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Will TES V Use Kinect and/or Move?


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the sensors could easily be modded into use, look at that guy using kinect to play COD (google it). i am pretty sure the kinect just uses gestures instead of buttons (which is shitty.) the playstation move on the otherhand is more complicated, and totally awesome. I am a PC gamer through and through, but i have all three systems. Play "the fight" for the ps3 for a few hours, and tell me how much you hate the motion controls and how it would be a bad idea to have the OPTION to use them.
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i remember reading "no move or kinect support" on Zaldiir's topic. also i think they asked todd on the 1 hour Q&A podcast which i think he simply says "no".


Not sure about the podcast but i do know he said it's out in the State of the Industry vid in the Road To Skyrim interview on the GI Hub.

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Well since Micorsoft released Kinect for Xbox and Sony released Move for PS3 I am wondering if they will be usable for TES V. If so no then it will just be like Oblivion but if uit does use these new sensors then for PC users you will have to choose to use the console for stand up play or use the PC for mods. But if they make Kinect or some sensor for PC then it won't matter since you can stand up and play with all systems.


No, Todd Howard said kinect wont be included due to the newness of the tecnology... but possible in futur DLC for the game....

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To really make use of the motion detection technology the game would have to have been designed from the very beginning to use it. Skyrim has been in design for over 5 years, so there is no way this new technology could have been built in as the hardware for it had not been finalized at the time the game design was started.


I am sure that there will be ways found to use motion control, at least for basic movement. As MS has said the Kinect will be usable on PC and they are releasing a FREE PC Kinect SDK, that is where I expect to see some real inovation. :biggrin:

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I believe I heard Todd say on the podcast that he looked into it, but he doesn't believe the technology is there yet (not saying he will ever use Kinect or w.e). I doubt any games that require complex actions will have Kinect for a very long time.
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I hope not, after going from a city to another, the gamer would need to rest in an inn, not the character :)
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Name me one game where the inclusion of waggle controls improved the game and I'm talking about games where it's a feature not wiifit where it's the whole point.


The Godfather on the Wii made good use of them, clubbing someone to death with the Wiimote had a certain satisfaction to it, other than that I can't really think of anything.

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