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60 years is long enough to prove that mutually assured destruction is an effective deterrent.

Mutually Assured Destruction is the modern equivalent of the Sword without the Shield. I am not afraid on the opponent with a storehouse of weapons but I am afraid of the opponent with just one. Even illiterate Knights of the dark ages knew the value of armor. So I am not as sanguine as you about the proven viability of a strategy that is based upon an absence of defense.


You don't need a shield if your foe won't strike because that strike will lead to his own destruction.

What Aurielius said.


Just look at North Korea, the leader is arguably crazy, and many people would be more then willing to give their life.


Also look at our current enemy, we went to war with them over a suicide bombing...


OK lets look at North Korea, why hasn't anyone attacked them? could it be that the attackers would in fact be condeming themselves to annihilation? As for the War in Afganistan, that is a conventional war and poses no threat to humanity.

Its not about anyone attacking them, its about them attacking us...


I wasn't talking about the Afghanistan war, I was talking about the "War on terror" and terrorists/Al Qeuda in general.


Why would North Korea attack the U.S? They'd have nothing to gain and everything to lose. The Chinese wouldn't be very impressed either, we know from those leaked cables that the Chinese are as fed up with North Korea as everybody else.


We can dismiss the "War on Terror" as a power grab by western governments over their own people, anyway whatever it is it doesn't threaten humanity.

Nuclear war is not about the present, its about the future.


Right now terrorists and NK can not attack us, in a later date (if NK gets into a war and loses for example) they likely wouldn't mind wiping everyone out with them.


Same thing with terrorists, they will blow us up if they have nothing to lose.

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Have you checked just how many nukes there are available in the world? Just the US has enough weapons to wipe all semblance of civilization off the face of the world a dozen times over. In an all out nuclear war, we wouldn't be the only ones expending that kind of firepower either. If even half of those are ground bursts, the amount of dust kicked up into the atmosphere would seriously compromise that amount of sunlight getting thru, not to mention completely erasing the ozone layer. Got your SPF 500 sunblock handy?


How long after the last bomb was detonated in Bikini did the vegetation start to recover?


There was no firestorm at chernobyl. Just a big radioactive cloud.


Well no one knows.


I gave it hugely generous 100k figure. which is probably way more than there actually are. Current estimates put it in the region of 30k.


How many did you think there were?


Give each bomb a destructive radius of 1000+ square miles.. then we might be talking in the ball park of destroying the world once over. though the ozone would probably be f***ed...


As for the radioactive fallout at Chernobyl, some estimated put it at several hundred times more potent than Hiroshima.


If all the nukes were set up right, the firestorms could only cover a small fraction of the Earth's land surface. Something like burning up 1/4-1/2 of the US if properly distributed.


In Bikini the palm trees probably resettled immediately(though they grow you can't eat them even to this day because they are radioactive). 10 years after the last bomb was tested there, of which there were over 100 air detonations, they moved the natives back in... but then they got sick.. so they moved them back out..

Edited by Ghogiel
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Have you checked just how many nukes there are available in the world? Just the US has enough weapons to wipe all semblance of civilization off the face of the world a dozen times over. In an all out nuclear war, we wouldn't be the only ones expending that kind of firepower either. If even half of those are ground bursts, the amount of dust kicked up into the atmosphere would seriously compromise that amount of sunlight getting thru, not to mention completely erasing the ozone layer. Got your SPF 500 sunblock handy?


How long after the last bomb was detonated in Bikini did the vegetation start to recover?


There was no firestorm at chernobyl. Just a big radioactive cloud.


Well no one knows.


I gave it hugely generous 100k figure. which is probably way more than there actually are. Current estimates put it in the region of 30k.


How many did you think there were?


Give each bomb a destructive radius of 1000+ square miles.. then we might be talking in the ball park of destroying the world once over. though the ozone would probably be f***ed...


As for the radioactive fallout at Chernobyl, some estimated put it at several hundred times more potent than Hiroshima.


If all the nukes were set up right, the firestorms could only cover a small fraction of the Earth's land surface. Something like burning up 1/4-1/2 of the US if properly distributed.


In Bikini the palm trees probably resettled immediately(though they grow you can't eat them even to this day because they are radioactive). 10 years after the last bomb was tested there, of which there were over 100 air detonations, they moved the natives back in... but then they got sick.. so they moved them back out..


And of course those fireballs will kindly restrain themselves to city limits of the city they hit, right?


You don't have to nuke every square inch of soil, for it to be considered "destroyed"...... Don't even need to come close. All you really need to do is start some fires, (and nukes tend to be really good at that....) and with no one around to fight them, they will spread. Sure, we won't have a completely scorched earth, but, enough of it so as to render more of it uninhabitable for quite some time.


Ok, so, maybe there will be some vegetation left, but, if you can't eat it, cant live there, how does that help?


The Hiroshima bomb was just over 20 KILOTONS. Not even a firecracker by todays standards. Also, it was one bomb, on one city. In a full-scale nuclear war, a city that only gets one bomb, will be considered "lucky".


Even the city I live in is considered a Primary Target. With a population of just over 20 thousand. Reason being? We have factories here that can be changed over to produce military hardware....... Though not so much so anymore...... I have no idea how often the Russians/Chinese etc review their targeting lists though......


At one point in time in my life, I worked for the Strategic Air Command, and had a rather high security clearance. I did a fair bit of research on this topic, and what I learned, scared the crap out of me......... I will agree with you though, that the likelihood of an all out nuclear was is pretty forkin' low. We are much more likely to see theatre weapons used, or, single bomb terrorist attacks, than anything else. And even that isn't real likely at this point.

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HE he will keep adding more evidence so to speak for debate, i love doing this.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


More ufo video.




Maybe i can convince you other wise.


At least try to.

Edited by Thor.
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HE he will keep adding more evidence so to speak for debate, i love doing this.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif


More ufo video.




Maybe i can convince you other wise.


At least try to.

At 1:10 that is clearly his noodleness the flying spagetti monster.


RAmen brother.

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The aliens must have some kind of advanced technology that detects cameras with a broken autofocus being used by people in the middle of a fit, they skilfully avoid functioning HD cameras which is impressive. HD camcorders are no longer expensive rarities and a lot of phones have HD recording yet all we get time and again is low res blurry video shot in wobble vision.
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