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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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Honestly i was okay with content creators wanting to be paid for there work. my only issue was that only 25% of the money was going to the content creators, instead of the 80-90% that i personally thought should go to the content creators.



Hopefully the mods people were pulling from nexus make a return now that things are returning to normal.

Edited by Kazlehoff
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In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854 are all replies on the same post.

njits wrote:
tmtapani wrote: Really? I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all. But come on. They have no RIGHT to get anything for it unless they sell it in a free market. No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not. Unless someone hired them to do it. THEN they would have a right to get compensated. But would that still be modding (hobby) or a job I wonder? Different things in many ways.
njits wrote: you're literally contradicting yourself

"I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all..."

"No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not."

What does that even mean? They have as much right to ask for compensation for their work as people that make effing hats for TF2. Unless someone hired them to do it? What? Are you saying there is no such thing as self employment?

Modding already *is* a job, an unpaid one.
tmtapani wrote: @njits
Way to take things out of context. How am I contradicting myself? If you're going to quote, at least quote the whole thing. And no, no modder has the right for compensation unless they're hired to do it or selling their product in a free market. You can't make something no one asked for and feel that you've got a RIGHT to get compensation for it. The world doesn't work like that. You can't just invent a job for yourself and throw a tantrum when no one wants to give you money for it.
Isvenah wrote: And now you are beeing just as unfair as the part of the players you despise.

Must have missed all the "I think the modders should be compensated (if they feel they should be, or whatever works for you), BUT: (here insert a long list of why Bethesda/Valve solution is awful). And I'm not opting here for "either donations or nothing at all". If someone is set on selling it, go right ahead. But that makes the relation modder - customer much more difficult, since the customer is not just a greedy player. In this glorious capitalism customer has rights.

First rule of dealing with a group of people, buddy: don't generalise.
Azulyn wrote: lol modding was a hobby
kinda miss the simple ol' days of morrowind
njits wrote: Actually, you CAN. And it is up to the consumer to determine if they believe it is worth their money or not.

And give a tantrum? Are you shitting me? You think modders gave a tantrum? Go ask about Chesko's death threat filled inbox.

Who's hiring musicians? Who's hiring artists? Who's hiring entrepreneurs? Your argument that you can only get payed when someone hires you is ridiculous.

njits wrote: "as the *part* of the players you despise."

"don't generalise."

So first you're pointing out that I'm upset with a *portion* of this community but then you go out of your way to say I'm generalizing? OF COURSE it's not as straight forward as putting a price point on a mod and calling it a day. I actually pointed that out in my original post. But the act of asking for compensation and getting payed for modifications is valid and is a choice on the part of the creator that has to exist. I can't blame any modder from pulling their work from Nexus now. Having people now proclaim that "modding is a hobby, it should always be free!" etc is wrong. You cannot dictate what modders are or aren't, that is up to them. They want to ask for money for their mods? More power to them.

It's "generalize" btw.
tmtapani wrote: Oh ffs. Njits, that was the whole point. If you want money, you have to sell a product. A product that people want to buy and pay for. Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art? Or mods in this matter. The product has to have a market and people willing to pay for it. You don't just get to have anything by default.
UberSmaug wrote: Say I make a painting no one asked me to make. but I take it down to the street fair put a price tag on it. Someone walks by and sees it and really likes it and wants to hang it in his house. But he doesn't want to pay for it because he didn't ask me to make it. He tells me I don't have a right to ask money for it because painting is just a hobby. How is this not completely rude and disrespectful.
njits wrote: "Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art?|

What the hell does that even mean? Are you serious? That's how the world works! You pay for admission to a concert, pay for Spotify, pay for iTunes. And you GET THE PRODUCT.

SahKuh wrote: Why are you putting a price tag on it when no one else has done so in the past years?
njits wrote: Why are you asking why he wants to make a living off of his hobby? Is that a difficult question for you? is that a hard concept to grasp? How do you think movies, theater, paintings, ANYTHING artistic became a "market" ? Because the artists started asking compensation for their work, because they deemed it worthy of compensation.

They have the RIGHT to do that, and it is your RIGHT to say. "Nah, that's not worth my money."
Isvenah wrote: I'm not a native speaker, but I don't think that should matter here, does it? Sorry for mangling English, if that brings you comfort.

Secondly, I pointed out that it is only a part you despise. You wrote "This community has showed it's true face these past couple of weeks." by which (I'm guessing) you meant a group full of hateful, entitled people. But as I wrote, it's a part of them. I don't expect anyone to check if that's a bigger or smaller half... um... part, but they obviously make so much more noise then the others. Enough to get them noticed. There is also this part which doesn't give a damn, becouse they are busy playing, or the part that is busy at work, or every other part of this so called group.

In case it's hard to tell, it's not some kind of attack on your person. I just belive that there is time and place for scolding, and then there is the internet. Where trolls roam free and modders are oppressed. What is wrong if you ask me.
tmtapani wrote: @ Ubersmaug

That's selling your product. If someone wants it, they pay for it. That's how the market works. The customer isn't forced to buy the painting just because you made one.

@ Njits

And the same goes for music and other things as well. The fact that someone makes something doesn't mean I'm obligated to pay for it. Unless I want the product. But there is no point in arguing about that with you, is there? I think I'm done with this.

You're somehow thinking that I'm arguing that when someone asks money for something you HAVE to pay for it. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying, is that person HAS to have the OPTION of asking money for his work. Whether YOU want to or not is an entirely DIFFERENT matter.

I don't think I can make this any clearer.
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The workshop wasn't the right way to go. I think it is good that they stopped it.

Maybe they will come up with something better sometime if they want to.


I like bethesda and i will continue to buy their games because most of them are awesome.


For the mod makers i hope that this has raised the awareness of mod users that mod makers work hard and that donating to them is an option (if they choose it being an option)


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I'll say this again. Again and again and again if I have to.


NOBODY is 'entitled to' or 'deserves' ANYTHING except what the creator of the game (Bethesda, in this case) allows. It's all in the EULAs for the games and their respective toolkits.


Monetary compensation? Only if Bethesda allows it. Until a few days ago it wasn't allowed, and we all knew that going in. The donation system was introduced as a way for people to show their appreciation with their wallet in a way that did not violate the EULA. Ahhh, technicalities.


Endorsements, compliments, kudos, or whatever? This is the real world and you're dealing with real people. Just as mod authors (I am one) have no obligation to make mods, the people who use them (I am this also) have no obligation to pat anyone on the back.


Getting paid is nice. Getting complimented is nice. We mod authors all knew going into this the the first one wasn't allowed. We could only hope for the second. Given all this, why did mod authors make mods? Several reasons:


1) For themselves, and then they decided to share them.

2) Out of the sheer desire to mod new content into the game.

3) As a way to hone their skills and get into the AAA gaming industry.

4) For the attention and feedback.


I'm sure there are many combinations of the above reasons, and I'm sure there are other reasons that could be listed.


In the end, the game creators made the games and tools available and told us what their rules were. A community sprang up around those rules and created the modding scene as we know it today. Obviously, the events of the past few days have shown that rules need to change. Instead of attacking each other we should be focusing on what we want the future of modding to be. It really is up to us. All of us taking part in the modding community are nothing more or less than customers of the original game creator.

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In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854, #24752944 are all replies on the same post.

njits wrote:
tmtapani wrote: Really? I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all. But come on. They have no RIGHT to get anything for it unless they sell it in a free market. No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not. Unless someone hired them to do it. THEN they would have a right to get compensated. But would that still be modding (hobby) or a job I wonder? Different things in many ways.
njits wrote: you're literally contradicting yourself

"I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all..."

"No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not."

What does that even mean? They have as much right to ask for compensation for their work as people that make effing hats for TF2. Unless someone hired them to do it? What? Are you saying there is no such thing as self employment?

Modding already *is* a job, an unpaid one.
tmtapani wrote: @njits
Way to take things out of context. How am I contradicting myself? If you're going to quote, at least quote the whole thing. And no, no modder has the right for compensation unless they're hired to do it or selling their product in a free market. You can't make something no one asked for and feel that you've got a RIGHT to get compensation for it. The world doesn't work like that. You can't just invent a job for yourself and throw a tantrum when no one wants to give you money for it.
Isvenah wrote: And now you are beeing just as unfair as the part of the players you despise.

Must have missed all the "I think the modders should be compensated (if they feel they should be, or whatever works for you), BUT: (here insert a long list of why Bethesda/Valve solution is awful). And I'm not opting here for "either donations or nothing at all". If someone is set on selling it, go right ahead. But that makes the relation modder - customer much more difficult, since the customer is not just a greedy player. In this glorious capitalism customer has rights.

First rule of dealing with a group of people, buddy: don't generalise.
Azulyn wrote: lol modding was a hobby
kinda miss the simple ol' days of morrowind
njits wrote: Actually, you CAN. And it is up to the consumer to determine if they believe it is worth their money or not.

And give a tantrum? Are you shitting me? You think modders gave a tantrum? Go ask about Chesko's death threat filled inbox.

Who's hiring musicians? Who's hiring artists? Who's hiring entrepreneurs? Your argument that you can only get payed when someone hires you is ridiculous.

njits wrote: "as the *part* of the players you despise."

"don't generalise."

So first you're pointing out that I'm upset with a *portion* of this community but then you go out of your way to say I'm generalizing? OF COURSE it's not as straight forward as putting a price point on a mod and calling it a day. I actually pointed that out in my original post. But the act of asking for compensation and getting payed for modifications is valid and is a choice on the part of the creator that has to exist. I can't blame any modder from pulling their work from Nexus now. Having people now proclaim that "modding is a hobby, it should always be free!" etc is wrong. You cannot dictate what modders are or aren't, that is up to them. They want to ask for money for their mods? More power to them.

It's "generalize" btw.
tmtapani wrote: Oh ffs. Njits, that was the whole point. If you want money, you have to sell a product. A product that people want to buy and pay for. Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art? Or mods in this matter. The product has to have a market and people willing to pay for it. You don't just get to have anything by default.
UberSmaug wrote: Say I make a painting no one asked me to make. but I take it down to the street fair put a price tag on it. Someone walks by and sees it and really likes it and wants to hang it in his house. But he doesn't want to pay for it because he didn't ask me to make it. He tells me I don't have a right to ask money for it because painting is just a hobby. How is this not completely rude and disrespectful.
njits wrote: "Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art?|

What the hell does that even mean? Are you serious? That's how the world works! You pay for admission to a concert, pay for Spotify, pay for iTunes. And you GET THE PRODUCT.

SahKuh wrote: Why are you putting a price tag on it when no one else has done so in the past years?
njits wrote: Why are you asking why he wants to make a living off of his hobby? Is that a difficult question for you? is that a hard concept to grasp? How do you think movies, theater, paintings, ANYTHING artistic became a "market" ? Because the artists started asking compensation for their work, because they deemed it worthy of compensation.

They have the RIGHT to do that, and it is your RIGHT to say. "Nah, that's not worth my money."
Isvenah wrote: I'm not a native speaker, but I don't think that should matter here, does it? Sorry for mangling English, if that brings you comfort.

Secondly, I pointed out that it is only a part you despise. You wrote "This community has showed it's true face these past couple of weeks." by which (I'm guessing) you meant a group full of hateful, entitled people. But as I wrote, it's a part of them. I don't expect anyone to check if that's a bigger or smaller half... um... part, but they obviously make so much more noise then the others. Enough to get them noticed. There is also this part which doesn't give a damn, becouse they are busy playing, or the part that is busy at work, or every other part of this so called group.

In case it's hard to tell, it's not some kind of attack on your person. I just belive that there is time and place for scolding, and then there is the internet. Where trolls roam free and modders are oppressed. What is wrong if you ask me.
tmtapani wrote: @ Ubersmaug

That's selling your product. If someone wants it, they pay for it. That's how the market works. The customer isn't forced to buy the painting just because you made one.

@ Njits

And the same goes for music and other things as well. The fact that someone makes something doesn't mean I'm obligated to pay for it. Unless I want the product. But there is no point in arguing about that with you, is there? I think I'm done with this.
njits wrote: You're somehow thinking that I'm arguing that when someone asks money for something you HAVE to pay for it. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying, is that person HAS to have the OPTION of asking money for his work. Whether YOU want to or not is an entirely DIFFERENT matter.

I don't think I can make this any clearer.


Alright then, it seems like we finally agree on those things. A good day to you as well.
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In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854, #24752944, #24753079 are all replies on the same post.

njits wrote:
tmtapani wrote: Really? I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all. But come on. They have no RIGHT to get anything for it unless they sell it in a free market. No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not. Unless someone hired them to do it. THEN they would have a right to get compensated. But would that still be modding (hobby) or a job I wonder? Different things in many ways.
njits wrote: you're literally contradicting yourself

"I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all..."

"No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not."

What does that even mean? They have as much right to ask for compensation for their work as people that make effing hats for TF2. Unless someone hired them to do it? What? Are you saying there is no such thing as self employment?

Modding already *is* a job, an unpaid one.
tmtapani wrote: @njits
Way to take things out of context. How am I contradicting myself? If you're going to quote, at least quote the whole thing. And no, no modder has the right for compensation unless they're hired to do it or selling their product in a free market. You can't make something no one asked for and feel that you've got a RIGHT to get compensation for it. The world doesn't work like that. You can't just invent a job for yourself and throw a tantrum when no one wants to give you money for it.
Isvenah wrote: And now you are beeing just as unfair as the part of the players you despise.

Must have missed all the "I think the modders should be compensated (if they feel they should be, or whatever works for you), BUT: (here insert a long list of why Bethesda/Valve solution is awful). And I'm not opting here for "either donations or nothing at all". If someone is set on selling it, go right ahead. But that makes the relation modder - customer much more difficult, since the customer is not just a greedy player. In this glorious capitalism customer has rights.

First rule of dealing with a group of people, buddy: don't generalise.
Azulyn wrote: lol modding was a hobby
kinda miss the simple ol' days of morrowind
njits wrote: Actually, you CAN. And it is up to the consumer to determine if they believe it is worth their money or not.

And give a tantrum? Are you shitting me? You think modders gave a tantrum? Go ask about Chesko's death threat filled inbox.

Who's hiring musicians? Who's hiring artists? Who's hiring entrepreneurs? Your argument that you can only get payed when someone hires you is ridiculous.

njits wrote: "as the *part* of the players you despise."

"don't generalise."

So first you're pointing out that I'm upset with a *portion* of this community but then you go out of your way to say I'm generalizing? OF COURSE it's not as straight forward as putting a price point on a mod and calling it a day. I actually pointed that out in my original post. But the act of asking for compensation and getting payed for modifications is valid and is a choice on the part of the creator that has to exist. I can't blame any modder from pulling their work from Nexus now. Having people now proclaim that "modding is a hobby, it should always be free!" etc is wrong. You cannot dictate what modders are or aren't, that is up to them. They want to ask for money for their mods? More power to them.

It's "generalize" btw.
tmtapani wrote: Oh ffs. Njits, that was the whole point. If you want money, you have to sell a product. A product that people want to buy and pay for. Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art? Or mods in this matter. The product has to have a market and people willing to pay for it. You don't just get to have anything by default.
UberSmaug wrote: Say I make a painting no one asked me to make. but I take it down to the street fair put a price tag on it. Someone walks by and sees it and really likes it and wants to hang it in his house. But he doesn't want to pay for it because he didn't ask me to make it. He tells me I don't have a right to ask money for it because painting is just a hobby. How is this not completely rude and disrespectful.
njits wrote: "Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art?|

What the hell does that even mean? Are you serious? That's how the world works! You pay for admission to a concert, pay for Spotify, pay for iTunes. And you GET THE PRODUCT.

SahKuh wrote: Why are you putting a price tag on it when no one else has done so in the past years?
njits wrote: Why are you asking why he wants to make a living off of his hobby? Is that a difficult question for you? is that a hard concept to grasp? How do you think movies, theater, paintings, ANYTHING artistic became a "market" ? Because the artists started asking compensation for their work, because they deemed it worthy of compensation.

They have the RIGHT to do that, and it is your RIGHT to say. "Nah, that's not worth my money."
Isvenah wrote: I'm not a native speaker, but I don't think that should matter here, does it? Sorry for mangling English, if that brings you comfort.

Secondly, I pointed out that it is only a part you despise. You wrote "This community has showed it's true face these past couple of weeks." by which (I'm guessing) you meant a group full of hateful, entitled people. But as I wrote, it's a part of them. I don't expect anyone to check if that's a bigger or smaller half... um... part, but they obviously make so much more noise then the others. Enough to get them noticed. There is also this part which doesn't give a damn, becouse they are busy playing, or the part that is busy at work, or every other part of this so called group.

In case it's hard to tell, it's not some kind of attack on your person. I just belive that there is time and place for scolding, and then there is the internet. Where trolls roam free and modders are oppressed. What is wrong if you ask me.
tmtapani wrote: @ Ubersmaug

That's selling your product. If someone wants it, they pay for it. That's how the market works. The customer isn't forced to buy the painting just because you made one.

@ Njits

And the same goes for music and other things as well. The fact that someone makes something doesn't mean I'm obligated to pay for it. Unless I want the product. But there is no point in arguing about that with you, is there? I think I'm done with this.
njits wrote: You're somehow thinking that I'm arguing that when someone asks money for something you HAVE to pay for it. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying, is that person HAS to have the OPTION of asking money for his work. Whether YOU want to or not is an entirely DIFFERENT matter.

I don't think I can make this any clearer.
tmtapani wrote: @Njits

Alright then, it seems like we finally agree on those things. A good day to you as well.

So someone else come along. He likes it too. Says he will give me 10 bucks for it. Now the first guy starts throwing a fit. "NO NO NO NO NO you cant do that NOooooooo. I wont allow it." Starts kicking stuff over threatening to hurt people. So bad that they shut the whole fair down. How is that acceptable.
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I can't see as anybody won here.


Bethesda: Despite their rhetoric, this still strikes me as greed on their part. If they really wanted people to make a living from mods, they should have taken a token cut of the proceeds. I for one will not be so eager to buy the next Bethesda title.


Mod Authors: Seem to have been the sacrificial lambs on this experiment at future monetisation routes.


Users: Files are being pulled down here daily now by modders. What ever title Bethesda release in the future, I can't see the modders here, who have pulled down their files, supporting it.


The Nexus: For all the above reasons.


Skyrim: My beautiful escapist world of Skyrim, now seems not so sullied by the real world.

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In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854, #24752944, #24753079, #24753134 are all replies on the same post.

njits wrote:
tmtapani wrote: Really? I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all. But come on. They have no RIGHT to get anything for it unless they sell it in a free market. No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not. Unless someone hired them to do it. THEN they would have a right to get compensated. But would that still be modding (hobby) or a job I wonder? Different things in many ways.
njits wrote: you're literally contradicting yourself

"I'm all for modders getting compensation for their work if they wish to monetize it, it's their work after all..."

"No modder has a RIGHT to get anything at all just because they happen to be modders and have uploaded something that others might use or not."

What does that even mean? They have as much right to ask for compensation for their work as people that make effing hats for TF2. Unless someone hired them to do it? What? Are you saying there is no such thing as self employment?

Modding already *is* a job, an unpaid one.
tmtapani wrote: @njits
Way to take things out of context. How am I contradicting myself? If you're going to quote, at least quote the whole thing. And no, no modder has the right for compensation unless they're hired to do it or selling their product in a free market. You can't make something no one asked for and feel that you've got a RIGHT to get compensation for it. The world doesn't work like that. You can't just invent a job for yourself and throw a tantrum when no one wants to give you money for it.
Isvenah wrote: And now you are beeing just as unfair as the part of the players you despise.

Must have missed all the "I think the modders should be compensated (if they feel they should be, or whatever works for you), BUT: (here insert a long list of why Bethesda/Valve solution is awful). And I'm not opting here for "either donations or nothing at all". If someone is set on selling it, go right ahead. But that makes the relation modder - customer much more difficult, since the customer is not just a greedy player. In this glorious capitalism customer has rights.

First rule of dealing with a group of people, buddy: don't generalise.
Azulyn wrote: lol modding was a hobby
kinda miss the simple ol' days of morrowind
njits wrote: Actually, you CAN. And it is up to the consumer to determine if they believe it is worth their money or not.

And give a tantrum? Are you shitting me? You think modders gave a tantrum? Go ask about Chesko's death threat filled inbox.

Who's hiring musicians? Who's hiring artists? Who's hiring entrepreneurs? Your argument that you can only get payed when someone hires you is ridiculous.

njits wrote: "as the *part* of the players you despise."

"don't generalise."

So first you're pointing out that I'm upset with a *portion* of this community but then you go out of your way to say I'm generalizing? OF COURSE it's not as straight forward as putting a price point on a mod and calling it a day. I actually pointed that out in my original post. But the act of asking for compensation and getting payed for modifications is valid and is a choice on the part of the creator that has to exist. I can't blame any modder from pulling their work from Nexus now. Having people now proclaim that "modding is a hobby, it should always be free!" etc is wrong. You cannot dictate what modders are or aren't, that is up to them. They want to ask for money for their mods? More power to them.

It's "generalize" btw.
tmtapani wrote: Oh ffs. Njits, that was the whole point. If you want money, you have to sell a product. A product that people want to buy and pay for. Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art? Or mods in this matter. The product has to have a market and people willing to pay for it. You don't just get to have anything by default.
UberSmaug wrote: Say I make a painting no one asked me to make. but I take it down to the street fair put a price tag on it. Someone walks by and sees it and really likes it and wants to hang it in his house. But he doesn't want to pay for it because he didn't ask me to make it. He tells me I don't have a right to ask money for it because painting is just a hobby. How is this not completely rude and disrespectful.
njits wrote: "Why should you give money to a musician or an artist JUST BECAUSE they make music and art?|

What the hell does that even mean? Are you serious? That's how the world works! You pay for admission to a concert, pay for Spotify, pay for iTunes. And you GET THE PRODUCT.

SahKuh wrote: Why are you putting a price tag on it when no one else has done so in the past years?
njits wrote: Why are you asking why he wants to make a living off of his hobby? Is that a difficult question for you? is that a hard concept to grasp? How do you think movies, theater, paintings, ANYTHING artistic became a "market" ? Because the artists started asking compensation for their work, because they deemed it worthy of compensation.

They have the RIGHT to do that, and it is your RIGHT to say. "Nah, that's not worth my money."
Isvenah wrote: I'm not a native speaker, but I don't think that should matter here, does it? Sorry for mangling English, if that brings you comfort.

Secondly, I pointed out that it is only a part you despise. You wrote "This community has showed it's true face these past couple of weeks." by which (I'm guessing) you meant a group full of hateful, entitled people. But as I wrote, it's a part of them. I don't expect anyone to check if that's a bigger or smaller half... um... part, but they obviously make so much more noise then the others. Enough to get them noticed. There is also this part which doesn't give a damn, becouse they are busy playing, or the part that is busy at work, or every other part of this so called group.

In case it's hard to tell, it's not some kind of attack on your person. I just belive that there is time and place for scolding, and then there is the internet. Where trolls roam free and modders are oppressed. What is wrong if you ask me.
tmtapani wrote: @ Ubersmaug

That's selling your product. If someone wants it, they pay for it. That's how the market works. The customer isn't forced to buy the painting just because you made one.

@ Njits

And the same goes for music and other things as well. The fact that someone makes something doesn't mean I'm obligated to pay for it. Unless I want the product. But there is no point in arguing about that with you, is there? I think I'm done with this.
njits wrote: You're somehow thinking that I'm arguing that when someone asks money for something you HAVE to pay for it. I'm not saying that at all. What I'm saying, is that person HAS to have the OPTION of asking money for his work. Whether YOU want to or not is an entirely DIFFERENT matter.

I don't think I can make this any clearer.
tmtapani wrote: @Njits

Alright then, it seems like we finally agree on those things. A good day to you as well.
UberSmaug wrote: So someone else come along. He likes it too. Says he will give me 10 bucks for it. Now the first guy starts throwing a fit. "NO NO NO NO NO you cant do that NOooooooo. I wont allow it." Starts kicking stuff over threatening to hurt people. So bad that they shut the whole fair down. How is that acceptable.

No problem, good day sir.
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