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File bug reporting system and image uploading updates


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For performance reasons, I am using an older than 4.0 version of Firefox. Isn't there some way for people who choose to use older versions of browsers to be able to upload images? Something like an oldsystem.nexusmods.com to go alongside the new upload system.



For security reasons, (among others) "No". Firefox is now on version 38.0.1.

(It's also time for you to stop using WinXP. :laugh: )

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In response to post #25106774. #25110759, #25131594, #25199344, #25199999, #25250204, #25268714, #25274319 are all replies on the same post.

EnvyDeveloper wrote: I can't upload any images to my mod. It just hangs perpetually when I try to upload it. :(
ElfyPers0n wrote: Same here :/
Edit: It worked on IE, for some reason.
EnvyDeveloper wrote: It doesn't work in IE for me.
mindumindumindu wrote: Just tried with IE also, can confirm. It just refuses to upload, period. On my main browser, dragging and placing does nothing, while clicking the manual upload button also does nothing. On IE, dragging and dropping only shows the image on my computer while not actually uploading the image, while the manual button - surprise, surprise - also does not work.

At this point, I am wondering what I should do to use the new and "improved" image system that replaced the perfectly functional old image upload system, should I download three alternate browsers in the vain hope that one of them will allow me to post images of my mods/stuff I downloaded to other users who may benefit from knowing what they're downloading beforehand? Should I beg others for whom this incorrigible new system works to upload my images for me?

I can't imagine who in the world is so inconvenienced by reloading pages that they can use it as justification to break the previously-functional image system. Whoever you guys are/were, thanks guys!
Pevey wrote: Not a fix for IE, but just so you can work around, I can confirm it worked great with Firefox. It worked so much better than the old method.
mindumindumindu wrote: It's not working for me and I'm using Firefox. Mods, please please PLEASE bring back the old image system! The button doesn't even work when I click it and it won't let me drag and drop, showing me a black crossed out circle instead!

I don't want to increase everyone's loading time, so I will post only the URL to the screenshot showing my problem here:

IAmTiz wrote: What browser version and OS version are you using?
mindumindumindu wrote: For performance reasons, I am using an older than 4.0 version of Firefox. Isn't there some way for people who choose to use older versions of browsers to be able to upload images? Something like an oldsystem.nexusmods.com to go alongside the new upload system.

I appear to have much the same problems as others have reported:
  • Clicking the "Or choose them browsing your computer..." button does nothing
  • Dropping images into the "Drop your images here" box mostly just opens the image in a new browser tab
  • Positioning the cursor over the centre of the word "here" in "Drop your images here" and then dropping the images does generate a "Do you want to upload ..." pop-up: this does nothing when "OK" is selected
  • Using the "Submit" button with various combinations of the above just gives a message indicating no upload occurred

The browser I used for this was Opera (and yes, checking for updates indicates I'm using the latest version). I also have Firefox and IE but, given the problems reported for these, I chose not to try them.

Drastic workaround: transfer images to a different operating system (Mac OS X); use that O/S's default browser, Safari (which I personally hate - all sorts of reasons - avoiding rant here); images were uploaded. Note: I tried Opera on this O/S before trying Safari: results as indicated above.

[As a computer programmer with over four decades experience, my recommendation would be that the web development team perform more thorough testing before releasing new (or updated) software.]

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In response to post #25254304.

egocarib wrote: I tried to use the "Move to bugs" option to move a forum post to my bug tracker, and I checked the box marked "Set this comment as hidden." After clicking Submit, though, all that happened was that the post disappeared and nothing showed up on the bug tracker at all. I thought it might just be server lag or something, but its been about 20 minutes now, and nothing ever showed up on the bug tracker.

(FYI, the post never did appear on the bug report tracker.)
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Hey! I don't know where to post this but I am having a strange bug with the Skyrim Nexus website itself. I haven't tried any other Nexus sites but so far it is only Skyrim Nexus. Anyhow, the Nexus Chat is not working. It says there is an error and it will not load the chat. I agreed to their terms and haven't said anything I shouldn't so far as I am aware so I don't know what went wrong. I don't know if this is a coincidence or not but there appears to be zero people on the chat list as well. Peraps they are all having the same error as I am? I don't know. Anyhow, just wondering who I shoul tell since I am relatively new to the chat feature of this site.


Many thanks in advance!

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@ADragonCalledGeorge; This topic is for discussing the "Mod File Bug Reporting feature" recently added to the Nexus.


For general issues with any of the Nexus sites please use the "Feedback, suggestions and questions" forum. Thx!


(Oh, and the Chat Room is down for everyone. I'm sure the Admins are working on it, but I have no idea what happened or when it might get fixed.)

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Hi Guys,


Just a thought regarding your image uploading system - I recently implemented MoxieManager into my companies flagship web system and it's been a hit with all of our customers. We use the .NET version and it works great - maybe something to consider?

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