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YES! I always though that one of the downsides to Oblivion was the fact that, in all the places where there could be an amazing treasure, there wasn't. The only instance i remember there being a "secret underwater treasure chest of awesomeness" was some nondescript lake either northeast of Cheydinhal or east of Bruma and there was only a diamond ebony ring and a pewter mug.
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I really enjoyed finding the artifacts in Morrowind -- Eleidon's Ward and the Dragonbone Cuirass in particular, and the Daedric Faces were fun too Edited by omegoa
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yeah i finally got around to playing morrowind again (ah the nostalgia) and i totall6y hope skyrim armor is as diverse as morrowind, and i hope some morrowind weapons like crossbows and spears, they should have better tech shouldnt they i mean its like 600 years after the dunmer of morrowind where overthrew by the argonians of the black marsh. and there was rather good "mideval" tech there, but i hated being limited to bow, sword,axe or hammer, i wanted to see spears and crossbows, throwing knives and even more weapons since it was a new game,i gotta admit bethesda cut really short on oblivion
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yeah i finally got around to playing morrowind again (ah the nostalgia) and i totall6y hope skyrim armor is as diverse as morrowind, and i hope some morrowind weapons like crossbows and spears, they should have better tech shouldnt they i mean its like 600 years after the dunmer of morrowind where overthrew by the argonians of the black marsh. and there was rather good "mideval" tech there, but i hated being limited to bow, sword,axe or hammer, i wanted to see spears and crossbows, throwing knives and even more weapons since it was a new game,i gotta admit bethesda cut really short on oblivion


It's 200 years the events of Oblivion, and the conquest of Vvardenfell by the Argonians was 60- or so years after that. So, it's 140-150 years after.^^

And the empire is going through a dark age, so they will most likely decline and not advance. Pretty much like the dark ages after the Roman Empire of real life. :)

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