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Which classes should I use?


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Ok so I am starting over skyrim and will be using 4-5 different characters all with different play throughs.


Argonian Pirate - dual wields sword and destruction magic. I use sneak spells mod so he gets sneak bonus for magic, basically making up for a bow. Defeats opponents with furious dual wield attacks before they get a chance to fight back. Is trained is sneak and assassinations as well. Many view him as a villain because of his association with pirates, dark brotherhood, and thieves guild, though in truth he helps the weak from being preyed on by the powerful. Commands the red Cardinal ship (via mods).


Pure assassin khajit - archery, sneak, daggers. High stamina. Runs and jumps like a cat (mods). He was a skooma dealer and was caught bringing it across the border. In skyrim he decided to use his talents for a bigger purpose, joining the dark brotherhood.


Kingly character, last septim - strong and a great leader. As a boy he did not know his parents and was an apprentice to a blacksmith. He was very strong and was a great fighter. He left his village at a young age with a knight whom he squired for. He eventually kills alduin and marries queen elsif and rules skyrim (via mods). Uses heavy armor, sword and shield, restoration magic. May use a bit of bow as well. Learns from the greybeards that he is of the lineage of the septims.


All powerful necromancer - was found as a baby at the shrine of mehrunes Dagon. He was a brilliant child and could control things. People from all over tried to convince him to come with them so they could further his abilities, but his guardian would not let him. He snuck away and left his village with a group of travelers. Traveling around skyrim he learned much about magic. A few years later he comes home to find his home burned and foster family killed. He vows to avenge them and becomes insane. Is an all poweful necromancer. Is feared by all. Uses all kinds of magic but mostly conjuration.


Orc two handed berserker - two handed weapons and heavy armor. Also uses a crossbow. Joins the dawnguard. Extremely strong and is a werewolf.


Pure archer - mlg quickscoper. Uses scoped bows (mods). Mother was a wood elf and father was a nord. Uses conjuration magic and illusion. Uses bow all the time and if he must then uses bound sword. Leader of FaZe Clan (guilder started mod).


Seductress archer/assassin - uses her beauty and charm to get her way (high speech). Father was a nord and apart of the dark brotherhood, and her mother was a prostitute. One day the imperials came to her home and killed her mother and father and she barely made it away. It was probably her father killed someone he shouldn't have and the dark brotherhood ratted her father out, as Astrid does to the player later on. She vows to seek revenge and does all she can to destroy the empire and wreck havoc across skyrim. Member of dark brotherhood and thieves guild. Uses archery, daggers, illusion, and restoration. Wears clothes not armor to be a sneakier. Cunning and deceptive. Uses poison often.


Vampire - uses illusion, conjuration, destruction, one handed, sneak. Uses illusion to ready his prey for the kill then sneak attacks. Uses conjuration and destruction in large fights. Wears dark clothing (have some sick vampire clothes thru mods). Becomes invisible often to get out of situations.

Of these characters, which playthrus do you think I should use? As I said, I will be using multiple characters so which ones do you think would be fun play throughs? I will use the familIar faces mod so that my characters can be followers for whichever character I'm playing with. Also I would love to hear other suggestions on classes.

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It seems you wish for a DB and TG run? They really don't seem that different, mostly sneaky archers.


You can mix the two last ones, that lady can easily be a vampire. If you care, I played a dunmer that is the very same if you want more detailed and tested class.


Also, a more suitable vampire mod is the vampirc thrist mod it has what you want.

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It seems you wish for a DB and TG run? They really don't seem that different, mostly sneaky archers.


You can mix the two last ones, that lady can easily be a vampire. If you care, I played a dunmer that is the very same if you want more detailed and tested class.


Also, a more suitable vampire mod is the vampirc thrist mod it has what you want.

Sure what was the dunmer class?
Edited by LordSn0w
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Okay here is the build:


Main skills: One handed - illusion - Conjure - speech.

Minor: Sneak - light armor - alteration and ice or fire magic - enchanting.

Options: alchemy or smithing, just pick one.


The lady is woman that knows how to blend into the background. You can pick her a job like making jewellery or potions as a main source of income. Make sure she is lore friendly and try to mimic the class level of the people living around her. She can have a secret hideout where she can store all the lavish, vampire and assassin stuff she has and it can be anywhere in skyrim even far away from her main house.


An older adult woman in her thirty with any body type should do as long she knows how to looks fine. She has a lot of experience with men and can deal with almost all of them without showing the goods. She can deal with women too but I think it OP. Don't go crazy and sleep with everyone in the hold.


For gameplay and fighting:


Sneaking is hardly needed for this build, it only there to get a sweet spot while fighting groups and damage bonus for the DB guild target NPCs because the lady is not that strong since she is mainly a mage build and weak person in general. Don't hide all the time during fights! You are skilled assassin, if something bad happens, you can deal with it. If not shame on you.


Ice magic fits vampires but can be changed to fire for sake of back story. You will be placing runes and walls mostly to clean large, already controlled groups by using frenzy. Other forms of illusion magic can be used, like forcing an npc to fighter a stronger npc if you hate them, calming alert npcs and many others. Archery was hardly needed and the one handed tree perks you will need should allow for strong one hits.


Conjure and alteration is there to ease your life. The lady seeks to not draw eyes as much as possible. If something like bandits attacking on the main roads or open towns happened, cast mage armor and fight them with bound weapons and ice or fire. Many magic spell mods adds more to those schools, if alteration was tweaked to have more damaging spells to better to leave destruction magic to save perks and more fitting theme. Light armor is there because DB and vampire questline main armors are light, if you made them clothes you can leave that tree.


The vampire quest line has more direct fighting, you can " upgrade." the class to suit the RP. It time for the lady to roll up her sleeves and get show them how to be classy in battle :


-Using bound swords instead of daggers and become an agile spell sword, don't forget to strike the heart like always.

-Summoning deadra or picking up necromancy, keep those sleeves unfold that dress is your favourite.

- A pure caster with stronger spells, magic was always your best friend and it time to master it.




My lady fell in love with an inn keeper. She made him a house husband and became a mother. If you are doing the same, here is idea, don't feed on anyone expect them if seduction is your main source of feeding as an added challenge. I was in the vampire quest line so I upgraded my class and so late game was near and was about to became OP. I had to do something about that. Dead bodies don't count and can be feed from. Followers are okay.


You can be a jarl or a countess instead of blending in if you want.i


Main game houses that are the most useful for all of this is honey side or windstand manor.


DON'T. SELL. POISON! Coming out of your house to sell super poison is very creepy.


You can have any kind of moral you want as long so you are not in a DB job. Feel free to even help the nine or the deadria. Many people in the real world follow religions just because they think the life style or the ideals are good. The lady can really feel home in a temple of Mara and or Debilla. That can really helps in spreading love of mara to helping molag bal in just one day.


If the husband or wife and followers are vampires. A.K.A they all know you are a vampire, your main house can be vampire themed.


Light armor can be used all the time if they are practical, no expensive looking or made of anything rare like triss armor mod. As long as they are fine looking.


There is a follower pack hot file that was showcased yesterday in the main page that has a two male vampire followers. One with seduction arts as his main job. How fitting!

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I think I will make a character similar to yours. Only difference I think I will make is it being a male Breton instead, as I can't seem to make a good looking female vampire.
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Google it there is guides for that.

I try to keep base game vampire looks, I of like it. I think dynamic vampire mod, less sunken cheeks, vampire color fix is all you need. Another vampire of mine wears a mask, i think of it as if it was made looking like her mortal face.



A lady killer is a cool build though. May wanna try became a bard. Women dig musicians.

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