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Steam Service Providers, and some how needing to clarify the Nexus stance again


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I hope this ends soon, I miss the days (two days ago xD) when the modding community was united and not divided. It's a shame to see so many people who were just friends the other day now fighting with each other and seeing mod authors abandon their loyal fans and turning into jerks due to greed. I hope soon we can put this all behind us and forget it even happened while keeping a close on Valve and Beth.


Together we stand - divided we fall.

~ LT

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I have to say that I'm a lot less worried than I was before reading this post. Thanks for clearing the whole thing out.

Tho I'm still insecure of what the future holds, especially for those that, like me, don't have much in terms of 'extra money' to spend.(In other words, I'm poor)



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I've never had any issues with the nexus.


Honestly, I have no problem with the paid mod idea per-se. however. The way it's being implemented now is a complete cluster-you know what I mean. If I'm going to be spending real money, that means it aught to not have so many random glitches and whatnot.. And Steams Customer support is laughably bad. It can't be an automatic 'I wanna charge 19,99 for this. You want to charge $20? Alright, this had better have as much content in it as Dragonborn, then. and it better mostly work. I feel bad for the nexus Mod authors who will get their stuff copied onto steam for sale and then have their hands full with DMCA requests, because as far as I can tell, there's no real checking anything.


And... I don't know how makes this thing, but the NMM is just BETTER then the workshop, in implementation and reliability. Nothing that's in this news post changes my opinion of the service or you. Heck, thinking of going premium now. I do make games as a hobby...I might even figure out how to get them to play nice with NMM at some point, because this community's amazing as it is. And if I ever do up a mod up anywhere, it'll be here. It'll be free, because I want people to enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed making (and swearing at) it. But if someone wants to go out of their way to send me money to tip me for the effort? well, I wouldn't say no. I'm just not about to make them do it.

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Perhaps I've been too grim/ cynical about this whole situation. After all, the majority of people I've seen support free modding, and even Dark0ne states he will fight the likely apocalypse/ monopoly of "official" mods that draws ever near.


I must admit, that was my biggest concern. Permanently locking user-created content behind concrete walls will sound the death knoll of modding altogether, and turn it into yet another business (and source of cheap labor). The day this happens is the day I leave the modding community for good.


On a brighter note, it seems like things aren't as dire as they first appeared. The Nexus and other free modding websites are still here, and most people still hold their integrity at heart. Perhaps we can ride the storm, and maybe even kill the concept of payed mods before things get out of hand.


I'll stand beside the Nexus as long as they continue to freely distribute mods, without any payments or strings attached, though I suspect this might become increasingly difficult. This community is one of the best, and I would hate to see it go down. Good luck.

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I don't think anyone with some common sense thought Nexus was a white knight for Valve or Bethesda. I can only speak for myself, but the good work done by this site is very much appreciated. I have a ton of respect for the group at Nexus and the mod authors that contribute. I wish this site many years of success.


I agree the mod authors choosing to do this or that is their business. Whichever route they decide to go, best of luck. The "only response to mod authors, whether mod small or big or multiple, is "thank you".


I can truly say that games like Skyrim or Fallout, as prime examples, are successful due to fact that they are mod friendly. The companies would quickly see that if they decided to make their content near impossible to mod, the sales would drop dramatically. The replay value would cease to exist. Their DLC content is largely valued, no matter how many mods there are out there. Usually their DLC offers mod authors material to work off of. It only increases value and a following of customers to purchase their goods. How anyone might not see this is just incredible.


I think other companies would find that their games would generate a ton of extra profit if their games were mod friendly and if they were able to offer tool kits to make it happen. I have a lot of games I love, but replay only once in a while. Modding makes things new and interesting. You get to enjoy the game you love your way. I don't think anyone looks at DLC and turns their nose because of mods. Quite the opposite, more content!


Sorry to hear about your travel plans being cancelled. Those types of trips are so very important, Dark0ne. Make sure to get back on that as soon as you can.

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Finally the deal is not as bad as I thought.


The modder : 25%

The game creator (with the SDK) : 45%

The game Provider and mod publisher (Steam) : 30%

The Mod Provider (Nexus) : 5%

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Up until just days ago, I was looking forward to what was new in the modding community to add into my enjoyment of such games. Now I look for answers as to why the nature of this community has changed so drastically in such a way that its almost hostile now. When I found out about this new feature within seconds red flags flew in my head as to what was going on. I was and still am against this movement to a system that allows "paid mods" but I'm not against these mod authors trying to get a little extra in a way of donations. I do believe that this community should in fact be free for all to enjoy without the added cost for mods. This news pains me, seeing that the focus of the community is against each other over the little details rather than united against this obvious "cash grab" scheme by Valve and Bethesda. Understanding it takes money to maintain and run this site, also knowing its hard to turn down something that would help in doing so. Now this could be the beginning of the down fall this community may encounter or it could strengthen our sense of camaraderie. I am deeply interested as to how this will play out and will be watching this community very closely from now on.
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I waited 3 days before to say something. Waited for that storm to set, to people calm, and to read the portrait in full.


When i saw the news from Steam, i was surprised. Then i saw the names and the beginning of the storm. In fact, i feel really upset.


These news are big news guys. This could get the modding to the peak, or could start a freefall. Look what Dark0ne said. No work (actually a big prtion of work done, and bring the modding community to where it is now), but a portion of Valve's money, not the authors'. On the other hand, look at the situation of Chesko. I'm asking you guys, haven't Chesko been a name of pure quality and great work for years? And the treatment he faced when the storm began. It's not fair.


There is one clear thing to say, like it or not, it is happening, and only thing we can do is make our statement from the petitions. Beyond that, let's accept it. These all modding thing is too time consuming, and people come up with some great pieces of works. These whole thing have stayed communist for too long, and it would be a wishful thinking to remain that romantic.


The authors have all of the rights of their mods, and they can do whatever they want to do. We should respect their decisions. This thing will make a breakthrought, and let's make it go to the right way.


With all my respects and best regards, a big thanks to Dark0ne, for this community and a big thanks to the mod authors for their great efforts...

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