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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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In response to post #24659374. #24659484, #24659604, #24659669 are all replies on the same post.

Plutori wrote:
WightMage wrote: Worry not, you'd be surprised at the number of people stating their intention to keep their mods free, and continuing to do so.
Plutori wrote: Yeah theres a lot of people who want to continue doing it for free FOR NOW

But what about by the time TES6 comes out? Will people who are willing to do it for free still be in the majority? TES7?

I'm not worried about tomorrow. I'm worried about the next few years. Maybe Steam Workshop replaces Nexus as the primary place for modders, because why wouldn't they go there? Moneylol.
bigdeano89 wrote: Yeah, i'm seeing more and more that the passion is still there for most, and those that are making new versions stated they wouldnt have made any more without this chance, hell, Chesko and Isoku were only doing Steam as timed exclusives, they werent even permanent, but in the heat of it all, people didnt notice or even care I suppose. Shame, because it pushed 2 amazing mod author out of the modding scene, possibly for good.

In the end, people wont flock to Nexus. Any good author or modder knows how crappy steams auto update installs are, a tool like NMM is needed to sort the mess a mod install leaves behind. Steams way is too invasive, and is prone to breaking your game basically.

Why worry? At the end of the day we can't predict the future, but it seems to me more productive to consider how things can be improved in the days to come, rather than fret of the potential end of the world.

Good example- you, and everyone you know, will eventually die. You won't know when or how, but it will happen. Is there any point in worrying about that?

Why not live things up while we still draw breath? Why not enjoy mods and video games before the next crash?
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In response to post #24659614. #24660249, #24660314, #24660949, #24661274, #24662009, #24662099 are all replies on the same post.

digitaltrucker wrote:
WightMage wrote: We'll be sorry to see you go. :(
digitaltrucker wrote: @WightMage

I didn't intend to imply I'm going. There are other games and alternatives to Steam. ;) The Witcher 3 is coming out May 19th, and it's NOT Steam-exclusive. GOG is distributing it as well, and I've been really pleased with my dealings GOG in the past.
Fedack wrote: Why? Why are you leaving for that? Wouldn't you show more support by simply keeping your mods free and available on the nexus. You already paid for the game. Shouldn't you actually promote keeping your mods free while doing a good job than letting this affect you? In the end it won't change anything for bethesda, you weren't going to sell your mods and they aren't getting any money from you. All you're hurting by deciding to leave the modding for skyrim is the community, not bethesda, not steam.
digitaltrucker wrote: It's simple, I refuse to support or patronize a business whose practices I disagree with at a fundamental level. And while it may not change anything for the business, at least I won't be tacitly approving it by participating in any way. There are many wrong things in this world that could be fixed if a lot more people would just stop shrugging and going along with something. It's one thing if there is no alternative and my well-being depends on it. My well-being is not dependent on gaming or modding.

Also, I specifically stated that I would NOT pull my mods down. Nor will I be leaving the Nexus.
WightMage wrote: On that note, can you clarify your comments regarding Bethesda being responsible for the 25%?

I do know that Valve gets 35%, while Beth gets 40%. I haven't seen any documentation regarding who ultimately was responsible for those figures, though, and I found it oddly charitable that Valve is willing to give some of their OWN cut to a content provider, should a modder choose that option.

EDIT: Hold on, where did you read that they're only getting 30?
digitaltrucker wrote: That is per Gabe Newell himself, stated here:

A summary is here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2800044-reddit-ama-valve-boss-gabe-newell-on-paid-mods/

Sorry to appear as if I'm talking to myself, but the edit function appears to be broken (possibly the system may be a tad stressed?)

I wanted to add the note that after discovering that the %25 to the modder is ENTIRELY attributable to Bethesda. Steam only takes %35, and that may even only be %30 if the modder chooses a content provider. What this means for me is that unless Bethesda makes a very rapid turnaround on this, it's over. It's all up to you, Bethesda [Zenimax].

Edited for correction. Edited by digitaltrucker
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In response to post #24659614. #24660249, #24660259 are all replies on the same post.

digitaltrucker wrote:
WightMage wrote: We'll be sorry to see you go. :(
digitaltrucker wrote: Sorry to appear as if I'm talking to myself, but the edit function appears to be broken (possibly the system may be a tad stressed?)

I wanted to add the note that after discovering that the %25 to the modder is ENTIRELY attributable to Bethesda. Steam only takes %30, and that may even only be %25 if the modder chooses a content provider. What this means for me is that unless Bethesda makes a very rapid turnaround on this, it's over. It's all up to you, Bethesda [Zenimax].


I didn't intend to imply I'm going. There are other games and alternatives to Steam. ;) The Witcher 3 is coming out May 19th, and it's NOT Steam-exclusive. GOG is distributing it as well, and I've been really pleased with my dealings GOG in the past.
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In response to post #24659374. #24659484, #24659604, #24659669, #24660189 are all replies on the same post.

Plutori wrote:
WightMage wrote: Worry not, you'd be surprised at the number of people stating their intention to keep their mods free, and continuing to do so.
Plutori wrote: Yeah theres a lot of people who want to continue doing it for free FOR NOW

But what about by the time TES6 comes out? Will people who are willing to do it for free still be in the majority? TES7?

I'm not worried about tomorrow. I'm worried about the next few years. Maybe Steam Workshop replaces Nexus as the primary place for modders, because why wouldn't they go there? Moneylol.
bigdeano89 wrote: Yeah, i'm seeing more and more that the passion is still there for most, and those that are making new versions stated they wouldnt have made any more without this chance, hell, Chesko and Isoku were only doing Steam as timed exclusives, they werent even permanent, but in the heat of it all, people didnt notice or even care I suppose. Shame, because it pushed 2 amazing mod author out of the modding scene, possibly for good.

In the end, people wont flock to Nexus. Any good author or modder knows how crappy steams auto update installs are, a tool like NMM is needed to sort the mess a mod install leaves behind. Steams way is too invasive, and is prone to breaking your game basically.
WightMage wrote: Why worry? At the end of the day we can't predict the future, but it seems to me more productive to consider how things can be improved in the days to come, rather than fret of the potential end of the world.

Good example- you, and everyone you know, will eventually die. You won't know when or how, but it will happen. Is there any point in worrying about that?

Why not live things up while we still draw breath? Why not enjoy mods and video games before the next crash?

I don't understand your analogy at all. I don't worry about death in the slightest because there is nothing to worry about in the first place. After all, I wasn't living for billions of years already, and it was perfectly fine. So I'm afraid you'll need a different analogy for me.
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Uh if anyone checked up on Steam Workshop, All of the Bad Reviews per mod were removed and were replaced with fake comments saying this mod is good and oh its okay


It feels like they just wrote in fake reviews to cover up all of the bad ones. This is getting worse than I thought over there

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I am not a premium member of nexus, if it were say $20 dollars a year then I would be. Many times I wished their was donate button that led to the mod authors Paypal or something. I make a lot of my own mods and I mod the mods I download (do not publish them) for personal use.


I do not use steam mods but had one of mine shared there recently. I am not yet familiar with publishing on Nexus and wanted to give something back to the community in some way.


I wish there would have been a way the Nexus team could have talked with us first before this transpired, we could have come up with a better way. That was not intended as disrespect Dark0ne, I know this is your(business) baby. You can do what you want with it but to us it is more then that.


This is a hobby for most of us,but we share ideas, give feed back and are a loose net community to a degree. Kinda like Face Book without the crap.


At least it lasted as long as it has and I am grateful for that. I just want to believe that this site was started by a modder or at least someone that relates to us. We may not make you the next Bill Gates but I for one respect you more them Mark Z because I hate Face Book.

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