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THe only new races they could add in that wouldn't seem totally out of place as a sentient citizen (So sorry, daedra fans) would be the Khajiiti subspecies. And put in twenty variations of the same species when all the other races only have one and people might begin to think something's odd.


Maybe sloads. But they'd be totally useless to play as because you'd be hardly able to move.


Or the Akaviri, but they'd have to have a whole new set of societal interactions than your usual species.

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Or the Akaviri, but they'd have to have a whole new set of societal interactions than your usual species.


The ka po' tun would make sense, though, since Skyrim is based on dragon lore, and that's what the KPT strive to become. I don't think they can justifiably be a playable race (in the same way the dremora aren't), though.

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Personally, I just don't see why Argonians are in The Elder Scroll's at all. I certainly don't think they fit in the climate at all. Well, that's my opinion. Edited by hejpadig
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Personally, I just don't see why Argonians are in The Elder Scroll's at all. I certainly don't think they fit in the climate at all. Well, that's my opinion.


I don't see why elves are in TES at all. They are a boring copy of humans with spiky ears and are in almost every RPG/MMO. (My opinion.)

While Argonians are unique, they are only in TES and look a lot better then elves.

They come from Argonia aka Black Marsh, and that's well a big marshland with the perfect climate for them.


And they fit perfectly into TES, without them TES would be a bit more empty. (A lot more, if you ask me.)

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