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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24783529. #24783794, #24784034, #24784134, #24784384, #24784604, #24784779, #24785294 are all replies on the same post.

block2001 wrote:
Azradun wrote: Yes, a wake-up call.

Provide something for free without any remorse for years, and the moment someone wags a huge wad of cash under your nose, yell and demand that you want instant recompensation for your work, never mind the artificially inflated prices which make it 4 times bigger for the end user. Then call these users "entitled assholes" for not wanting to pay 4 times the cash to corporate coffers for items that had a lot of problems from the beginning.

block2001 wrote: @Azra Why are you so close minded, I get it you don't like change, I get it you don't want to pay for your mods because the have "always been this way" I get it you're selfish, so am I and many others. It doesn't make the statement about being entitled assholes any different than before. Because it has been this way before you..rather we feel entitled to it and that mod authors have no right to demand anything, but seriously take a step back and get beyond your own selfishness and really look at it objectively especially from many mod authors perspectives.

I will agree though that the current system that was set up was very flawed, that much is true but the amount of hate directed to these mod authors who opted into the system is really unacceptable. If people really had a problem with how the system was set up rather than the idea for paying for mods, then why attack the authors?
Divaad wrote: Entitled assholes?

I've been modding for about 8+ years I started with oblivion I moved on to fallout NV and then to Skyrim and while I hate the idea that modders do all this work and get very little or even nothing back from it bothers me something rotten. However I have never had the money to just blow on modding, to this day I can't afford to donate to things when I want too because I think it's right and this mess had the chance to take one of my favorite things away from me.

If this had stuck then many of the best mods would be behind paywalls and I would no longer have access to one of my favourite hobbies hell I'm learning to code as we speak so I can get to modding something I've wanted in skyrim for a while. I can't afford to just buy mods especially when they're as expensive as they were which would've meant I couldn't have accessed to the best mods out there.

Am I an entitled asshole? Maybe, was I worried and angry that someone could put so little thought into separating me from something I adore? f*#@ing hell yes.

If this was really a move for the community they wouldn't have taken such a big cut they would've taken something to help with server maintenance and paying the legal bills of setting it up to begin with. I understand how some people may have been scared off but those people should've thought far more than they apparently did about what they were doing before they did it.
bullpcp wrote: Modders provided mods for free without the option to get recompense for years. Some users seem to fit the description of entitled. If you don't fit the description then don't get offended.

People who have become accustomed to getting free mods, and are unwilling or unable to pay, would be disadvantaged by a change while those willing to create quality content that people willing and able to pay for it would benefit. Different subdivisions of the modding community would benefit and be disadvantaged.
jedi 99 wrote: While I agree that it would be awesome for mod authors to make money off their hard work, valves way of doing it was just not very well laid out. I hoped that they would rework the whole idea instead of scrapping it entirely so we would get a working model sometime in the future.

I think the biggest problem about this all is valves no responsibility approach. As long as mods are free the consumers don't have any expectations. But the moment you pay for something you want a guarantee that you get support if something doesn't work. Though valves and bethesdas approach was that even though they make money off it that they don't take any responsibility on whether the mod works, will keep working etc. So as a user after the 24h you are practically on your own if anything goes wrong, cause nobody has any responsibility to support you. So if a modder decides to abandon his mod again, or sell a different version, or a mod breaks through a mod or game update, its on the user, not the valve, not bethesda and not the author. So I definetly understand that the users did not like this model, I just wish that they would have taken a more useful approach to voice their concerns.
block2001 wrote: @jedi

I completely agree, the system that was set up definetly was very broken and had too many issues. It is an example of a great idea that was poorly executed and honestly I believe that if it was given time something better would have come from it. Of course we may not see it come into fruition anytime soon now that the pulled it.
mikeyairgunner wrote: I'm late to the party but I have to reply to this.I think people may have not acted like such "entitled assholes" if valve/bethesda had picked a game that implemented an improved version of this system from the start.You can't take a 4 year old game like skyrim and say we want to start charging you for all these delicious mods you've been getting freely,F-You community that's been built around this free mod syastem.The smartest thing these greedy assholes could do,would be to finally release Half Life 3 with a glorious suite of mod tools and then roll out a paid mod system. genius idea or meh?

I agree 100%. Although I feel the community pretty much just declared that the work of so many talented modders is (and should always be) worth absolutely nothing. This is a trend with how art in general is treated as pretty much every graphic designer/illustrator/writer will tell you. Like any form of entitlement/privilege, change is always met with hostility. I mean after all even the American civil war was about people feeling entitled to owning slaves. I am not trying to say modders are slaves by any means, just that entitlement always gets out of hand, and that the entitled rarely see or appreciate the real cost and work behind what they are receiving.
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In response to post #24785374.

UberSmaug wrote:

I feel that kind of responsibility is required for something like this, and especially because it is valve and Bethesda taking the risk the onus should fall on the modder ensure their mod works properly as described (of course wont be able to be compatible with all mods) and has original work.
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As someone who was against paid mods ill say it was not the money ,but where it was being offered for the most part. I avoid the steam workshop for Skyrim like the plague because I think it is absolutely horrible to an extent that if a mod on there doesn't have a nexus download I will avoid it completely. The other thing that stuck out was their was no quality assurance what if I paid for a mod that broke my game after the 24 hour refund period guess im out of luck, and they tried to implement this in a 3 year old game where this is normally until recent seen as a taboo thing around here. Speaking for myself if this would have been introduced along side of a new title and had a bit more transparency and more quality assurance I would have a problem paying for certain mods . Saying all that I really do feel bad for the mod authors who were target of hateful comments and hopefully in time the rift in our community will heal.
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In response to post #24774429. #24774804, #24775194, #24775469, #24775494, #24775709, #24775744, #24775854, #24776394 are all replies on the same post.

darksynth0 wrote:
darksynth0 wrote: You know like in the mobile games.where you can play for free but if you want to skip.waiting for something to complete or replenish faser , you have to spent coins / gems / tokens whatever to get it done.

Replace premium membership with such "septims" system to let people download more than 5.mods.per day and you're golden.

Add a feature so the ones who actively supports the mod in the.comments, beta tests or getting.lots.of.kudos for.spreading their knowledge and shares their ideas with bonus "septims" and you see.much more people.will be involved to the process of helping the community grow and prosper.

Set prizes for the.best articles, posts and images monthly and reward them with these "septims" to stimulate others to buy and spent more, so.both nexus and modders get paid.

(Another icecream please)
HadToRegister wrote: I just replied to your post, you owe me $10 now
sunshinenbrick wrote: How about an endorsement system for helpful and productive users/aspiring mod creators?

EDIT: Some excellent ideas btw. Although not a fan of excluding people or copying phone apps. Think its really important to make us all feel we can contribute, and reap "rewards". Not sure Nexus themselves paying modders will work though.
freedom613 wrote: That would cause even more backlash, not to mention Dark0ne came out against a system like that a few blog posts ago I believe. Patreon is a great system that modders and youtubers have been using in other games, why not implement it here?
ValtielCurse wrote: I think the best system will be the YouTube system. Paid per downloads.
Nexus uses ads, I'm fine with them and I've never used adblock. And I'm thinking of getting the premium membership. Or paid per endorsements. That will be great too.
sunshinenbrick wrote: Patreon might take traffic away from here... but that might be a good thing as then Dark0ne can go on holiday! :P
stuff444 wrote: HadToRegister, I laughed hard!
Elta1 wrote: The problem is that people don't endorse. There are plenty of good mods with tons of DLs but only a few endorsements.

But I do like the idea.

well I endorse every mod I download, even if sometimes I uninstall it because it's incompatible with the stuff I already have, I always pay attention and got through MO and hit endorse to show some love to the authors.

and vote for FOTM etc..


Lol, if such system would be ever implemented I might consider giving 10$ to you (but not until I'll get an icecream lol)
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A big concern I had about the paid mod introduction is that it would be detrimental for the future development of big mods like FWE for fallout for example. (I cannot comment on Skyrim as I tried it but didn't like the game, imo very dull compared to it's predecessors so I stopped playing it)


Unless you're a one man team and create everything yourself it seems to be a logistical nightmare to compensate every team member (one does the scripts, someone else the meshes, another one the textures and so on), how can you possibly manage that if the mod revenues are going into one bank account, you will have to trust the owner of the account 100% and the number of copies sold will have to be transparent, once money is involved we're in a whole new level of play.


Then of course there's the mods relying on other mods or resources from other creators, I can see grief, mistrust, authors of mods be their free or not absolutely refusing their assets to be used in other work etc... it could cut the creativity out of the community as I could conceive we would see a lot of one man made small mods but the big team work ones disappear, and with all due respect for the single mans work in the end it's those big mods that make the difference and are the most worthy paying for. Of course I could be too pessimistic and I have no crystal ball to predict what would really happen but I'm interested in what others thinks about this.

Edited by Billy1969
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In response to post #24786084. #24786609 is also a reply to the same post.

Tj_Nightbringer wrote:
Marstonn wrote: Stop this, it always was about the money. People just don't want pay for mods, simple. So many reasons and excuses. I would like to see more honest talk.

I have 100 mods an i don't want pay for them. Simple.

Actually no for me it isnt about the money, Would I pay for the mods that were in the first wave of mods put up on the paid workshop probably not, had a mod like Falskaar or Nerhim or The lost Spires or Tears of A Fiend went up you damn right I would pay money for them without question. I like how your trying to call me out as if you know me personally simply put money isnt an issue for me.
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In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094, #24732139, #24732229, #24732289, #24734304, #24734404, #24734464, #24734509, #24735149 are all replies on the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)
Avastgard wrote: I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.
CelticPaladin wrote: If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.
phantompally76 wrote: Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here.

I'm not at all sure they'd be bold enough to try that though.

On the other hand, would he be bold enough to update them here?
sa547 wrote: It's unfortunate that on Reddit one of the members of the SkyUI team used the wrong approach and language, hence he sort of wrecked the mod's public image.
Aavok wrote: Wait, what happened on Reddit?
daedriccat wrote: He said that there was no community in Skyrim.
Beetlecat wrote: I'm not sure it's true that he *can't* distribute them elsewhere, only that Valve can legitimately do what they want with them.
phantompally76 wrote: Wasn't just reddit.

Go look at SKYUI's comments section on here. It's been locked, but the dev's arrogant, condescending and smug demeanor is preserved.

Yes, he was taking a beating from some VERY angry commenters, but he was also taunting them. That's unacceptable, and for that reason I will never upgrade or endorse SkyUI whether they upload it or not.
SirTopas wrote: @phantompally76 - But you'll keep using it, won't you? You seem to lack the strength of conviction to uninstall it, but you'll trash the authors and say "I won't upgrade". Pretty weak sauce.

"Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here."

Re-read section 6 of your subscriber agreement - The rights you, I and Isoku granted to Valve in order to upload things are non-exclusive.
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