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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24735309. #24735399 is also a reply to the same post.

BounceDK wrote:
jfisha wrote: Jesus man. Can't you give us just a few hours to celebrate a win?

did u even read the whole reprort on steam there will be NO PAYWALL ON WORKSHOP at all.
exact quote
We're going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop. For anyone who spent money on a mod, we'll be refunding you the complete amount. We talked to the team at Bethesda and they agree.

they didnt just say skyrim but the whole workshop.
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In response to post #24734844. #24735134, #24735264, #24735599 are all replies on the same post.

PROMETHEUS_ts wrote:
badkrma wrote: This is true....if it weren't for mods, I would never have put 100's of hours into each Bethsoft game...
SirTopas wrote: Indeed, which makes Bethesda's ham-handed handling of the whole thing doubly puzzling. They took a potential win-win and turned it into a lose-lose.
Sarfured wrote: I put about 200 hours into my Skyrim when I first played it. Then I lost interest and didn't play it for a year. Once I saw people on YouTube with their awesome mods, I learned how to use the mods and away I went. I'm now 150 more hours into a modded Skyrim and still going.

I do thank the mod's throughout the community. I know this fiasco has pissed off so many people, but I hold a great respect for the modder's. I still play Morrowind regularly, ONLY because there's so many cool mod's for it. I hope we can move on from this chaos, and hopefully patch up our community...
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Well, this fiasco has at least convinced my poor ass to get a premium membership to support this awesome site and those who contribute to its continued awesomeness.
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We should commend Valve and Bethesda for trying something new. it may have not gone as well as they had hoped. I for one will still mod on. I will always release exclusively on the nexus. One reason only. this community taught me. this community helped me to love it. Thank you Bethesda for open thinking and modding, as well as great games. thank you Steam for being a great content provider.

Through it all. The Dark0ne as he always has inspires us.



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In response to post #24733199. #24733474, #24733594, #24733919, #24733969, #24734114, #24734584, #24734984, #24735109, #24735199, #24735449, #24735464, #24735474 are all replies on the same post.

Elta1 wrote:
sa547 wrote: All the damage could've been averted if the powers-that-be asked for a public consultation in the first place.
Saije wrote: Stop trying to ride the white horse here.

Modders turncoated on the community with hilarious haste.

Users responded in the way that an individual betrayed will always respond.

And now that the dust is settled and the greedy have shown their true colors.

(The fact that they don't give flying f*#@ about the community, just money.)

Now that the paid modding has been vanquished and said greedy individuals have no

recourse except to accept that they were completely happy in their betrayel.

You try to paste the blame on the ones betrayed rather then the ones betraying...


I hope if one lesson has been learned from all this it is this...

People will betray each other in a heartbeat when money is involved.

The only modders who deserve any sympathy are the ones that were attacked by the

greedy capitalist pushing pissants for not standing at the side of their fellow turncoats.

Sorry if I get banned for this comment... But it needed to be said.
focusv5 wrote: In a world where everyone has a voice (the internet), you're going to get all kinds of extremes in terms of opinions, and it clearly showed over the past few days. The blame cannot be placed solely on the users as if they were all issuing death threats and spewing absolute hatred. There were of course many users that were constructive and not issuing death threats by explaining that this system could have worked if it was implemented better. Don't let the sour few spoil your opinion of the masses. I wouldn't hop on the 'pity bethesda/valve' train as a result of hearing death threats as these sorts of statements are not uncommon in nearly all avenues of life. You make absolute statements like 'the users' as if they represented everyone, there were many who were calmly involved in the discussion as well.
JCDNWarrior wrote: Change is not neccesarily good. We're talking about a hobby that many of us have put thousands of hours into. I don't think the modding community should be seen as villains in this. Especially if people wish to ascribe good intentions to Valve and Bethesda (Two companies that would probably not even exist anymore or be very small without their modding communities).

AAA gaming has been going downwards for years and modding is what keeps the spirit of gaming alive for millions of people. Messing with that by introducing money and consequentially greed, on top of a very easily abused system of Steam Workshop and more and more information uncovered about how this was planned long in advance, and there's no way that the modding and gaming communities wouldn't raise absolute hell over this.

I just truly hope that all parties learn from this. However, with monetary interests involved, I think everyone should be vigiliant that this could happen all over again, just better repacked in PR-speak than Gabe Newell's meltdown AMA.
daedriccat wrote: Lets stop calling those who wanted to keep to the TES tradition of sharing free mods as being afraid of change. That is short sighted and ignorant and the typical cry of those who wanted to profit from modding.
SirTopas wrote: Oh, horsecrap, Saije. If modding does come to an end, it will be folks like you with your pitchforks, torches, tar and feathers who end it with your demands for "ideological purity". You and your ilk have already driven Chesko, the author of Frostfall and other outstanding mods, out of the community completely. On the other hand, you, I note, have never published a mod. Again I ask, who is more greedy? The modders who have put thousands of hours and real money into modding or people like you who demand that the results of that work be provided to you for free?
Hamthaak wrote: SirTopas: You just received a kudo for this.
Saije: no offense, mate. but this kind of attitude is just what i got tired of in the last days. Who betrayed you? Who owes you (and me, and anyone else here) anything? We should be thankfull to anyone who creates mods we can use for free. THEY are the basis of this "community".

TehKaoZ wrote: ^This
phantompally76 wrote: SirTopas, what about the thousands of hours mod USERS have logged playtesting mods, providing quality control, reporting bugs and glitches, providing feedback and suggestions to mod authors? Hmmm????

Not having ever created a mod does not invalidate one's opinion or stance on the matter. Without mod users, there would be no mod authors. Don't you ever forget that.
SirTopas wrote: phantompally76, not having produced a mod absolutely does have a bearing when people are making demands about what modders may or may not do with the product of their own work.
Aavok wrote: I get what you're saying but...
A bit over-dramatic don't you think?
Azulyn wrote: Pretty sure the death threats thing is being blown out of proportion by all the white knights and butthurt. I mean, c'mon folks. You are on the internet. I'm sure you've all visited the cesspool that is 4chan. I'm sure most of the turds issuing death threats were just trolls anyway.

@phantom, you don't need mod users to be a mod author. More often than not, I make mods exclusively for myself. I don't know where you got the idea that you have any authority over the author, but that sense of entitlement is pretty ridiculous. Edited by MysticalFlare
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This is extremely good news. I made my thoughts clear on paid mods already, but the way they handled this, the secrecy, the various ways it could be abused, which it already had been right out of the gate, and the fact that user mods that rely on other user mods becomes a convoluted mess when some are behind a paywall, and others aren't.


I'd be happy for them to implement a donate button, along the lines what is on Nexus, but blocking off user content behind a paywall, with Valve's terrible customer service record was doomed to failure. It will be interesting to see how the mod authors who participated, and those that were ready to abandon Nexus to participate will react to this.

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I think in future games there will be a paywall in Steam for both Fallout 4 and Elder Scrolls 6. If you know in Advance it is there when you buy the game at least you know what you are getting.


As for Nexus I hope the mods remain free. Most of my mods are from here, I only have 50 or so. And many of the are the unofficial updates.

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