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Left-Wing, Right-wing, or Central?


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Now that I have your attention: This world is becoming more complex. Thus everything must evolve, so must constitutions/laws (Inevitably).


Let's take an example. Back when the UN made the refugee convention in 1951, they did not suspect that smuggling people would grow into a multinational business. Over sixty years later, evidences have emerged that the kindness and generosity of the signees are being exploited. This puts the real refugees at imminent risk and severe disadvantages. Google at your own leisure.


Point is, everything must change and be renewed be it small or big changes. If you build a house, you will eventually have to renovate it, right?

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Now that's sorted finally, what can we do about it?

Very little, actually. It is up to our government to enforce the laws they put on the books. With a president signing executive orders telling various agencies NOT to enforce them, what are we left with? Sure, we could vote for some other party/candidate...... but, will they actually DO anything different? From what I have seen, the answer to that is a resounding "NO!".

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Point is, everything must change and be renewed be it small or big changes. If you build a house, you will eventually have to renovate it, right?

To reuse your analogy the Constitution is not the upper rooms to renovate it's the foundation. One only messes with the foundation when there is no other way to save the house. Just my two cents.


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Heckuva project you got there, Aurielius! Or did you go hunting for that jpg on "This Old House"? :P


But yeah, agreed. I feel there's a great need for new people on The Hill, but messing with the constitution won't fix anything...just make things worse, more conflict, because someone on either extreme side will be hurt feelings and its another reason for a party feud.


Immigration won't get better until states and federal authorities get on the same page...or the fed claims enough land to enforce its own will upon illegal immigrants at the border. Actually, I like that better than the stalemate between State/Fed. "Here, you do it then; let our conscience stay clear." Or whatever the real deal is, I dunno. Trump can have his wall, and pay for it too. ;) :laugh:


There's a chicken plant 75 km south that has been raided three times since 2005 for near to 600 illegals. The town that the plant sits outside of has homes rented to what is supposed to be a single family, but contain upwards 30 people-somewhat extended family. I've been in them, re-wired them. Those little homes were packed like sardines. And I'm nowhere near the border. :armscrossed: But I know it is a problem: they got all the way to near dead center USA, and several hundred locals went without a job because aliens will take the lowest pay because it is better than back home.


New ideas. Fresh faces. That's what is needed. Term limits for all elected officials at State or Federal level. If they are going to just sit up on the Hill (any damn Hill that matters) and eat up money doing nothing like the last decade or two, then they don't need to be up there. The POTUS has to break out the Big Pen and Execute the Executive Decision because everyone else is playing the toddler refusing to give ground of any kind. They're like my kids were when deciding who got to issue channel commands to the TV with the remote. End up getting the remote taken away and nothing good to watch cuz dad's gonna watch the news now.

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I worry about the negativity created within societies and between classes whom are exploited and criminalised, while those who live in vulgar decadence and whom feed off of the suffering in the world go largely unnoticed and blame free.


The masses are increasingly monitired both at work and at home while governments, corporates and an elite continue to burn bridges and immunise themselves.


We who live in the developed world, who have a relative life of luxury, could try learning to evaluate our needs and desires and be aware of what we consume and of those who promise something that is 'too good to be true'. Nothing in life has ever been free and we have all been lighting the candle at both ends for a very long time.


Ever been on holiday or moved house and thought 'Wow! I don't really need all this crap all the time'?



We should not rely on things always coming from the top down... Problems cannot be overcome when forced into perpetual denial.


EDIT: I realise this is all a little ambiguous and grandiose. I am coming from a broad political base, I think very few of us are strongly and unquestioningly 'left' or 'right' - these days there is somewhat little diference, in outcome at least anyway. Nature is as beautiful as it is cruel and we are fickle beings who change our ideas and opinions, radically, multiple times.


It is difficult to talk about these things without either appearing overly self-assured or by going into meticulous detail and both end in a neverending spiral of opposition. However one thing I think I do feel semi-sure about is that however insignificant one may feel, idly allowing others to make all our decisions for us is not always a great idea.


I am very open to non-violent solutions :smile:

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I see that many here aren't really aware of what socialism/communism is.

This is very true. I feel this is willful ignorance, not being taught the truth, or not experiencing life under Socialism, Communism or Marxism. I also feel sorry for some them because they do not understand what they are wishing for. I have nothing but contempt for others, because the do understand what they are wishing for.

In reality they don't want to live under a Socialist, Communist or Marxist regime. They will not be included in the new elite. They will be come victims and a disposable human resource. I know this from first person experience and my family fled Africa because of it.


Out of principal I do not argue with people who hold socialist ideals. They are unworthy of consideration because in their hearts they have no consideration for others.


Excuse me? Are you saying that those who hold socialist ideals have no consideration for others? If so, then why would they support worker's control of the means of production? It seems like you did not read anything beyond what you quoted; I was not speaking negatively of socialism. Far from it.

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I just going to go off topic here and go back to the original question; left, right or center? I like to think I take a balanced approach to all things, but if I'm honest about it I know I seldom do. Right wingers usually think I'm a bleeding heart liberal or an outright socialist. Left wingers think I'm a heartless right wing bastard. That should put me in the center politically, but it really doesn't. In reality I'm all over the map, a little bit of this and a little bit of that.


I could support either side at any given time. Here's two things I believe to be true: A bird in flight needs two wings to fly straight, and a Political ideology is like a rope around your neck. You can think of it as your school tie if you want, but if you wear it too tightly it will hang you.

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