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Is gaming getting bad or am I growing up?


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The games are definitely getting worse. Developers these days don't really have to put much thought into actual gameplay and variety, because as long as it blings people still buy it. I can count on one hand how many (imo) good games I've played since Oblivion, with Oblivion being released in '06. That's less than one good game a year. Yet I can point out literally hundreds of games on previous systems that had good gameplay and replay value.


I've played all the Castlevania's on NES, SNES, and PS1 I don't know how many times. N64 Perfect Dark. That game sucked me in for literally months. FF2 on SNES, Suikoden on PS1&2. It goes on and on. You simply don't have this laundry list of quality on current consoles/PC as you did 10 years ago and beyond. I've been raving about McGee's Alice recently, and how I can't wait for the sequel. Why? Because the original has actual clever forethought put into it that makes it interesting and replayable. This kind of thing is what is missing in roughly 90% of the games put out in this current era.


I'm hoping 2011's promise helps change this, because the last 5-7 years of gaming in general have been absolute sh**.

Edited by Karasuman
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Yeah, I can't keep my hands still for the life of me either lol I had some trouble aiming a bow in Twilight Princess on the Wii, so I went back to my room and played it on GameCube :P I have all the Halo games too. Reach was by far my least favorite. Although it is fun to jack some Banshees in the one level heheheh... and you get an achievement for it :D


I have everything possible unlocked for SSB: Brawl and SSB: Melee, so I usually just invite my friends over and we beat each other up. (I win usually 1/2 the time :P I rock as Pikachu lol)

It's scary how much you sound like myself. o_O I just haven't played Twilight Princess on the Wii lol.

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What's really gotten bad is the community.


I got hacked today by a kid who proclaimed he was doing "gods work' by deleting my account after I told him off for insulting gay people.


I dont play multiuplayer games anymore outside of LANs. Because if someone tries to hack me then, I can break their teeth rather than having to call the police for the third time in the two day old 2011.


The problem is that there are just so many idiots for it to be enjoyable. Invariably FPS games these days turn into shouting matches rather than warzones.


And even the sort of language used is pathetic. When was the last time you got called anything other than gay? for me it was in 1996.


Campers, hackers, cheats and other scum are the prevaling majority now, and as their numbers rise, the numbers of actualy talented players falls.


I took on a licenced professional Halo Reach team a few months ago, they fought like children-and cried like children when they lost. They had no concept of flanking, no concept of using high ground, no concept at all aside from everyone rush the machine gun nest head on.


It's pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

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I agree with this. I played WoW for a couple years, and many of the biggest d**kheads I've ever met in life were met playing that game, and that's saying something, because I'm 31 years old which is old enough to have encountered a large enough variety of d**khead the world has to offer. WoW (and online games in general) take the cake in the world d**khead race.
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i agree that online gaming is being dominated by fecesheads, but i usually run into very very nice people!

now, I admit that black ops aint too original, i just really like playing it. Im sure if i actually got it, I would recant my statement, but going over to my friend's house and slaughtering with the balistic knife is fun!


and another thing! Why do most people see knifing, one of the hardest things to pull off in mw2 and black ops, as noobish? you have to really get in close, and let them feel the pain! And sniping too! people hate the people who do the best and hardest things! until they themselves do it

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Indeed the games these days do suck. I still play Star Wars: Empire at War, which is from 2006! It's one of my favorite RTS games, and it seems that only RTS can keep me engaged for so long.


lol, I still play Age of Empires The Age of Kings and that's from like the 90's. XD


Games these days have the glitter of realism everyone is looking for, but the problem is that they don't have that riveting storyline. I mean, look at Mass effect 2 and Assassins creed 2. These games, having been released recently, have stunning graphics and an awesome storyline to match. The problem is that game designers don't want to go that extra mile or they spend so much on the graphics that they can't...

Edited by Keanumoreira
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For me it is that I know how the games work so I'm less mesmerized by them...

There aren't many good PS3 games out there now. The only games I play are Just Cause 2 which I just bought (short storyline but fun), Oblivion (occasionally) and Saints Row 2 (very occasionally, I like the multiplayer).

All the rest I play on PC (1 or 2 games).


It seems that the only games that interest me are games which let you create things, characters, places, like LittleBigPlanet, it may be childish but I really like the creation.

I also love Age of Empires: The Age of Kings, still play it.

I've never really experienced these idiots on PSN and Live because I don't really play competitive games unless it's multiplayer offline

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