, #24641819, #24641904, #24642019 are all replies on the same post.

steveling wrote:
MangoMonkey wrote: Why? This doesn't make any sense? He's entirely transparent about the process. I can kind of understand the notion that you believe he is tacitly "supporting" the Workshop and Valve's move, but his posts have made it clear he doesn't.

At the same time, surely you can't think that he should've actively refused to list the site as a partner? The Nexus requires money - and from my previous experiences with websites and server costs, likely an awful lot of money - to support the modding scene (the free modding scene, I hasten to add) in the way that it does. To continue to develop this site as an alternative to the Workshop, it would've made no sense at all to dismiss Valve's proposal. He did all the leg work he had to to ensure his opinions and site itself remained free to operate.
Amelli wrote: Because he knew about the fact that Valve and Beth would rake in the bigger part of the modders money before he decided he would also take 5% of valves. Why support that? Instead support your community of modders better by providing better tools in which they can be recognised and donated to for their hard work and in so doing raise kudos and therefore more visitors and subscriptions for nexus. At the end of the day, instead of helping the modders get 100% of what they deserve, he has supported valve so he gets a 5% cut of the money for his own site.

Its like a spider telling a fly, we'll let you live so long as you tempt other flies into my web.

Just because it makes a tiny amount of revenue for nexus does NOT make it right.
zzjay wrote: woul'd youu rather have nexus marked as illegal? cvause valve can do that...
Amelli wrote: No Valve cannot do that so long as the mods are not behind a paywall. They cannot do anything about free given mods.

EDIT: Also if they did that they would have to do the same for other sites that allow downloading of mods such as curse.
MangoMonkey wrote: He's done exactly that? He's raised the profile of the donation button, added support for permissions and donations right there in the download button, all within a few days? The tools you wanted are already there, and no doubt more will come? This is directly because of these revenue streams.

Just because Valve is involved at all does not make it wrong, either. The Nexus itself is in no way effected by this deal, other than receiving a trickle of revenue from the Workshop if the author opts into the scheme. Fundamentally: if an author chooses to add a paid mod to the Workshop, and then chooses to support the Nexus, he receives that support. By making the choice to participate, the author has already agreed to Valve's ridiculous 25/75 cost divide. The Nexus doesn't even factor in here?

You want him to take an outright stand against their actions that he doesn't want to take. He supports his site, and his site supports free modding with donations and exposure? You're directing your ire at the wrong people for the wrong reasons, surely?
WightMage wrote: Oh yes they can. At any time, Bethesda can make use of a clause in the Creation Kit which states that they own the copywrite of anything made with CK in perpetuity.


They just haven't yet, but people seem to forget that that exists.
Amelli wrote: And that's the sad truth of it all. At the end of the day, its all about money.

Money runs everything unfortunately. Who is going to provide enough revenue for running the site? You? Me? The guy next to you? Let's be real here. He needs the money to keep the site operational for all of us free users to download mods. Like others have already said, the mod author has already chosen with the steamworkshop payment method even before deciding whether to donate to Nexus or not. There's nothing wrong with their choice for doing so. Would you say no to someone offering you $ if they already made up their mind about selling the items anyways?
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If they leave paid modding despite 90.000+ signature petition, do you really think they will stop in the near future with restricting modding to one controlled, official channel?


Now that's naive.

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Thanks for putting the time to write this.


What I would like to see next is the Nexus stepping up and making the donation system better. I think this should be make a priority.


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In response to post #24646984. #24647104 is also a reply to the same post.

Psijonica wrote:
SchwererGustav wrote: This post wwll be deleted in...3...2...1...

You will see ;)

Way to sound like an entitled 12 year old man. Dark0ne has been honest from the start. Good luck trying to find another site btw, all the others are either gone or ALSO took the service provider option. That includes AFKmods etc.

Dark0ne is not the only site to do that, so stop making them out to be the bad guys. Nexus has been around for years giving mod authors FREE space for mods big and small.
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