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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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Don't feel bad for Bethesda.


No reason too. We forget too quickly that modding is the main reason that they could even try to make money off of a game that they made back in 2011. Any other company would have to rereleased their game like Capcom's DMC. Which means opening up your offices and getting back to work. It's not like Bethesda released a patch that fixed all of the bugs in the USKP. They literally did nothing. They just sat down looked at how popular their game still is because of mods and decided that they could generate a large profit off of it.


Oblivion still makes sales off of the large mod selection available. It's a no brainer that they would make modding tools for Skyrim or any future games. They don't need to make money off of modders in such a direct manner. They already do. Look at their console sales, then look at their PC sales.Says it all.


If they really cared they would have released a new DLC before this in support of the new paid modding idea. Showing that the game wasn't dead and that they plan to continue to support it. Instead of relying on modders to support the game by fixing the bugs. Instead they just wanted "quarters from the fountain", profiting off of others wish, hopes and dreams.

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In response to post #24733874. #24734164 is also a reply to the same post.

Clowncircle wrote:
JCDNWarrior wrote: This. If we can consider eachother in the community as friends, then know that friends can be harsh to one another, when speaking truth. They can push and shove and tease and complain or even get extremely mad at one another - Not because of hate, but because you care for eachother and the hobby you share with one another.

THe backlash was so great, becouse, atleast partialy, we love the modders and their mods and we felt this as a betrayal, as they left us and just selfishly stamped price tag on their mods, taking the mods from us.

I think this thing can ahve some positive things from it, I think we will see big increase in donations, becouse many ppl see that if we dont support our loved modders, they will ran away from us.
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In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094, #24732139, #24732229, #24732289 are all replies on the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)
Avastgard wrote: I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.
CelticPaladin wrote: If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.
phantompally76 wrote: Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here.

I'm not at all sure they'd be bold enough to try that though.

On the other hand, would he be bold enough to update them here?
sa547 wrote: It's unfortunate that on Reddit one of the members of the SkyUI team used the wrong approach and language, hence he sort of wrecked the mod's public image.

Wait, what happened on Reddit?
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In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094, #24732139, #24732229, #24732289, #24734304 are all replies on the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)
Avastgard wrote: I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.
CelticPaladin wrote: If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.
phantompally76 wrote: Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here.

I'm not at all sure they'd be bold enough to try that though.

On the other hand, would he be bold enough to update them here?
sa547 wrote: It's unfortunate that on Reddit one of the members of the SkyUI team used the wrong approach and language, hence he sort of wrecked the mod's public image.
Aavok wrote: Wait, what happened on Reddit?

He said that there was no community in Skyrim.
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In response to post #24733934.

kjj92 wrote:

Heh. No kidding. Even so -- I made a point of visiting his and chesko's paypal pages (via nexus) to kick them a thank you for all they had provided me up to this point.

Maybe it was a backhanded "f*#@ you very much" and maybe it's passive aggressive of me --I am from Seattle after all-- but I honestly *do* feel like they've contributed in no small part to making Skyrim a better game after all these years.

I'm not expecting a more heart-felt apology from isoku, but I know this SW implosion has to hurt. ;)

As for most of the rest of those "top mods" chosen for the roll-out. What the HELL?
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In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094, #24732139, #24732229, #24732289, #24734304, #24734404 are all replies on the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)
Avastgard wrote: I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.
CelticPaladin wrote: If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.
phantompally76 wrote: Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here.

I'm not at all sure they'd be bold enough to try that though.

On the other hand, would he be bold enough to update them here?
sa547 wrote: It's unfortunate that on Reddit one of the members of the SkyUI team used the wrong approach and language, hence he sort of wrecked the mod's public image.
Aavok wrote: Wait, what happened on Reddit?
daedriccat wrote: He said that there was no community in Skyrim.

I'm not sure it's true that he *can't* distribute them elsewhere, only that Valve can legitimately do what they want with them.
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Power to the people! You have won a decisive victory against corporate greed and exploitation. Enjoy it. Days such as today do not come along very often. :)


Bethesda once again used their statements today to blame modders for Oblivion getting a rating change from teen to mature, which is a flat out lie. Bethesda left in nude textures in the game when it shipped and did not inform the ESRB about them. Once this was discovered, the ESRB changed the rating. This is not a modder's fault. This is Bethesda's fault for leaving the nude textures in the finished product.

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