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Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop


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In response to post #24731774. #24731829, #24732304, #24732414, #24732439, #24732464, #24732534 are all replies on the same post.

SerjoFoxly wrote:
Dark0ne wrote: That time has passed, unfortunately. The friends I was due to go out with are returning tomorrow!
jfisha wrote: Meet me in Kentucky for the horse races this weekend. Bourbon's on me :P I'll be the fat guy in the infield crying because I lost a bunch of money. I'm sure that'll help you find me.
setiweb wrote: Would it be too soon to say I told you so?
Reaper0021 wrote: I live in "Louisville" I'll be there as well drunk on Makers-Mark. We can all have a blast.
WightMage wrote: I'm heading up north in a few months, if you to pay the Canucks a visit. :3
jfisha wrote: We can have some victory shots, Reaper. Maybe that'll dull some of the pain from my failed betting.

NOT just you betting brother Mom has $2500.00 riding on this vs my paltry $300.00. Yeah and get Robin to come for some smoked Bar-B-Q and some good ole' moonshine. Of course he's a Brit so he may not like the hard stuff but he'll love the food.
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I am just very VERY grateful that they have seen how the majority of the community feels about this; and that enough public pressure applied was all it took for them to stand by the fans that have stood by them all these years.


Thank you Bethesda; you have made the right decision.




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In response to post #24732359. #24732454, #24732714, #24732834, #24733099 are all replies on the same post.

Reaper0021 wrote:
JCDNWarrior wrote: There was a massive war machine being prepared and pushed out from various anonymous sites throughout the days too, as well as the massive spreading of the information.

I very much doubt that Beth and Valve would've stopped if it wasn't for the absolutely massive resistance from modders, the community, and the gaming community as a whole.
WightMage wrote: Damn right. They really didn't need to end the whole thing like they did. It's almost comparable to the end of the Cold War.
Dark0ne wrote: I really don't think I had much to do with it at all.
phantompally76 wrote: I would say 99% of that "war machine" was being completely ignored by Valve and Bethesda, since the vast majority of that "war machine" was unhinged sociopathic sycophants who were pasting ASCII genitalia all over the internet in protest.

Gopher saying "I want this to go away" on Youtube probably did more to change their mind than any of those petitions, subreddits, Steam Groups, or letters to individuals who will never see them.

Humble much, Dark0ne? You got to speak with Lord GabeN himself, and he expressed as much how important he thought the Nexus was.

I'm sure you made an impact- the most important of which was sticking to your guns. Thanks for being there for everyone.
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In response to post #24732904. #24733249 is also a reply to the same post.

Naky wrote:
trold wrote: + 9000

Considering they have been willing to go a distance that most companies find laughable these days, I find it hard to be so demanding myself...but I do agree, as someone who is starting cold with modding skyrim, it's pretty f*n hard trying to figure out how this stuff works!

Frankly, if they had a $5 buy-in for their tools and provided total documentation I wouldn't bat an eye when cashing out. Hell, I'd buy gift copies to sprinkle on other people. My own two septims, of course. :)
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In response to post #24731659. #24731874, #24731934, #24731964, #24732044, #24732099, #24732629, #24732674, #24732819, #24732844 are all replies on the same post.

Dark0ne wrote:
mnelson999 wrote:
...Only 8% of the Skyrim audience has ever used a mod. Less than 1% has ever made one....
sheson wrote: Yes trying to force such a paradigm shift on the community without any prior public communications. Whatever were they thinking?

Lets hope we as a community learned a lesson or two as well. Because apparently we tent to over communicate.
sheson wrote: Wild guess: They counting consoles maybe?
Riprock wrote: Hmmm. I personally wouldn't make money decisions based on those numbers so I wonder. Grain of salt, etc on those figures. Eight percent...I'd bet one new dollar that was what they figured on, and then they found they weren't on the mark. Of course, this also gives a hint at how popular their game is.
phantompally76 wrote: So much for that 5% kickback.

Tough break.
JCDNWarrior wrote: That's of course based on the Steam Workshop numbers. I don't think they can really see if we use mods when we have Steam on Offline Mode, running the game in SKSE with Nexus-only mods for example, nor see if the time I spent in the Creation Kit led to any mods. If they said published mods, well that would be a little bit closer.
jfisha wrote: "So much for that 5% kickback.

Tough break."

You can always go premium and help the Nexus out! :)
x9fallen wrote: So less than 8% of the Skyrim audience was able to mobilize and make Valve cry uncle... if only for awhile. Damn good.
Glubglubglub wrote: I've heard enough prominent modders gripe about Beth's SDKs (not to mention Papyrus) to know that 'amazing' is a sparkling bit of gloss on your part. How many unfixed and unpatched bugs are there still in Skyrim? How many promised features undelivered?

The idea that Bethesda wants to nurture the mod community but blundered badly is the politest fiction. If they wanted to capitalize on Skyrim, they could have patched the game as they planned to before switching gears to ESO.

A terrible PR nightmare is exactly what Valve and Bethesda deserved for trying to cannibalize the mod community. Watching them back away with their hands in the air is a proud moment.

It's likely based on Steam Workshop data and not 3rd party websites like Nexus. Remember that Bethesda has no idea what you added into your game.
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Now we must wait and watch, Fallout 4 is coming and so is the next TES game. They will try this again then, when the community is "new".


Also just because your not into Fallout keep in mind it WILL impact the next TES game, so it IS important to show your support then when they put up paid mods again.



To those who look down on the modders who took the deal/bait, it was a hugely big deal to be contacted by Beth to take part in this. I admit I would have been very very flattered and more tempted.

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