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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24731789. #24731909, #24732094, #24732139, #24732229, #24732289, #24734304, #24734404, #24734464 are all replies on the same post.

nonemployee wrote:
Riprock wrote: Impossible to avoid ruffling feathers going the other way, I'm afraid. Omelet and eggs however, in my opinion. We can't go back but we can go forward :)
Avastgard wrote: I feel bad for the modders who took the time to make these updates only to have them removed days later. After this, we may never see SkyUI v. 5.
CelticPaladin wrote: If I received the death threats those people did I'd give modding a middle finger and go straight back into IT.
phantompally76 wrote: Those versions of Isoku's mods still belong to Valve. LEGALLY they can tell him he can't put them on here.

I'm not at all sure they'd be bold enough to try that though.

On the other hand, would he be bold enough to update them here?
sa547 wrote: It's unfortunate that on Reddit one of the members of the SkyUI team used the wrong approach and language, hence he sort of wrecked the mod's public image.
Aavok wrote: Wait, what happened on Reddit?
daedriccat wrote: He said that there was no community in Skyrim.
Beetlecat wrote: I'm not sure it's true that he *can't* distribute them elsewhere, only that Valve can legitimately do what they want with them.

Wasn't just reddit.

Go look at SKYUI's comments section on here. It's been locked, but the dev's arrogant, condescending and smug demeanor is preserved.

Yes, he was taking a beating from some VERY angry commenters, but he was also taunting them. That's unacceptable, and for that reason I will never upgrade or endorse SkyUI whether they upload it or not.
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(gave us) an amazing SDK for Skyrim, when they didn't have to

Isn't that heavily exaggerated? How much revenue had they lost if they had NOT given us this SDK? 50%? At least.


On the other hand, what did they deny us? A well tested modding basis. How many 1000s of hours have been spent at Nexus just to write and respond to CTD reports? Because they (apparently and understandably) didn't test modded systems, but they also didn't really care about their product being outright buggy. And stopped support in a hurry.


Don't take me wrong, I am grateful that they gave us all of this. But I'm not enthusiastic at all about their politics. This drama included.

Edited by fore
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In response to post #24734339. #24734499 is also a reply to the same post.

FunkyJammies wrote:
Beetlecat wrote: Plus -- if you want to do any effective management of the mods you're using, Workshop is lousy. :D

Agreed. I didn't use workshop because it's clunky. I'll avoid it from here on out just to keep from placing too many eggs in Valve's basket. Anything I create will live here, or one of the other various and sundry independent sites. Valve holds the keys to the storefront. I'm now thoroughly convinced that modding needs to live FAR AWAY from there.
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In response to post #24733199. #24733474, #24733594, #24733919, #24733969, #24734114 are all replies on the same post.

Elta1 wrote:
sa547 wrote: All the damage could've been averted if the powers-that-be asked for a public consultation in the first place.
Saije wrote: Stop trying to ride the white horse here.

Modders turncoated on the community with hilarious haste.

Users responded in the way that an individual betrayed will always respond.

And now that the dust is settled and the greedy have shown their true colors.

(The fact that they don't give flying f*#@ about the community, just money.)

Now that the paid modding has been vanquished and said greedy individuals have no

recourse except to accept that they were completely happy in their betrayel.

You try to paste the blame on the ones betrayed rather then the ones betraying...


I hope if one lesson has been learned from all this it is this...

People will betray each other in a heartbeat when money is involved.

The only modders who deserve any sympathy are the ones that were attacked by the

greedy capitalist pushing pissants for not standing at the side of their fellow turncoats.

Sorry if I get banned for this comment... But it needed to be said.
focusv5 wrote: In a world where everyone has a voice (the internet), you're going to get all kinds of extremes in terms of opinions, and it clearly showed over the past few days. The blame cannot be placed solely on the users as if they were all issuing death threats and spewing absolute hatred. There were of course many users that were constructive and not issuing death threats by explaining that this system could have worked if it was implemented better. Don't let the sour few spoil your opinion of the masses. I wouldn't hop on the 'pity bethesda/valve' train as a result of hearing death threats as these sorts of statements are not uncommon in nearly all avenues of life. You make absolute statements like 'the users' as if they represented everyone, there were many who were calmly involved in the discussion as well.
JCDNWarrior wrote: Change is not neccesarily good. We're talking about a hobby that many of us have put thousands of hours into. I don't think the modding community should be seen as villains in this. Especially if people wish to ascribe good intentions to Valve and Bethesda (Two companies that would probably not even exist anymore or be very small without their modding communities).

AAA gaming has been going downwards for years and modding is what keeps the spirit of gaming alive for millions of people. Messing with that by introducing money and consequentially greed, on top of a very easily abused system of Steam Workshop and more and more information uncovered about how this was planned long in advance, and there's no way that the modding and gaming communities wouldn't raise absolute hell over this.

I just truly hope that all parties learn from this. However, with monetary interests involved, I think everyone should be vigiliant that this could happen all over again, just better repacked in PR-speak than Gabe Newell's meltdown AMA.
daedriccat wrote: Lets stop calling those who wanted to keep to the TES tradition of sharing free mods as being afraid of change. That is short sighted and ignorant and the typical cry of those who wanted to profit from modding.

Oh, horsecrap, Saije. If modding does come to an end, it will be folks like you with your pitchforks, torches, tar and feathers who end it with your demands for "ideological purity". You and your ilk have already driven Chesko, the author of Frostfall and other outstanding mods, out of the community completely. On the other hand, you, I note, have never published a mod. Again I ask, who is more greedy? The modders who have put thousands of hours and real money into modding or people like you who demand that the results of that work be provided to you for free? Edited by SirTopas
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Down with the workshop! Stop selling us things!

On the day of your death we will drink and we'll sing.

We're the modders of Skyrim, and we mod all our lives.

And when the creation kit beckons, every one of us dies!

But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean.

Of the mods that were sullied by Bethesda and Steam!


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I am so glad this is over. Not only because it was a bad concept by Beth/Valve. But also because of the reaction coming from some of us, the "community". Some of the comments I read here or on steam were just tasteless, immature and absolutely unproductive.

I honestly think NOTHING would have changed for us here on Nexus, if they would´ve went on with their Pay-Thing. NOTHING.

So is there damage done? Maybe.

Some of the best Mod Creators ever were insulted and threatened by their so called "fans" or "supporters". I hope people like chesko will come back and forgive the wining kiddos and their childish comments. The accusations they received were totally out of perspective and overacted in my opinion.

They deserve an apology.

Sorry if I offend anyone, but this hole thing made me so sick.


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In response to post #24732344. #24732604, #24732704, #24732709, #24732774, #24732869, #24732879, #24733044, #24733464, #24733739, #24733824, #24733844, #24734224 are all replies on the same post.

CelticPaladin wrote:
calfurius wrote: I know quite a few modders became disgusted with the way some members of the modding community treated them. I'm mostly concerned if Chesko is coming back or not, he didn't deserve anywhere near the level of hate that he got.
phantompally76 wrote: I hope that's not the case.

I do, however, hope that in future they think twice about arrogantly condescending mod users looking for assistance with their mods in comments sections, like they have in the past. I'd stopped using some of their mods before this crap ever started because of that.

Riprock wrote: Hopefully time will make him realize that words on the internet are just words. We put way too much stock in typed messages.
CelticPaladin wrote: The number of vitriol and death threats were insane. I couldn't blame them for leaving this community behind. It'd be depressing, but there you go.
meredithmiles wrote: What I don't understand is why Arthmoor, Chesko and Isoku don't already have job offers in hand. Seriously, they are all three hardworking, dedicated and skilled. If I ran a game company I'd have snatched them up ages ago.

This is a great time to donate to them, I think.
jfisha wrote: Each team only lost a handful of endorsements. Yes, there was some angry vitriol, but most people respectfully disagreed with what they did. No more, no less.
BarnabasCollins wrote: I don't even see why people were targeting the modders anyway. For me this was never even about the modders, but the future of modding itself. The modders are innocent.
oblivion104 wrote: I stayed away from the melodrama and only sign the petition,but what happened to chesko??

Also, what happened to the paid mods? Did they take it down?
phantompally76 wrote: heh, apt user name there.

Wait, there are mods for Skyrim??????
Noortje wrote: They would never have updated skyui if it wasn't for the pay offer. I doubt they will finish skyui 5.0 and release it now, but it's not like it was ever going to be free in the first place.
Saije wrote: f*#@ that... We weren't black hearted. They were when they gave us a big green middle finger.
SNSDLOVER wrote: Honestly if they love modding and love sharing their mods to us, I doubt theyll leave. Modding could be their hobby or passion so Im certain this wont make them go away.

there were d-threats to people who left to go to the paid system ?
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Shocked when I got the email saying the petition won. Never seen it happen before! ^^

I think the whole community of Nexus and those that rebelled against it should be proud because we all faced a very massive and hungry lion in Valve and Bethesda.


The silver lining to all of this is that hopefully the work modders do will have gained much more publicity and come to the forefront of peoples minds. The realisation of the work the modding community does, that many of us took for granted, should make us all be more thankful and supportive of modders. This has been a kind of 'You dont know what you've got until its gone' thing, and hopefully donations should be more wide spread for those that accept them.


To the odd people here saying "for shame" - don't be scared of this victory. This was a bigger, more important war than you realise. The consequences of this could possibly be felt long into the future. If we rolled over and said nothing the community would be forever changed in a bad way. You've GOT to stand up to any corporation that has a major monopoly in the market that you love.



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