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if i had to guess, bethesda lives in california so west coast time frame? but for those of us living in the states, it's not going to make a whole lot of difference, (4 hours difference)


Bethesda lives in Rockville, Maryland (Previously Bethesda, Maryland).

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When Todd was stating how the vampire system worked in Skyrim, it sounded like in Oblivion. Here's how it worked:


Level one vampirism had it where hte sun only weakened you. You had to feed once every 24 hours to keep such a low level.

Level two of vampirism had some improvements in skills/attributes and you looked more pale and withered. The sun did some damage while outside during daylight hours. Not feeding for 24 hours caused level two vampirism.

Level three of vampirism had further improvements in skills/attributes, you looked even more pale and vampiric, and the sun did a good deal of damage to you. This happened from not feeding for 48 hours.

Finally, level four vampirism had a great improvement in skills/attributes and made you look like an ugly bastard. NPCs reacted to your appearance and some people didn't even want to talk to you. This is from not feeding for 3 days, and the sun is your worst enemy. I remember my red argonian looking like a steaming tomato from the sun's shader effect. Firetruck red. It was pretty funny :P


So when todd says feeding "controls" your vampirism, he probably means in the sense of levels. Feeding on NPCs while asleep was also in Oblivion.



I was hoping that we could attack people on the street and feed.Well better than nothing XD Hope they don´t get old ugly like in oblivion or at least somebody manages to make them look normal as a mod.

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