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File bug reporting system and image uploading updates


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In response to post #25106774. #25110759, #25131594, #25199344 are all replies on the same post.

EnvyDeveloper wrote: I can't upload any images to my mod. It just hangs perpetually when I try to upload it. :(
ElfyPers0n wrote: Same here :/
Edit: It worked on IE, for some reason.
EnvyDeveloper wrote: It doesn't work in IE for me.
mindumindumindu wrote: Just tried with IE also, can confirm. It just refuses to upload, period. On my main browser, dragging and placing does nothing, while clicking the manual upload button also does nothing. On IE, dragging and dropping only shows the image on my computer while not actually uploading the image, while the manual button - surprise, surprise - also does not work.

At this point, I am wondering what I should do to use the new and "improved" image system that replaced the perfectly functional old image upload system, should I download three alternate browsers in the vain hope that one of them will allow me to post images of my mods/stuff I downloaded to other users who may benefit from knowing what they're downloading beforehand? Should I beg others for whom this incorrigible new system works to upload my images for me?

I can't imagine who in the world is so inconvenienced by reloading pages that they can use it as justification to break the previously-functional image system. Whoever you guys are/were, thanks guys!

Not a fix for IE, but just so you can work around, I can confirm it worked great with Firefox. It worked so much better than the old method. Edited by Pevey
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In response to post #25091049. #25111084, #25116644, #25120234, #25160479, #25163064, #25172664, #25179314, #25183679, #25185094 are all replies on the same post.

Sharlikran wrote: As helpful as this will be I am wondering if there are plans to have certain designated members have the ability to upload the fixes themselves. For example, a mod Ambassador. An author could have a mod with deleted NavMeshes or deleted references and doesn't know that any mod loaded after the mod that tries to access one of the deleted NavMeshes or deleted references will cause Skyrim to Crash. A mod Ambassador could resolve the issues and upload a new file on behalf of the author.

Granted that could be an op-in type of feature as well however, I recommend against it. The intent is not to disparage the authors work or to change the creative intent of the mod. It is only intended to resolve critical issues and to help the modding community have a more stable game experience. This would also allow some mods to be fixed when the author no longer maintains the mod. Permissions wouldn't be an issue because the same mod that the author wrote is simply fixed and uploaded to the same authors page.
B1gBadDaddy wrote: You can already allow other users to edit your file, in the Edit Attributes options :) Unless I'm misreading what you're saying.

You would need to set them yourself in this case. Unless you're suggesting the nexus creates a team of people to do this.
ThreeTen wrote: "This would also allow some mods to be fixed when the author no longer maintains the mod." I feel your pain there. Many of the errors are from mods that are no longer actively maintained (mod authors are unreachable), We can try to upload new files as fixes but theres a small chance people would even notice and im pretty sure thats against the nexus rules to begin with.

Having *official* fixes that are perhaps linked to this bug report system would help these old but still extremely popular mods would go a long way.
B1gBadDaddy wrote: I'm pretty sure this would also encroach upon the file permission debate.
Sharlikran wrote: B1gBadDaddy, no I'm not talking about that. For example if an Ambassador knew a mod had deleted references and NavMeshes and other issues that will cause a CTD he could fix the mod and upload the new version. The ambassador wouldn't need to ask permission it would just be done. Not to be arrogant or disparage the Authors work but to benefit the modding community and provide stability for the mod.

For mods that are no longer maintained this would be a huge help and would circumvent the need to ask for permission. For mods that are popular and fairly new some mod authors simply don't know how to fix critical issues even though there are Wiki Pages, Forum Posts, and Youtube Videos. There are many example of the errors and CTDs from credible people like Myself, Zilav, Hlp, Arthmoor, Gopher, to name a few that can demonstrate how a Deleted NavMesh effects the game. The best example being a mod that alters the NavMesh in the Breezehome. If the mod author doesn't have a separate version for Skyrim.esm only and one for Hearthfires, anyone with Hearthfires will get a CTD entering the Breezehome if they have the Skyrim only version. So this isn't conjecture.

As far as permissions that's not an issue because you upload it to the original authors page. A mod ambassador would be like a forum moderator so only a few select people would have access to do this. As far as users knowing it would be the same way it is now where when you open NMM you see that a new version is available.
B1gBadDaddy wrote: I would support this idea for sure, and I see no reason why modders wouldn't.
Pevey wrote: This can already be done if the mod creator's permissions allow it. Mod creators don't set those permissions without some thought. What you have done with the patches, Sharlikran--obtaining permission from the original creator of the mod--that is exactly how it should be done. Anything else is IP theft and should not be allowed. It may be inconvenient, but that's just the way it is. I find it inconvenient that I don't have access to the Windows source code so that I can make certain "fixes" and redistribute my preferred version (all credit to Microsoft, of course), but that's just the way it is. What you're proposing has been discussed before and is a non-starter for most mod creators. If the Nexus allowed it, mod creators would revolt, which is why we have the permissions system we have.
Saggaris wrote: Perhaps Pevey, there could be an 'Opt in' button for a Nexus Ambassador to 'help' where things are just too much for the Author, I for one would welcome help on most/any of my fiddelings, But... I can see a problem of many more mods being created in a very slapdash manner being uploaded and left to the Ambassadors to sort out!
Secondly, would the 'Ambassadors' get recompense for their continued assistance to the original Authors or would they just spend loads of their time working through a backlog of bugs that in itself would no doubt be boring, monotonous and thankless?

Perhaps I'm reading more into this than is there and adding experience from 'No Grip Racing' where on one occasion a popular mod just wouldn't work and the a particular moderator got fed up with attempting to contact the Author for a fix and threatened to pull the mod down as it fell below standard, another Modder offered to help and fix the file to make it usable, excellent job everyone said and downloaded the new file, however at no point is the fixer credited
Pevey wrote: There is already an opt-in for this. Look at your permissions settings.
Saggaris wrote: Well, things seem to have changed a bit since I last paid attention to what I was doing :)
I have just updated my permissions to support what I said above... well as near as I could work out.
Though it seems I need to set them (permissions) myself and that with any reasonable assumption would need a discussion with the chosen modder first!
And Yes I was rather thinking along the lines of a kinda 'Nexus fix it Team'

WARING: Long post ahead

Wel i may not be a skyrim modder myself but i do understand the pain of inactive mods that dont get updated and i agree that a feature that could allow other more active modders to edit/fix the outdated mods would be usefull. But we do need to be aware that if we open the doors for other modders to edit mods, we also open the doors for not-so-friendly people to try to (for example) delete all the mod. So in my idea we would have to implemente some restrictions or walls to protect the original file always. Here are some sugestions:

1 - Add the edited mod into the opcional files area of download OR into a new seperate section of the files download section of the respective mod, identifying who edited, version of edit and other usefull info, always keeping the original file in there in case other users/modders want it insted for some reason;

2 - Create a whitelist system of modders who are trustworthy to the community that can edit the mods directly; (i see a few flaws in this one but maybe combining this one with other ideas?)

3 - Make so the already existing "Edit attributes" would be enabled after a specific amount of time of inactinity from the modder. That would allow other modders to come and edit it themselves.

My idea was either to only use 1 or to combine 2 or more of these sugestions above. Tell me what you think Edited by InforMaster
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Regarding the image uploading system I have another request:

Allowing accepting multiple author-approved images. My mod has 33 pending user uploaded images that I haven't bothered to update because I have to reload the images page for every single image I accept.

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Its a good idea, but it may need some......refining. I have already witnessed in half a dozen mod pages, bug reports being filed which have nothing at all to do with the mod, but rather just idiots that either dont know how to install and mod properly, or people not telling the whole story due to doing something that isnt recommended (like updating when being told not to) for fear of not getting support, thus causing added work for the author, especially if they go looking for this non-existent bug. Edited by bigdeano89
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In response to post #25053204.

sevencardz wrote: I added a few bug reports to my own file and I have a few comments/suggestions:

1. I didn't see a way to set the Version number for a bug report. Did I miss it or is this a possible bug?
2. I would like a way to set what version number the bug was reported in and what version it will be (or was) fixed in.
3. I'd like full control over editing anything about an issue, including the original title and description.

Great job guys. This is already quite useful.

Excellent, I see you guys fixed the version number issues! Very useful - thanks for that.

Another suggestion: Ability to mark a bug as an "incompatibility" with another mod. Perhaps with a way to specify which mod has the incompatibility.


EDIT: Also, a bug: I can't use an ampersand in a reply post to a bug report (&). It truncates the rest of the text after. Edited by sevencardz
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In response to post #25106774. #25110759, #25131594, #25199344, #25199999 are all replies on the same post.

EnvyDeveloper wrote: I can't upload any images to my mod. It just hangs perpetually when I try to upload it. :(
ElfyPers0n wrote: Same here :/
Edit: It worked on IE, for some reason.
EnvyDeveloper wrote: It doesn't work in IE for me.
mindumindumindu wrote: Just tried with IE also, can confirm. It just refuses to upload, period. On my main browser, dragging and placing does nothing, while clicking the manual upload button also does nothing. On IE, dragging and dropping only shows the image on my computer while not actually uploading the image, while the manual button - surprise, surprise - also does not work.

At this point, I am wondering what I should do to use the new and "improved" image system that replaced the perfectly functional old image upload system, should I download three alternate browsers in the vain hope that one of them will allow me to post images of my mods/stuff I downloaded to other users who may benefit from knowing what they're downloading beforehand? Should I beg others for whom this incorrigible new system works to upload my images for me?

I can't imagine who in the world is so inconvenienced by reloading pages that they can use it as justification to break the previously-functional image system. Whoever you guys are/were, thanks guys!
Pevey wrote: Not a fix for IE, but just so you can work around, I can confirm it worked great with Firefox. It worked so much better than the old method.

It's not working for me and I'm using Firefox. Mods, please please PLEASE bring back the old image system! The button doesn't even work when I click it and it won't let me drag and drop, showing me a black crossed out circle instead!

I don't want to increase everyone's loading time, so I will post only the URL to the screenshot showing my problem here:

http://oi59.tinypic.com/1zn20e8.jpg Edited by mindumindumindu
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I tried to use the "Move to bugs" option to move a forum post to my bug tracker, and I checked the box marked "Set this comment as hidden." After clicking Submit, though, all that happened was that the post disappeared and nothing showed up on the bug tracker at all. I thought it might just be server lag or something, but its been about 20 minutes now, and nothing ever showed up on the bug tracker.
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In response to post #25106774. #25110759, #25131594, #25199344, #25199999, #25250204 are all replies on the same post.

EnvyDeveloper wrote: I can't upload any images to my mod. It just hangs perpetually when I try to upload it. :(
ElfyPers0n wrote: Same here :/
Edit: It worked on IE, for some reason.
EnvyDeveloper wrote: It doesn't work in IE for me.
mindumindumindu wrote: Just tried with IE also, can confirm. It just refuses to upload, period. On my main browser, dragging and placing does nothing, while clicking the manual upload button also does nothing. On IE, dragging and dropping only shows the image on my computer while not actually uploading the image, while the manual button - surprise, surprise - also does not work.

At this point, I am wondering what I should do to use the new and "improved" image system that replaced the perfectly functional old image upload system, should I download three alternate browsers in the vain hope that one of them will allow me to post images of my mods/stuff I downloaded to other users who may benefit from knowing what they're downloading beforehand? Should I beg others for whom this incorrigible new system works to upload my images for me?

I can't imagine who in the world is so inconvenienced by reloading pages that they can use it as justification to break the previously-functional image system. Whoever you guys are/were, thanks guys!
Pevey wrote: Not a fix for IE, but just so you can work around, I can confirm it worked great with Firefox. It worked so much better than the old method.
mindumindumindu wrote: It's not working for me and I'm using Firefox. Mods, please please PLEASE bring back the old image system! The button doesn't even work when I click it and it won't let me drag and drop, showing me a black crossed out circle instead!

I don't want to increase everyone's loading time, so I will post only the URL to the screenshot showing my problem here:


What browser version and OS version are you using?
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In response to post #25106774. #25110759, #25131594, #25199344, #25199999, #25250204, #25268714 are all replies on the same post.

EnvyDeveloper wrote: I can't upload any images to my mod. It just hangs perpetually when I try to upload it. :(
ElfyPers0n wrote: Same here :/
Edit: It worked on IE, for some reason.
EnvyDeveloper wrote: It doesn't work in IE for me.
mindumindumindu wrote: Just tried with IE also, can confirm. It just refuses to upload, period. On my main browser, dragging and placing does nothing, while clicking the manual upload button also does nothing. On IE, dragging and dropping only shows the image on my computer while not actually uploading the image, while the manual button - surprise, surprise - also does not work.

At this point, I am wondering what I should do to use the new and "improved" image system that replaced the perfectly functional old image upload system, should I download three alternate browsers in the vain hope that one of them will allow me to post images of my mods/stuff I downloaded to other users who may benefit from knowing what they're downloading beforehand? Should I beg others for whom this incorrigible new system works to upload my images for me?

I can't imagine who in the world is so inconvenienced by reloading pages that they can use it as justification to break the previously-functional image system. Whoever you guys are/were, thanks guys!
Pevey wrote: Not a fix for IE, but just so you can work around, I can confirm it worked great with Firefox. It worked so much better than the old method.
mindumindumindu wrote: It's not working for me and I'm using Firefox. Mods, please please PLEASE bring back the old image system! The button doesn't even work when I click it and it won't let me drag and drop, showing me a black crossed out circle instead!

I don't want to increase everyone's loading time, so I will post only the URL to the screenshot showing my problem here:

IAmTiz wrote: What browser version and OS version are you using?

For performance reasons, I am using an older than 4.0 version of Firefox. Isn't there some way for people who choose to use older versions of browsers to be able to upload images? Something like an oldsystem.nexusmods.com to go alongside the new upload system. Edited by mindumindumindu
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