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I was just wondering, what about if a one-liner is relevant or associated with the topic, like if someone asked a simple yes-or-no question?

That would be fine. -myrmaad


Are you stupid? Your barrel is too <expletive deleted> long and looks like <expletive deleted> <expletive deleted>. Learn to <expletive deleted> use google <expletive deleted> images <expletive deleted> <expletive deleted>! This mod is <expletive deleted> I hope you <expletive deleted>!


<image link, showing the gun in some crappy perspective that makes it entirely worthless for the purpose of scale>


I even included an image for you <expletive deleted>. Learn to <expletive deleted> do better, or <expletive deleted>. You make me <expletive deleted> sick!.


Apologies if this is irrelevant but I lol'd so hard when you said <expletive deleted>. :laugh:


Don't Double-post. I eliminated your double-post by deleting it and editing this post to include it here. Use your edit buttton. -myrmaad

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The rules concerning Vigilantism are very harsh, at least as they are written now. I've seen many people do it, not just to act superior but to warn them that they can get banned. Reminding people of the rules is sometimes necessary it seems. Edited by Moire
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i'm italian someone can say to me what is ''flaming'' in poor words

Being hostile or insulting to another person or group of people, usually on purpose.

Eiries is correct.


"Flaming" is a deliberate insult or attack on a work, point of view, or individual.


For example: "Your mod is stupid", "Your opinion is stupid", or "You are stupid."


"Trolling", on the other hand, is making a statement that, while not a flame itself, is designed to provoke a flaming response by others.


For example: "Hitler was right" is the classic troll post.


The rules concerning Vigilantism are very harsh, at least as they are written now. I've seen many people do it, not just to act superior but to warn them that they can get banned. Reminding people of the rules is sometimes necessary it seems.

There is a big difference between politely reminding others of the norms of behaviour here, and vigilantism.


A forum post that reminds everyone to keep things civil is probably fine. Anything addressed to a particular member, (along the lines of, "You may not know this, but...") should probably be sent in a PM. Beyond that, the "Report" button is your friend. It wants you to notice and use it. :happy:


If you think something is out of line, tell the Staff by making a report. We've been issued asbestos overalls and have had our troll shots. :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello, I send this message to all authors of mods.why here? Because the webmaster does not answer my questions and therefore I do not know where to post.When I started downloading mods on this site,I behaved like a hungry, downloading everything that was just a click away.For weeks, I have no mod endorsers,taking what I thought as if it was me.I have since learned to appreciate all the work necessary to make the slightest mod and respect those who do this work for all of us and respect those who do this work for all of us, we noobs, so selfish!Today, I took the time endorser of the hundreds of mods (almost 500 !!..)I downloaded from the beginning!Thumbs up for everyone,2 hours non-stop!Thank you all, friends modders, to accept to share the fruits of your labor with me.Be assured of my deepest respect.Finally, I apologize for the imperfections of my language,because I know very little english and I use the translator of "Google. ".Cordially,JPG :thumbsup:
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