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The Nexus 2.5 Millionth Member Competition


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Assuming I can get some of the dozen other projects I'm working on finished in time, I may have to toss something together for this...if I can actually crawl out from under my ever expanding workload. LOL


Can't wait to see what others come up with. :D

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When ever the millionth member competition comes around, there's always a tidal wave of excellent mods for the competition. Adds next to endless content and game play to the games, increases Site money to keep the servers running, and is just an all around amazingly "everyone wins" event.


So what if you had something like that every year or every few months? Or if you feel the absolute need to keep the competitions rare, you could follow suit with the Olympics and go every 4 years. Of course what fun would that be?


Just an Idea to throw into the mix. Here's to the on-coming Mod-Monsoon season!

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I got all excited for this, then read you have to be 18. I'm only 16 right now, but I want to go into game design for a living after college, and love making mods. I will also be only like 5 months away from turning 18 when it ends... Looks like I'll have to wait for the 5 millionth member competition. T.T Edited by Gunmaster95
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