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Anyone know of there will be longbows AND shortbows?


Yes, see Skyrim demo pt 1 for Longbow in inventory


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Bows are one-hit kill so the quicker draw of a short bow becomes redundent in my opinion, so I'm not holding my breath on a short bow being included. Also backpedalling speed is reduced so you would want to be further away from targets than in Oblivion, I think this further complements the use of long bow over short.


However if they do have short bows I'm not complaining!

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IIRC in conjuration (or was it destruction :unsure:) there or perks that say novice level spells cost 50% less magicka, apprentice spells cost 50%, and so on. there is a double summon perk. Destruction has a perk that if you step on a spell ward you absorb it and it recharges your magicka. There is a tree that boosts up elemental spells, I think reducing their costs. There is a necromage perk. There is a perk called barbarian, which I think adds some extra % (20 or 50, can't remember) to damage when holding 2handed. Not entirely impressed with the perks I saw, but I can see 50% less magicka cost being really useful etc. :shrug:


The game crashed in my play through, I was just moving into a fort and as soon as it started to load.. freeze. :rolleyes:


found an Ice Wolf, which is massive. it nearly kicked my ass, it was guarding the word wall for animal companion.


Saw some cool loading screens. You can control the objects rotation so you can 360spin it to see it from all angles, yeah even those cool posed and dressed up characters. I saw what I think were ebony boots. and what might be a daedric sword of sorts> It looks very MW in color scheme but it could be something else altogether.


Graphics are good, it does look good. But all the issues are aparent. I was kinda WTFed at the DXT compression on the characters noses, no really on the 50" TV I was playing it on I was a bit :unsure: about that.

Saw shadows on thin objects, like a sword hanging on the wall be very patchy. snow is just a shader effect on things like I have been saying.


It's like oblivion in many ways though, but actually good. I can't think of a single thing that oblivion did better. It does play a bit like it though, the combat is better but similar.


3rd person jump looks aright. :tongue:

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IIRC in conjuration (or was it destruction :unsure:) there or perks that say novice level spells cost 50% less magicka, apprentice spells cost 50%, and so on. there is a double summon perk. Destruction has a perk that if you step on a spell ward you absorb it and it recharges your magicka. There is a tree that boosts up elemental spells, I think reducing their costs. There is a necromage perk. There is a perk called barbarian, which I think adds some extra % (20 or 50, can't remember) to damage when holding 2handed. Not entirely impressed with the perks I saw, but I can see 50% less magicka cost being really useful etc. :shrug:


The game crashed in my play through, I was just moving into a fort and as soon as it started to load.. freeze. :rolleyes:


found an Ice Wolf, which is massive. it nearly kicked my ass, it was guarding the word wall for animal companion.


Saw some cool loading screens. You can control the objects rotation so you can 360spin it to see it from all angles, yeah even those cool posed and dressed up characters. I saw what I think were ebony boots. and what might be a daedric sword of sorts> It looks very MW in color scheme but it could be something else altogether.


Graphics are good, it does look good. But all the issues are aparent. I was kinda WTFed at the DXT compression on the characters noses, no really on the 50" TV I was playing it on I was a bit :unsure: about that.

Saw shadows on thin objects, like a sword hanging on the wall be very patchy. snow is just a shader effect on things like I have been saying.


It's like oblivion in many ways though, but actually good. I can't think of a single thing that oblivion did better. It does play a bit like it though, the combat is better but similar.


3rd person jump looks aright. :tongue:


Sounds like everything I expected .. Thanks for the info ^_^ .. how did third person feel? .. was the camera less glued to the player in motion? .. like could you swivel it in combat to get a better view from the side or would that just turn your character like the cam was tied to a pole on his back?

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Sounds like everything I expected .. Thanks for the info ^_^ .. how did third person feel? .. was the camera less glued to the player in motion? .. like could you swivel it in combat to get a better view from the side or would that just turn your character like the cam was tied to a pole on his back?

I remember someone saying that when in third person your characters head is turning with the camera, not his whole body.

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