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I hate Marriage in Skryim...taking suggestions


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Yes that kit is the best, i dislike when a mesh has custom texture. Even it if very well made, sometimes they just don't match Skyrim other textures and just won't blend well.

There is also the stuff from beyond Skyrim team, can't wait to get my hands on those burma houses!

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Random thoughts on marriage in skyrim:


Some sort of favor system (Even if its just buying an engagement ring and pelting your beloved with gold)


Notes - Think of the black horse courier reborn. Notes (from your beloved) generated by quests/events and delivered by courier. It could fake a fair degree of depth. Or if the notes took in account your players skills. (Get a magic scroll delivered, or a health potion, or a flower, with a short love letter).


Heck, think of the customization, if you look for if the player is a werewolf or vamp, your wife noticing that and sending you a special treat. Courier delivering a letter saying its o.k. to eat the messenger?

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Interesting, but not very practical along that line of thinking. I mean, it might be possible to do it where the first even triggered after you were married, and then just have them go a certain number of days after that. But since there is no set time/length into the game when you get married, there could be no progression on the notes. I don't think you could get a very personal feel to them with them being sent triggered by quests.


It works great with the Black Horse Courier, becuase all of those announcements are based on the questlines triggering them, but short of something along the lines of "I heard about you doing this, I hope you are ok" I cannot think of a way it would be practical.


And that level of customization is way beyond what I can do. Mostly I rearrange things and make things look different. I will need to outsource or get my mind working long enough to learn how to do the conditions aspect already. I don't think I could do this thing.

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Still baffled by conditions I see, this may help http://www.creationkit.com/Condition_Functions


Actually, it is that I had some severe health problems last year and my mind does not pick up new things as well as it is supposed to since that happened.

All the tutorials in the world are not gonna do me any good unless I can get my brain working the way it should.

So yeah...thanks, I have seen that. But the reason this project has been in the works for over a year is that I have difficultly grasping new concepts as easily since this all started. You may imagine, I was right in the middle of learning scripting when my brain frazzled, so it kind of irritates the hell out of me when someone just sends me a link like this and acts like I should try to learn it to implement their ideas.


Yeah....no, that is really far down the list. Right now I am working with the stuff I already understand how to do, trying to learn anything new to put into this is just not gonna happen right now.

Edited by Galadreal
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Thanks....and thankfully it was not an issue until last year. I made it through school, and got my college degree and everything. I had a nervous breakdown at work and my brain just fried. I lost the ability to speak coherently, and learning new things became nearly impossible. I have been working with lots of doctors over the last year, many tests. No one seems to know what happened. I taught myself how to talk again using a fake accent (which confuses everyone) but too much stress or anxiety and POOF, no more speaking.


I did not mean to be harsh, I have just been trying to work on this for so long, and it is so slow since this happened. I just get frustrated with myself more than anyone because I used to have no problems learning new things, now....well...at least the blackouts have stopped. But it is still frustrating. So yeah, sorry about that.

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I think Carlotta Valentina should be a Lesbian. Her randomly falling in love with the male dragonborn just seems...odd...to me, given her disdain for men. She says her refusal of marriage requests has to do with her daughter, but it seems more likely that she just doesn't like men romancing her.

Edited by Vulpes95
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I see Carlotta's avoidance of men as more about her being practical than being uninterested in men. She sounds like she's focused on bringing up her daughter and earning a living, and she'd rather not deal with men harassing her after working her ass off for 11 hours daily. "I've got a hungry daughter to feed, so selling my produce is really the only thing I care about" is one of her lines after all.


Anyways, as for marriage in Skyrim: winning someone over with gifts are all fine and dandy but I'd really like to see is of some way of showing growing affection between your character and their beloved. Maybe some sort of correspondence system where a certain combination of gifts, messages, serenading (either by yourself or a travelling telegram-style bard) and incurring the favour of their family/friends will build up your intended's disposition towards you. These NPCs can "send" your character letters indicating what their likes, dislikes and worries are and it's up to the player to respond accordingly in order to gain (or maybe even lose) the their favour. These letters would be a good way to show a more in-depth and human response if you have the right kind of writers; you can do away with voice acting and still have that sense that an emotional bond was made between two characters.

Edited by Laereal
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Thanks....and thankfully it was not an issue until last year. I made it through school, and got my college degree and everything. I had a nervous breakdown at work and my brain just fried. I lost the ability to speak coherently, and learning new things became nearly impossible. I have been working with lots of doctors over the last year, many tests. No one seems to know what happened. I taught myself how to talk again using a fake accent (which confuses everyone) but too much stress or anxiety and POOF, no more speaking.


I did not mean to be harsh, I have just been trying to work on this for so long, and it is so slow since this happened. I just get frustrated with myself more than anyone because I used to have no problems learning new things, now....well...at least the blackouts have stopped. But it is still frustrating. So yeah, sorry about that.

Don't worry, as I said I understand and never you saw as harsh at all. A expected it the lest when it comes to reading words because it really easy to misread stuff. I have seen what are you trying to do and you seem to work alone. I know modding and what are you trying to do is long hard work.


I think when you are done with the building, AI and other things. You should look for a quest maker, it should be easy to find them when you done so much already and they have to do so little.


Oh and I really like windstand in your all houses remodeled mod.

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