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Shouldn't vampires be able to breathe underwater?


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It seems like on a lot of movies vampires don't actually require breathing, as they are basically dead already...with the exception of one Christopher Lee movie I saw where Dracula dies by falling through the ice into a frozen lake...
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Well, considering this is The Elder Scrolls, and not one of the regular Vampire Movies, I don't think they should breathe underwater.


Vampires are a fictional Creature, and can be altered as much as wanted... :)

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Dude, vampires can´t get near water, it hurts them xD

That's only holy water. The original Dracula had no weakness to water.

depends entirely upon the system




and by extension


a Vampire in FO3 should thrive in radiated water

(creature not part of FO3 universe)

Edited by Fonger
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Dude, vampires can´t get near water, it hurts them xD

That's only holy water. The original Dracula had no weakness to water.

depends entirely upon the system




and by extension


a Vampire in FO3 should thrive in radiated water

(creature not part of FO3 universe)


And even then, one legend says it's running water (like a river or stream) that kills them outright.

I'd say either pick a lgend or piecemeal your own together from various legends (but I implore you to ignore that twilight garbage, please).

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this is just depending on the style of vampire


like Zaldir said, vampires could be altered as the makers of the game wish, as a vampire is a mythical being


if you are asking for my opinion, then the Oblivion vampires are nothing like the ones i know

being a role player (in real life, i mean) i got to play a vampire

now, in Oblivion, you are strongest when you aren't eating for a long time

in the style of game i played (World Of Darkness, if anyone knows this) you are becoming stronger with blood age, not lack of new blood

also, the vampires in Oblivion have just the resistance to weapons, while in WoD, the vampires could have many different powers, depending on many things (not really related, so i won't get into that)


so all in all, if Oblivion vampires would have been more like the ones i know, than garlic would have been a mere foolish jest, they would be able to breath under water, they wouldn't be affected by diseases, and they would heal regularly

but, seeing as being a vampire is possibly strong enough in the game, i suppose you can pass on some of these

still, being un-dead, i suppose you should be able to breath underwater (at least for the stronger, less human-like vampires, like age 75-100)

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Twilight...eh...I can't acknowledge a vampire mythos where sunlight makes then sparkle rather than die.


I liked the looks of an advanced vampirism mod I saw but never tried that added different transformations and damage from holy ground and stuff.

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Twilight...eh...I can't acknowledge a vampire mythos where sunlight makes then sparkle rather than die.


I liked the looks of an advanced vampirism mod I saw but never tried that added different transformations and damage from holy ground and stuff.


You rock!

I'm giving you kudos for that comment :thumbsup:

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