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When calling my local GameStop this afternoon and asking if they'd be doing a midnight release, the girl enthusiastically replied,





Mine too! I asked my friend that works there, sounds like they made up their mind. And it seems Skyrim is special...since my GameSpot is in the mall, they have to pay lots on security there so they don't do many midnight release parties.


It starts at 10 am...but I don't care about hanging around too early. I just want to get in line to get it, get my copy, and leave :D

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...I don't care about hanging around too early. I just want to get in line to get it, get my copy, and leave :D



I know how you feel mate, god help anyone who gets in my way as i'm on my way home to my computer. As a joke a few friends and I were talking about hiring an embarrassingly large limousine and having a pre-release party of our own before Skyrim starts selling and dropping by the game shop in the early hours in a limo just for the fun of it. Though knowing me and my mates we will be more than a bit tipsy when it comes to playing the game..I'll have to pace myself - I will only have two four tankards of mead first!

Edited by shadow_scale9180
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not gonna lie, i was laughing for quite a bit as well XD only thing is i was cringing at just how bad he was at the game XD (which ive spent 1000+ hours on :dance: )


I feel much better (and have slightly more lung capacity due to fresh air) that someone else, who is human, laughs at what I do. We are either evil by ourselves or the rest of mankind is equally depraved. Lol.

Was it NV or F3? I played NV but didn't get as involved as I did with F3, it just seemed a bit non-fallout? What did you think?


It was new vegas, and i liked fallout 3 as well :D almost as much as new vegas. i liked vegas more becuase of the overall better textures and the better weapon aiming, it's a pity that the map is so empty :L half of it is unreacheable and half of what we do have is just plain desert.... still fun tho :)

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THEY BETTER HAVE ONE AT MINE -_- I went to the Battlefield 3 one this month and it was pretty packed, full of odd smelling guys and girls with their hoods up and beards LOL
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Can You run it has Skyrim up in it's checklist.


It's not that reliable though, many players found their specs not enough to play, but were able to play just fine anyway. It's just a nice little thing to check.





Like gothic 4 for me, my processor and RAM are not enough and I can play the game on max settings and smoothly.Not the sites fault they just use the game´s requirement as reference.Skyrim only ays I need more RAM but since gothic 4 works nice for me I bet skyrim will too.

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CPU specs are a odd thing .. sometimes having a powerful enough GPU will counter act the bad CPU .. the important thing is that your CPU meet min specs .. so long as your GPU can counter balance it .. I still use a duo core and I run almost every game on the market at max settings because I have a decent GPU to counter it... You just gotta know these things and test for yourself .. I do like that site though .. It can help put it in perspective so long as you remember to look at the reasons it gives and not just the little rating bar.
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CPU specs are a odd thing .. sometimes having a powerful enough GPU will counter act the bad CPU .. the important thing is that your CPU meet min specs .. so long as your GPU can counter balance it .. I still use a duo core and I run almost every game on the market at max settings because I have a decent GPU to counter it... You just gotta know these things and test for yourself .. I do like that site though .. It can help put it in perspective so long as you remember to look at the reasons it gives and not just the little rating bar.

Key word is sometimes. Some games, such as Ob, which have lots of dynamic physics and AI, which is cpu process, do well with a faster clock speed cpus. Some games once it gets above a certain, not so high clock, you gain ziltch fps from going from a dual core 2.4 to a quad at 3.6 or more.


You just have to try it an see.

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The topic of "Extremely Bad News for PC users who live ahead of PST timezone." is locked... but Pete Hines is indicating that Steam's information is not correct (if anyone cares):


Q - Pete, You had tweeted steam unlocks would happen midnight in your time zone. But steam countdown is set for PST, can you clarify?

A - Our plan is 12:01 am est. Dunno why the clock differs. But that is our plan still. I'll check on it.



Q - Hi Pete. Im from Australia, and have preordered a PC copy of Skyrim. Steam currently says it will unlock the game at 6:30pm in my time zone on 11/11/11, but nurmoerous times you have confirm that the game will unlock midnight per region on 11/11/11. Is this a mistake on steams end? Id greatly appreciate a response concerning this.

A - appears to be a mistake on their end. What I said still holds true



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Well if it doesn't run at least we can always take out AA and AF from the settings, see how it runs and then even decrease the resolution a bit or the textures instead. The important is that we get to play it right? Any computer that can run a game like Oblivion definitely will be able to run Skyrim even with graphics set to low. I mean xbox/ps3 can run both games so if your computer can run one game that runs on xbox/ps3 then it will be able to run Skyrim too or any game that comes out for these consoles. The companies usually develop the game so consoles can run it.
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