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I think what Ather's mainly trying to do (not definding what he did, but neither is he, if I read that right) is bringing attention to the fact I was admittedly a little surprised about myself, that you can't view the chat rules while you're banned from chat. Especially because offenders get often called "re-read" the rules, it seems to be a little unfortunate that in case of a chat-offense you "can't do that". Maybe the chat rules should be incorporated into the TOS page or something? It would at least stop the complaints and put you onto the safe side again.


Just thought I'd step in before you get into a heated discussion over a misunderstanding. Forgive me, if this is not my place to do so. But I saw his post as a simple webpage bug report, or better yet, a weak spot in page design. Correct me, if I'm wrong.


Thank you, that's all what I was trying to say.


Now I am getting threatened, pmed by random people who offend me, and more...

All because I was sugesting an error in the template ...



But np, I got this, some people are just gonna hate new people, and I'm new!

So I'll just shut my mouth and stay on the background.

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I think what Ather's mainly trying to do (not definding what he did, but neither is he, if I read that right) is bringing attention to the fact I was admittedly a little surprised about myself, that you can't view the chat rules while you're banned from chat. Especially because offenders get often called "re-read" the rules, it seems to be a little unfortunate that in case of a chat-offense you "can't do that". Maybe the chat rules should be incorporated into the TOS page or something? It would at least stop the complaints and put you onto the safe side again.


Just thought I'd step in before you get into a heated discussion over a misunderstanding. Forgive me, if this is not my place to do so. But I saw his post as a simple webpage bug report, or better yet, a weak spot in page design. Correct me, if I'm wrong.


Thank you, that's all what I was trying to say.


Now I am getting threatened, pmed by random people who offend me, and more...

All because I was sugesting an error in the template ...



But np, I got this, some people are just gonna hate new people, and I'm new!

So I'll just shut my mouth and stay on the background.

If you do get PMs who threaten or offend you, then please report those messages. As I'm sure you have noticed by now, the moderators here ARE quick to act when something is reported :)

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I have a question. I see people getting banned for posting images with nudity. Does this include screen grabs from games like Skyrim and Oblvion? If so, that is interesting, because if you, for example, search for CBBE from the sites main page, you'll find nudity.
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I have a question. I see people getting banned for posting images with nudity. Does this include screen grabs from games like Skyrim and Oblvion? If so, that is interesting, because if you, for example, search for CBBE from the sites main page, you'll find nudity.

There's a pretty clear explanation at the bottom of the Terms Of Service you agreed to when registering with the site:


Uploading to the Image Share section

The image share section of Nexus Sites was designed to allow players to share their favourite or informative screenshots of the games they play with other users of the site. While an adult-only tag is available that should be used if the image would be rated anything higher than a PG-13 in US/UK media we do not want images of nude characters hosted in the Image Share section. “No nudity” includes boobs and genitalia as well as visible pubic hair in the genitalia area.


Yes, there’s an adult-only content filter (that some have just taken to mean “nude content” filter) but adult-only content is more than just nudity. It’s excessive gore, it’s risque comic-strips, it’s pictures of characters wearing the skimpiest outfits possible without breaking the rules. It’s basically everything you wouldn’t want to have your boss catching you looking through at work.


That's the "General Image Share" section, images everybody and their mother can see without even logging in. Those have to be kept PG-13 or suitable for general audience.

Images on "Uploaded Files" are something different, as those entries have to be marked as "adult", if they contain any such features, and successively can't be viewed by minors or the public audience in general.


For images depicting nudity in the Image Share section there's the Supporters' Image Share:


As of the 12th of May 2010 a private "Supporter" only Image Share section is available for Supporter members of the site. This section may contain images of all types within the legal bounds of the internet. That is to say that nudity is permitted but any images that wouldn't be legally acceptable (such as pictures of naked children, bestiality, necrophilia, copyrighted content etc.) are still not allowed.


But of course you have to be a Supporter to access and use this place.


There's a bunch of big warning signs when you try to upload an image to General Image Share, making sure there's really no nudity depicted and that it doesn't violate any other site rules either. So it's really difficult to break this rule, unless one intentionally aims to do so... or simply doesn't care.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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As far as I can tell, posting nudity in the general image share is just an attempt at trolling. I've read numerous bans on the subject. The people who post nudity likely know that it's a bannable offense, yet they persist. I would definitely say it's trolling, courtesy of the violation of common sense that comes from doing it in spite of all the warnings beforehand.
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I have a question. I see people getting banned for posting images with nudity. Does this include screen grabs from games like Skyrim and Oblvion? If so, that is interesting, because if you, for example, search for CBBE from the sites main page, you'll find nudity.




Longer explanation:

What you are seeing is from the mods uploaded and NOT the general image share. If you have the adult filter turned off you should see the adult mods, including any images posted by the mod author as well as any others. If the mod author posts a adult image WITHOUT setting the mod to adult, he gets banned. If someone else posts an adult image on his mod that is not marked as adult, the someone else gets banned and the author is warned to set his images to 'approved images only' where the author must approve any image that goes onto his mod. ( I recommend this setting for all mods to prevent a troll from posting inappropriate images)


If you have the adult filter turned on and are seeing adult mods then you may have found a bug. It's also possible that the offending adult themed mod has never been reported to the staff.


The adult filter works off of the Adult only flag that a modder is supposed to mark when they upload any adult themed mod.


If you see an adult mod, or a mod with nudity in the pics that is NOT marked as adult only. Please report it to the staff. If you see an adult pic in the general image share, please report that also.


Adult images that do not violate any US or UK laws are allowed in the supporter image share as the viewer must be over 18 to see them.

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The "rules" in the Terms of Service are pretty clear.


In this case, the appropriate section is:


Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are not allowed on any Nexus sites.

Requesting donations is "soliciting", (look look it up if you're not sure.)


Regarding some other mod you've seen, there's this part of the ToS:


• If you see a file that breaches these rules it does not mean that file has been allowed to remain by the Nexus staff and that all files of similar content are OK. Nexus staff might not have seen the file so report the file if you are unsure.


Two more points.


1) That last part means "Use the Report button", so the Staff can take a look.


2) Dark0ne is actively looking to enable some kind of voluntary contribution scheme for players to donate to mod authors. If/When that is ever made possible I'm sure there'll be a big announcement! :thumbsup:

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CHAPTER V - Thread Necromancy

Thread Necromancy is...



This is solvable technologically, why make it something that people can do wrong? Threads could automatically be marked "archived" after 30 days of no activity, and the thread is locked.


Why not use tech to guide people to correct behavior, when possible.




Chapter IX - Vigilantism

Vigilantism is...


Performing a moderators job or impersonating a moderator by telling someone they have done something wrong or against the rules.




So telling a peer, that they might be doing something that might merit a warning that they might repent and not be warned, is a no no? Surely you aren't hoping people will stray down a wrong path severely and get a warning if someone could warn them off of some forbidden act?




Chapter X - Constructive Criticism


Constructive criticism is voicing your concern about an idea or implementation of a mod as well as providing a possible solution.





This one I don't get. If someone has a problem -- and they are brainstorming and someone thinks .. "no no, that won't work, see, if you try it this way, you'll get what you want..."


That's bad?? Is black, white and Green, Red as well, or am I misunderstanding? Usually *constructive* criticism vs. just criticism is a lot more helpful and wanted that destructive criticism, or just ignoring the person -- and then they don't know what they did wrong and don't get any help -- but maybe I'm not understanding what you are intending...




Chapter XI - Multiple Accounts



What about people with multiple personalities? [sorry, this one couldn't resist...;-) ]

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