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Old Elder Scrolls Player, New Modder


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So I have been playing the Elder Scrolls since the release of Morrowind and I'm losing interest in Oblivion. Saw some things about using mods and they looked pretty cool. So now


I'm looking to have some fun with Oblivion with modding.


I've looked through a lot of the mods on here but I still am not sure which ones I should use.


Any suggestions?


Edit: Thanks Guys, I've found some really good mods now!

Edited by KingDarien
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My friend there are so many thousands of mods out there that range from completely stupid and useless (depending on the person that is) to some of the most complex, beautiful, and phenomenal pieces of work. Some of the big modder's out there who have very well known mods are brilliant and creative people and their mods are always awesome to have. But some of them depend on what your tastes are. Like a warrior type person is not going to go out looking for stealth mods or thief related mods unless that person finds some use for them. So it really depends on you. Like I am a big weapons and armor lover. I want my game to have thousands of weapons and so many different types of armor ranging from extremely unique to "Oh yeah I saw that in the last four Marauder Dungeons." And guess what........you can do all that. I want there to be new races in my game. New people for me to play as. Some different game mechanic tweaks and so on. It is just up to you my friend. Think of what you want in your game and then just jump out there and see if you can find it :) Oblivion and Mods are like the IPhone and Apps. There is a mod for everything and there is an App for anything lol So yes now you can see the similarities lol:)


I know that I did not give you any suggestions, but hey, I think I got your excitement up a little lol. If not then oh well, at least I tried lol.


Good Luck with mod hunting my friend!!!!!! :)



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The Top 100 Endorsed of All Time is always a good "random" place to start. You have to have the Oblivion Mod Manager, and Wrye Bash, if you want anything Big to work. Plus, the Better Oblivion Sorting Software (BOSS) to order the majority of your mods for you.


The Best Overall Big Boy Setup (in my opinion) then goes something like this:


Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (because it is the number one big overhaul, must have it)


Mart's Monsters (because it adds many new enemies, must have)


Francesco's (adds bosses, changes leveled lists of items, must have)


FCOM (to make those above work together, must have, follow the instructions)


Armamentarium (because it adds over a thousand items)


Natural Environments (juices up nature)


Then, either Better Cities (nice but big fps hit) OR Open Cities Reborn (which not only makes cities accessible like in Morrowind but also rearranges them very nicely)


Finally, you need Weather-All Natural (my fav weather overhaul, does a great job plus its Real Lights plugin included is fantastic fr lighting) and Immersive Interiors, which in conjunciton with Weather-All Natural lets you see outside of windows while you're in City interiors...think about it, it's amazing.


And even more finally, AWLS, Animated Window Lighting System. Lights up windows at night and when it rains. Must have.

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Hmm, well I've got a few I like. I mainly suggest finding a race mod or two, just to mix things up, and body mods like Roberts, Exnems, or HGEC can do wonders to make characters less... fugly. Also am quite fond of the Natural Weather mod. Night time actually feels like it's midnight, and when a Thunderstorm rolls in I actually feel like I need to get to somewhere sheltered. It also throws in some "ambient life" such as butterflies, birds, etc. Helps quite a bit with immersion imo. Armor and clothing mods are something else I'd look into. Tda Armory and the Apachii stores are two that I quite like, and they have some exceptionally well done armor in them. It far surpasses what I've seen in the vanilla options.


As mentioned by Elsarian, though, there's just so much out there to choose from. The selection seems almost endless. You've really got to just try a few of them on your own, because you know what you want better than any of us do, and experiencing the mod first hand gives an immensely better idea of what it is than a short novel explaining it. At any rate, I hope you find some that you enjoy, and always be careful installing mods. Some cause conflicts, others are buggy, and incorrect installation almost always messes the game up. Make sure you understand what you're doing before installing a mod.


It may also be worthwhile to get OBMM and OBSE (both almost definitely necessary) as well as Wrye Bash. They're very supplemental to the modding process. Good luck.

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I forgot to mention one really important mod, if you want to Overhaul your Oblivion experience, regardless of what mods you add like the ones already mentioned, because there's one that changes the look of everything:

The Oblivion Graphics Extender v2, found here.

This adds shaders, light effects, color scales, depth of field..."wow", is the way I describe it. Wow.

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Your very welcome my friend! I hope that you find all the mods that you want. There are thousands out there to find and plenty to suite your tastes :)



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Your very welcome my friend! I hope that you find all the mods that you want. There are thousands out there to find and plenty to suite your tastes :)



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