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Can someone explain to me why are modders focused on making new voiced quests rather than new voiced random events?


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@Matthiaswagg, look I really respect everything you do for the community. I've read the tutorials on your personal website, and I don't want to argue with you. Breaking Dawn is based on an On Location Change, it is tied to a global variable in the SM event node for random probability. Even at 100% probability a coc to the dungeon won't trigger an On Location Change event. It was a giant pain in my ass rewriting and testing that quest to suit my needs. There is a much simpler solution using a different SM Event Node.

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@Matthiaswagg, look I really respect everything you do for the community. I've read the tutorials on your personal website, and I don't want to argue with you. Breaking Dawn is based on an On Location Change, it is tied to a global variable in the SM event node for random probability. Even at 100% probability a coc to the dungeon won't trigger an On Location Change event. It was a giant pain in my ass rewriting and testing that quest to suit my needs. There is a much simpler solution using a different SM Event Node.

Okay. Apologies, then. However, COCing doesn't trigger that. Actually moving into the location does. So it works.

Edited by Matthiaswagg
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I'm confused as to what your complaint is. Are you annoyed that the CK wiki does not mention thay COC to a location doesn't trigger the Location Chnage story event? Did it really take you more than a minute to figure that out on your own? Or are you annoyed that Break of Dawn wasn't similar enough to the quest you wanted to make that you could just copy it exactly? Both of these seem like horrendously trivial complaints.


I frikkin' love the story manager myself.

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Debugging is annoying, but I know it is necessary. That is my complaint. I only brought up Break of Dawn because I don't know of any mods that use a quest of that style to introduce custom quests or add unique weapons, armors, etc. I think it would be a worthwhile tutorial to have around. Introducing new items in game without polluting crafting lists or dirtying vanilla world space all the while having compatibility with any mods that add new dungeons and/or world spaces that have been set up appropriately for the story manager.


Edit: And avoiding leveled list conflicts for folks that don't make bashed patches.

Edited by nhackett
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Do any quest mods start from finding an item or note in a random boss chest or on a random boss? Break of Dawn is a perfect example of how to create such a quest. I've had a lot of trouble trying to implement something similar. Testing is difficult because a CoC to a boss or chest won't trigger the Radiant system, and I do not know who to trust about compatibility and conflicts with other Radiant quest mods.


I find this a peculiar example (of a random quest), rather than perfect, because it boils down to placing the quest hook item in whatever boss chest the player finds after PC's level exceed certain threshold. Plenty of quest mods implement some form of minimum level requirements, and it makes sense that they don't do it by putting some item in a non-specific loot chest.


I had in mind the WETriggerScript and somesuch, which is afaik the basis for random events such as listed on this page http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Random_Encounters#Random_Events


So, have you figured out why didn't a coc trigger a location change event? I had no such issue with a (location change based) courier clone, which I tested with coc-ing from Helgen to Riverwood. However, this was no dungeon, and I always walked into the town a bit until the courier showed up.


As for compatiblity&conflicts, I think it's quite obvious once you inspect event nodes of your mod in TES5Edit - but of course it's fine to have it confirmed by manual testing as well.

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the least time consuming way to test location change events is to make a tiny cell with a loading door to a simple 1 room 'dungeon' with a boss and a boss chest. Random encounter quests are tied to global variables keeping track of probability and time passed since the last event. Player level is one of many other checks that can be made for an encounter to happen. The WETriggerScript is a great example of what the OP, I believe, is looking for.

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I'm confused as to what your complaint is. Are you annoyed that the CK wiki does not mention thay COC to a location doesn't trigger the Location Chnage story event? Did it really take you more than a minute to figure that out on your own? Or are you annoyed that Break of Dawn wasn't similar enough to the quest you wanted to make that you could just copy it exactly? Both of these seem like horrendously trivial complaints.


I frikkin' love the story manager myself.

Not mentioning that about COC doesn't seem trivial at all. Seems like a valid complaint lol.

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In my case, this wiki made me lose a ton of time, due to his low quality on specific subjects. For example, the CK is full of wrong or inaccurate information concerning the AI.

In the end, I've performed a lot of experiments to understand how the AI works in Skyrim.


So did you update the Wiki to correct the mistakes and missing information? Everyone who complains but doesn't fix things is part of the problem. The Wiki was created by Bethesda for the community to use to share information but when we don't use it we're the ones who suffer not Bethesda.



Who is complaining? I shared my experience with the CK wiki.

The Net is polluted by tutorials containing wrong or inaccurate information and most of them will teach you to do modifications in the most awful way possible. Therefore, you'll end up with a plugin which will conflict with a tons of mods.

This is the real problem. In practice, it's better to start without tutorials than to start with a bad tutorial.

And the day I'll do tutorials, for transparency reasons, I'll publish them on my youtube channel. This is much more smart than to start a crusade to "clean" the CK wiki.

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